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Branded Content: Definition, Types & Best Practices For 2022

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There are all kinds of side hustles and non-conventional ways to earn a living these days.

With the online world constantly expanding, these opportunities are only growing.

So, where does branded content fit into this picture? Whether you’re a small business owner looking to increase your brand’s awareness or a writer looking for a new way to earn cash, branded content is worth checking out.

Let’s learn more about branded content!

What Is Branded Content?

There are so many different types of content on the Internet these days that it can seem impossible to keep them all straight.

Branded content sets itself apart by serving a specific purpose.

Branded content comes from an advertiser with the express purpose of building awareness for a particular brand.

Difference Between Branded Content and Sponsored Content

There is one key difference between branded content and sponsored content.

Although they have similar purposes and look nearly identical, their origins and audiences are different.  

Branded content is always produced in-house to reach the brand’s audience.

Sponsored content is created with an editorial team and reaches the publisher’s audience.

What Is the Purpose of Branded Content?

Branded content is critical to any content strategy.

Branded content engages the brand’s audience and builds awareness through positive interactions.

It should leave a good impression on the audience and encourage them to tell others about the experience.

Why Is Branded Content Important?

Perhaps you’ve heard someone tell you that content is king, and the more content you have, the better off you’ll be in the business world.

The truth is brands need branded content because branded content helps them:

  • Build a relationship with their audience
  • Maintain a good name in the business world
  • Generate engagement and customer loyalty

Benefits of Branded Content

Branded content has proven benefits.

Some studies show that 61% of consumers say they’re more likely to buy from brands that create their custom content.

With such a high percentage of buyers more likely to buy when branded content is involved, the primary benefit of branded content seems to be that it increases visibility and sales for a business, product, or service.

Common Types of Branded Content

There are plenty of things to write about when it comes to branded content.

It can take the shape of various content and mediums, including blog posts and podcasts.

Let’s look at the common types of branded content.

1. Blog Posts

You might stumble upon different types of blog content, but one of the most common forms of blog posts is branded content.

Blog posts are an easy and effective way for businesses to communicate, explain, inform, and encourage a customer base.

2. Infographics

One highly effective means of engaging with a customer base is through infographics.

This form of branded content allows customers the chance to understand visually, which is generally more appealing than reading walls of text.

Infographics are a great way to create interactive experiences with customers and draw them in with genuine interest.

3. Podcasts

Podcasts are not a recent development.

However, their popularity has spiked recently, especially for people looking for new channels to consume news.

Because they are highly accessible and often free, podcasts are an excellent way for brands to engage with customers and bring in new potential clients by covering fun and exciting topics.  

4. Webinars and Other Videos

Brands that use webinars, video shorts, and other types of videos to engage with their clientele benefit from the fact that people will almost always choose to watch videos that interest them rather than pick another medium.  

What Types of Branded Content Are Most Popular?

There are a few main types of branded content, each serving a specific purpose for the brand that produces it.

The first type serves a utility purpose, explaining something about using a product that the reader didn’t know before.

It can also take an educational bent, explaining the history behind something.

Another kind of branded content serves an inspirational purpose, explaining some story or event in detail to keep the consumer’s attention.

Finally, there’s a form of branded content intended to entertain, often as a challenge sponsored by the brand.

Examples of Branded Content

Each type of branded content shows up in various mediums across the internet.

Let’s take a quick look at three solid examples of thoughtful, interesting, and engaging branded content.

Educational Branded Content

One key way brands engage with current customers and bring in new consumers is through educational resources explaining aspects of their products or services.

This example shows how a deeper explanation of a specific product or service can get consumers interested enough to visit the brand for themselves.  

Inspirational Branded Content

Look at this article about a prodigy photographer sponsored by a camera company.

It tells the tale of a young man with skills and abilities that others his age lack.

The article serves as a great example of branded content because of the way it tells a human story that centers around a usable product.

EntertainmentBranded Content

Check out this branded content video that features a unique challenge with well-known influencers and sponsors by a movie that was coming out at the time.

This example is excellent branded content because it combines humor, recognizable faces, and a little bit of a shock factor that often draws people in.  

Where To Find Ideas & Inspiration for Branded Content

If you’re looking for ways to get into branded content, you might be curious about finding inspiration and ideas for where to begin.

Coming up with ideas on your own can be difficult and time-consuming.

Sometimes it’s worthwhile to look elsewhere for ideas.

You can use anything from resources on how to write a blog post to idea lists available online to get your creative juices flowing.

How Do I Get Branded Content?

If you’re wondering about getting access to branded content, that all depends on what you’re willing to spend and what products you want to promote.

You can hire specialists to create branded content for you or try it yourself.

You can also work with creators who might be willing to use your product and feature it themselves.

Process of Creating Branded Content

Creating branded content requires you to follow a few simple steps.

Let’s take a quick look at those steps now.

  1. Define your brand and audience
  2. Strategize your content
  3. Brainstorm for the best ideas
  4. Create authentic materials
  5. Review for storytelling
  6. Remember your audience and check for audience fit

How To Create Branded Content

Let’s take a more in-depth look at creating branded content to see how you can start making your own branded content right away.

1. Define Your Brand and Audience

While this step might seem obvious, it’s the first one because it’s the most critical step on your branded content journey.

To create compelling branded content, you must know what you’re selling and who you are selling to or engaging with; you’ll start on the right track if you take the time to define your brand and identify your audience.

Without a set audience, you’re not likely to be able to catch attention and your attempt at creating a brand will fail.

2. Strategize

Bring others in to help you create a branding strategy you can follow throughout your branded content adventure.

Use this time to determine your content campaign’s what, when, where, and why. You can use your strategy as a blueprint to guide the rest of your time.

A strategy also works as a plan so you don’t have to keep tabs on the next steps.

3. Brainstorm

Make ideas for content.

List everything that comes to mind without hesitation, even outrageous ideas.

You can always root out the bad ideas later.

It’s a good idea to look at examples of branded content during this stage.

Seeing what others have done will help you know what to do to engage your audience.

If your niche is relatively new, look at similar content, even if it’s not exactly what you are trying to create.

4. Create Authentic Materials

Now it’s time to start creating, but be aware of how you go about it.

You want to ensure that your content is authentic to the definitions you began with at step one.

Ensure that the materials you create align with who you are, what your product or service does, and what your audience wants to see.

Avoid copying successful content creators.

Not only will this detract from your personal appeal, but it may also put off potential consumers who may feel cheated.

5. Review for Storytelling

Examine your created content for storytelling.

Telling a story with your content is one of the key ways that you’ll engage with your audience and help them connect with your content.

If your content is not telling a story, it will be very hard for your audience to identify with it.

You need to tell your story, rather than simply educate or entertain.

6. Remember Your Audience

Before you publish your content, remember your audience.

Does your content communicate with your intended audience?

Does it solve a problem for them or provide a needed service?

Without a set audience, you’ll fail because of the high competitiveness of branded content online.

Best Practices for Branded Content

Now that you know a little bit more about creating branded content, you might wonder if there are any universal standards to follow.

You can always adhere to a few standard best practices when creating branded content to ensure that you make the best message possible for your product.

1. Show

You might have heard the expression that you should always show in your content instead of telling.

It’s true for any writing or creating, especially for branded content.

You want your content to communicate with your audience, not simply state facts or figures.

Use engaging language and avoid passive attitudes.

2. Use Characters

Using characters that can identify as or personify your brand and your core values is a great way to engage with consumers.

Characters are personable, relatable, and easily accessible to people of all ages and demographics.

It’s advantageous if you use real people!

3. Be Honest

Your consumer base wants to know who you are.

They want to know they can trust you and feel good about working with you.

When you have a brand built on family values, let your audience know.

If you love your community and industriousness, use that to connect with your audience.

Branded Content Tools To Save Time and Money

One of the best things you can do to create branded content is to invest in tools and resources that will save you time and money.

Spending a little money on tools that ultimately free your time and make your life easier is a great way to expedite content creation.

What Is Branded Content Tool?

Branded content tools are anything that helps you create, manage, produce, refine, or publish your content.

Tools might include anything from an online grammar tool to an idea-generating website that inspires ideas and gets your content flowing.  

Our Favorite Branded Content Tools

There are many options out there for tools you can use to refine your process and make content production more efficient.

Here are some of our favorite branded content tools you can check out for yourself!

1. Brand Story Generator

Brand story generators will help you brainstorm ideas and write unique content that fits your message and brand goals.

It’s easy to waste time coming up with ideas; brand story generators can help.  

2. Professional Instagram Accounts

Professional Instagram Accounts allow for branded content and help you create it! You can access a vast world of ideas that might not be available otherwise.

3. Podcast Software

Podcast Software is an excellent tool for anyone looking to get into podcasts or looking to expand the podcast they already have.

Other Related Content Types to Check Out

Lots of content resembles branded content, with slight differences that are worth noting:

  • Social Media Content: social media content appears on social media platforms. It can be branded content or not, depending on the context.
  • Ultimate Guides: ultimate guides give lots of information condensed in one place. They provide answers without necessarily associating with any brands.
  • Blog Post Template: if you need a sure way to create great blogs every time, you can do that with a template that helps guide you through the process.

Frequently Asked Questions

Now that you know more about branded content let’s take a quick look at some frequently asked questions.

What is branded content on social media?

Any post on social media that features a third-party product is considered branded content.

What is TikTok branded content?

Any content that promotes goods or services on TikTok is considered branded content.

Wrapping Up

Branded content is a crucial piece of marketing or advertising for any brand looking to build its client base and a good reputation within an industry.

You can engage with your audience deeper when you invest in branded content, and you can simultaneously increase your brand awareness.

Branded content can take many forms across various media.

You can always find branded content that fits your needs.

Why not get started today?  

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