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Authority Hacker Pro Review: Our Unbiased Opinions Explained


Authority Hacker Pro

Level Beginner
Category SEO Courses
Blogging Tips Score
Star Rating
Star Rating
5/5 Authority Hacker Pro Reviews

Our BloggingTips Breakdown

Authority Hacker Pro is hands down the best affiliate marketing program that I have ever taken. I have taken the program multiple times and used many of the things I have learned in the program to grow my portfolio of websites, including this one. These guys really do know what they are talking about.
Star Rating
Star Rating
5 out of 5.0
Ease of Use
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Star Rating
5 out of 5.0
Customer Service
Star Rating
Star Rating
5 out of 5.0
Value for the Money
Star Rating
Star Rating
5 out of 5.0
Star Rating
Star Rating
5 out of 5.0


  • The program only opens up once or twice per year
  • The paid program is a bit expensive, however, the free information itself is still very helpful
  • Many of the recommended tools in the course are rather expensive


  • Fantastic information that has been proven to work for hundreds of people
  • The comprehensive training covers what you need to know about building and growing an authority site
  • The system is updated regularly with new lessons and resources
  • The program includes a private forum for discussion and support
  • Time-saving templates allow for quick project scaling and rapid deployment of new ideas
  • The lessons themselves are packed with information, but also engaging and actually fun to take
5 /5 User Reviews
Star Rating
Star Rating

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Contact us for Questions

Our Authority Hacker Pro review is both unbiased and informative.

You are reading the right article to help you make a decision on the product.

This article will analyze the Authority Hacker Pro course membership site.

It will give you our honest opinions.

This review aims to help you decide if Authority Hacker Pro is the best fit for your business.

Achieving your marketing goals is a must for the well-being of your website.

Overview of Authority Hacker Pro

Authority Hacker Pro is a course membership site. It started at the hands of authority marketers Gael Breton and Mark Webster.

Gael has over ten years of creating successful authority sites.

Mark has over 14 years of experience in SEO and online marketing.

Mark also brings his many years of entrepreneurial experience to the table.

Believe it or not, he’s been a business owner since he was 13.

Together, they have created a resource-packed membership site for students.

They show their students how to build domain authority.

The course leads to higher rankings, more traffic, and more conversions.

The site provides its members with training and resources.

Each of the tools helps them grow their online businesses.

Gael and Mark started their first business together in 2010.

They worked with clients one-on-one, helping them to achieve their desired results.

Some of those clients included Fortune 500 companies.

They soon realized they could help more people if they created their own site.

The site they created got over 600,000 monthly visitors.

It was only then that they sold their agency and began creating portfolio sites and courses to teach people how to authority hack.

Today they have served more than 10,000 customers in 120 countries.

It excites us to be one of those customers providing you with an Authority Hacker Pro review.

What is Authority Hacker Pro?

In a nutshell, Authority Hacker Pro is a step-by-step authority site-building course.

The authority hacking process they teach is a blueprint for creating these websites.

These websites get lots of traffic and make you money.

The system is for intermediate to advanced marketers.

These marketers want to take their business to the next level and already have a website.

Gael and Mark believe that high domain authority achieves long-term success in marketing.

Authority Hacker Pro History

Let’s take a momentary glance at the history of the Authority Hacker Pro System.

Authority Hacker Pro didn’t start as a household name and course.

Gael and Mark were business partners helping clients reach their desired authority level.

Together they helped Fortune 500 companies achieve high domain authority.

During these years, they realized they could create their own website success.

That’s when they began producing high-authority websites.

In 2015, Gael and Mark launched the Authority Hacker Pro System.

It was a much different authority hacking course than the one we know today.

The Authority Site System was more generalized. It taught authority hacking methods rather than authority hacking specific sites.

Later in 2016, they launched a beginner course called Authority Site system 3.0.

Features and Benefits

Here are five features and benefits of Authority Hacker Pro you’ll want to consider.

Copy and Paste Templates

The course provides blueprint templates for each method they use.

You don’t have to start from scratch.

Each template is customizable, so you can make it your own.

They even provide a template to help you choose the best niche based on credibility.

Altogether Authority Hacker Pro provides 18 blueprints.

Each helps you see firsthand how authority hacking works and how you can replicate their success.

They range from white hat link-building tactics to content creation.

Free Lifetime Updates

It’s safe to say that algorithms and authority hacking techniques change frequently.

Google changes its ranking algorithms.

What it takes to rank on the first page continually evolves.

Authority Hacker Pro offers customers lifetime access to their authority hacking system.

You can create evergreen success for years to come.

You don’t have to worry about the course becoming outdated.

When dead content happens, don’t worry.

Gael and Mark will show you how to hack your way out of it.

Money Back Guarantee

One great thing that Mark and Gael offer is a 30-day money-back guarantee.

They give you the opportunity to try out their system to see if it is a good fit for your goals.

Do this for an entire month before concluding if the course is for you.

If authority hacking doesn’t fit into your success plan, they will refund your money.

What we liked about the 30-day trial is that it allows students to ask questions and get a feel of the course.

It helps them understand if authority hacking is a good fit for their business model.

The live question and answer sessions are a gold mine.

Video Lessons

Authority Hacker Pro offers more than 450 video lessons. These authority hacking videos are easy to follow and provide:

  • Authority hacking tips
  • Authority hacking tricks
  • Authority hacking tactics
  • Strategies that authority hacking their way to success.

They even offer SOP (standard operating procedures) for hiring and outsourcing.

Authority hacking your way to success has never been more straightforward.

Everyone’s goal when starting a business is to make more money and work less.

Gael and Mark cover those topics in-depth as well.

Not to mention, all the videos have captions.

So you won’t have trouble understanding the video content.

It becomes helpful if you’re not a native English speaker.

An Active Community

Having support while updating your site and tapping into the unknown is essential.

The Authority Hacker Pro system has an active Facebook community.

Business experts are always eager to answer questions.

They help students create the steps that will lead them to supreme success.

The group gives you access to other students who have already had great success.

The community is one of the most valuable resources you’ll have access to.

Authority Hacker Pro Customer Service

Let’s face it. The course design is for website owners already making at least $1000 per month.

The general idea lives in having experience and needing less hand-holding.

Yet, it doesn’t thwart the need for customer service.

You will likely get stuck while implementing the steps in the course at some point.

Their dedicated customer service team will be there to help you.

They will help you work through any setbacks that pop up along the way.

Does Authority Hacker Pro Offer Customer Service?

Authority Hacker Pro offers a full-time support team.

Whenever you contact them, look for a response within a few hours during business hours.

What Types of Customer Service Does Authority Hacker Pro Offer?

Each lesson has a “Get in Touch” button. It directly connects you with support experts.

You also have access to a full-time dedicated customer service team.

Contact them about things like billing, technical support, and authority hacking questions.

Authority Hacker Pro Cost

Let’s look at the price of the Authority Hacker Pro system.

How Much Does Authority Hacker Pro Cost?

The system has two pricing tiers. If you opt to make 12 monthly payments of $249, the total comes to $2,988.

If you choose to pay for the entire course at once, the price is $2497.

Is Authority Hacker Pro Worth the Cost?

The Authority Hacker Pro system is well worth the cost.

The price may seem a bit much for many, and for a good reason.

The course costs almost $3000.

Anyone would cringe at the expense, no matter the promise.

But when you factor in the resources, support, and money guarantee, it makes sense.

It can take one year to figure out how to build authority without the help of experts.

Authority Hackers Pro saves you time and money.

It helps you achieve success sooner.

Reach your goals with straightforward instructions.

Take advantage of authority hacking tips, tricks, tactics, and strategies.

Enjoy advice from successful authority hackers. Many testimonials of students exist on the site.

These students have used the course to take their businesses to the next level.

Some reported doubling their income, while others talked about working less.

Why Is Authority Hacker Pro Worth The Cost?

The authority hacking strategies come laid out step-by-step.

It makes it easy for you to spend time doing the things that matter.

You no longer must depend on trial and error when building your website.

You have the blueprint for success.

You also have access to a full-time customer service team to help you when you get stuck.

With patience and time, you’ll have a profitable business.

Not to mention, the forum of students on the same journey.

They can share their course experiences with you.

Colleagues give you the confidence you need to continue your journey.

Testing Criteria: How We Tested Authority Hacker Pro

Authority Hacker Pro serves as a great resource.

But testing it out in the 30-day money-back guarantee period is a must.

You need to ensure that the course is worth the money and will help you reach your business goals.

Here are the ways we put it to the test to see if the product aligns with its promises:

Depth of Knowledge

Authority Hacker Pro covers a wide range of topics.

These include SEO, social media marketing, and everything between.

It’s impossible to test out every feature. Yet we spent a significant amount of time exploring the platform and its capabilities.

We examined the various blueprints.

We then applied them to our business to see if they would help enhance our reach.

Industry Experience From Course Creators

The Authority Hacker team has years of experience.

Their experience ranges from entrepreneurship to digital marketing.

Gael and Mark train their team so that they’re always up-to-date on the latest trends.

It allows them to create high-quality content that authority hacker users can rely on.

When you ask for help, you are not getting an answer from somebody who has read a book on the subject.

You are getting help from somebody who uses these techniques in their business.

They understand how to help you use them in your specific business.

This experience is evident in the quality and depth of the content covered in the course.

Value For Price

At $2,988, Authority Hacker Pro is on the expensive side.

But, we know that the course more than pays for itself.

The wealth of knowledge and resources it provides are priceless.

As mentioned before, it gives you the resources to create long-term passive income.

Passive income gives you the ability to make money while you sleep.

It is something that everyone should strive for.

More time to spend with your family, travel, or do the things you love gives you the ability to enjoy your life. Authority hacker Pro could be your key to unlocking this lifestyle.

Helpfulness of Course

The course is easy to follow. The content presents engagingly.

The Authority Hacker Pro team is also very responsive to questions and comments.

It makes the learning process much smoother.

The lessons break down into separate videos.

You can easily digest the information and apply it to your business.

This format lets you focus on one task at a time and not feel overwhelmed by the amount of content.

Quality of Recommendations

The authority hacker team provides many valuable recommendations.

Throughout the course, from tools to resources and more.

We found all their recommendations to be high-quality and relevant to the course.

The only issue with some of the proposals is the price.

Having to pay for more resources on top of the course fee can add up.

But, the authority hacker team offers some free resources as well.

Support Offered

Authority Hacker Pro offers email support.

They also offer a private forum for students.

As aforementioned, they also provide specialized help after each lesson.

We found the support timely and helpful, with the team always willing to answer our questions.

Each support representative responds respectfully and enthusiastically.

They motivate you to keep going and provide valuable tips to help you succeed.

Do We Recommend Authority Hacker Pro? Our Unbiased Opinion

Here follows our unbiased Authority Hacker Pro review recommendation.

We recommend Authority Hacker Pro.

It gives you the most accurate steps to create a successful authority site.

The course is comprehensive, with hours of actionable content.

You can put the blueprints into practice immediately.

What’s more, the Authority Hacker team is experienced.

They are available to answer any questions you may have.

It eliminates trial and error in authority site creation.

Thus, the course is worth the investment.

You will receive updated materials as the algorithm changes.

It ensures that you’re always ahead of the curve.

Authority hacker users can be confident in the knowledge they’re getting.

What We Like

Here are some things we like about the Authority Hacker Pro system.

  • Guest Posting Blueprint: The blueprint teaches students how to take advantage of high-quality guest posting opportunities. It helps sites rank higher in search engines.
  • Keyword Research Blueprint: This blueprint provides students with an in-depth look at finding profitable keywords. It teaches them how to drive traffic to their authority sites.
  • Selling Your Site Blueprint: Did you know you could sell your website for profit? This blueprint teaches you how to do that.
  • Reliable Support: The authority hacker team has extensive experience. They are always willing to help students through the course material. Not to mention, the experience of the creators speaks for itself.
  • Affiliate Marketing Blueprint: Make money promoting other dependable products. Get a comprehensive look at how to market affiliate products. Learn how to get quick results and make money.

What We Don’t Like

There aren’t many things we don’t like about Authority Hacker Pro, but here are a few things to keep in mind.

It’s Expensive

The course is expensive, but we know it’s worth the investment.

Authority sites are a great way to generate passive income.

This course will give you the tools and trusted resources you need.

You will have everything you need to create a successful authority site.

The Course is Very Long

The course is very long, with over 60 hours of content.

It can be daunting for some people, but we know it’s necessary to cover all the bases.

Technical Aspect Can Be Overwhelming

The technical aspects of authority site creation can be overwhelming for some people.

Yet, the authority hacker team does a great job of breaking things down.

They make the tougher aspects much easier to understand.

It’s Not a Get Rich Quick Scheme

Authority Hacker Pro is not a get-rich-quick scheme.

It will take time and effort to create a successful authority site.

But, the rewards are worth the investment.


The course becomes available twice per year.

Currently, the course is closed.

Students must subscribe to get notified when it becomes available.

Why We DO Recommend Authority Hacker Pro

Here are more reasons we recommend the Authority Hacker Pro system.

Depth of Knowledge

The system has a wealth of knowledge and information essential for authority site success.

The course is very comprehensive, and the Authority Hacker team is experienced and always willing to answer questions.

Industry Experience From Course Creators

Gael and Mark are living examples of authority site success.

They’ve been in the industry for years, and their experience is invaluable.

Their case studies and student testimonials are proof that the system works.

Supportive Community

The Authority Hacker community is very supportive.

Everyone is always willing to help each other.

The authority hacker team is also very active in the community.

It helps you feel confident in the feedback you receive.

Helpfulness of Course

The course provides extensive video content, as well as downloadable resources and PDFs.

The authority hacker team is also very responsive to questions and concerns.

The system has everything you need to take your business to the next level.

If anything, you may not use everything in the course, but it’s there as a resource.

Quality of Recommendations

The team only recommends products and services they have used and trust.

You can be positive that you’re getting quality information and recommendations.

All the recommendations get updated regularly.

Their free blog is a great resource for information and tips if you can’t afford the course.

Another great supportive tool that Gael and Mark provide is their free podcast.

It offers other helpful information to enhance their course experience.

Support Offered

The course offers excellent support to help you overcome pitfalls.

You will gain actionable advice.

You will also get your authority site up and running in no time.

Social Proof

One of the most exciting things about Authority Hacker is social proof.

The team’s experience and success speak for themselves.

But, it’s also great to see authority sites that students have created using the system.

Why Should You Trust Us?

Here at BloggingTips, we serve our audience as a dependable resource.

We provide information for starting, growing, and monetizing your website.

We intend to show you how to start and finish your blog successfully.

We have taken the course.

We have implemented many ideas from the course on this website.

I’ve taken several courses in the past and compared this to those.

I can confidently say this is one of the best out there.

It is a superb investment if you want to create an authority site that helps you create an audience of raving fans.

What Authority Hacker Pro Users are Saying

Student testimonials help prospects decide if the course is worth trying.

They provide the prior experience of the student.

These reviews provide insight into how their businesses have evolved due to the course.

Here are three testimonials from Authority Hacker Pro users.

According to Adam Garcia, The Authority Hacker Pro course is the best course he’s purchased.

In fact, he’s built his own five-figure website.

He accomplished this by following the strategies listed in the course.

Alex Goldberg has taken his site to new heights, from earning 20k per month to 50k.

He likes that the courses are straight to the point.

Mario Musa has earned back the money he spent on the course.

He even recruited what he spent on building his website in seven months.

Things to Consider

It is safe to say that the Authority Hacker Pro system is not for everyone.

If you’re not willing to invest time and effort, this system is not for you.

This system is perfect for those in it for the long haul and ready to create passive income engines.

The Problem Authority Hacker Pro Solves

The Authority Hacker Pro system provides comprehensive, step-by-step instructions for building authority sites.

The goal is to create a website that generates passive income.

The course is perfect for those who are looking to create a sustainable online business.

Why Would Somebody Want to Use Authority Hacker Pro?

There are many reasons why somebody would want to use Authority Hacker Pro.

The system is perfect for those who want to create a passive income business that will last for years to come.

Not to mention, they provide constant updates as algorithm changes happen.

Who is Authority Hacker Pro Best For?

The authority hacker pro system is best for those who already have a website.

The system helps them build authority the right way.

It’s perfect for those looking for a comprehensive, step-by-step guide.

The blueprints are awesome for increasing domain authority.

If you’re new to authority hacking or don’t have a website, this system might not be for you.

Why Authority Hacker Pro is Best for Those Who Already Have A Website

The team requires students to have a site that currently produces at least $1000 per month.

They want students with knowledge and experience running a website.

The education provided doesn’t teach you how to start from scratch.

They have a beginners course for those students.

They also want those who have some skin in the game as it will make the process easier.

Who Should NOT Use Authority Hacker Pro?

If you’re a student who’s never created a website before, Authority Hacker Pro is not for you.

The system doesn’t show you how to start from square one.

Authority Hacker Pro is also not a good fit for those not looking to put in the work to enhance their site.

You will need to put in the work to get results.

Why Inexperienced Students Should Not Use Authority Hacker Pro

First, Gael and Mark offer a beginner’s course.

It provides all the information needed for creating an authority site from scratch.

The Pro system education is too advanced for those who have never run a website before.

It doesn’t teach you the basics.

It assumes you have already conquered them.

What to Think About Before Buying Authority Hacker Pro

Here are five things to think about before investing in the Authority Hacker Pro system.

Not a Get Rich Quick Scheme

Authority Hacker Pro is not a get-rich-quick scheme.

If you’re looking for a quick way to make money, this system is not for you.

Authority Hacker Pro is a long-term investment. It takes time to see results.


You need to have a website that already produces at least $1000 per month.

If you haven’t started the process of having a website, then this system is not for you.

Authority Hacker Pro is best for those with experience running a money-making website.

Time and Effort Investment

You must commit to allocating the time and effort required to authority hack the right way.

You won’t see any results if you’re not willing to execute the work.


You need to be patient. Authority Hacker Pro is a long-term investment.

It takes time to see results.

The actual time it will take to see an increase in authority and profit differs for everyone.


The Authority Hacker Pro system is not cheap.

It costs $2,988.

While you can make payments, it’s not an investment you want to take lightly.

If you buy it and don’t use it immediately, you lose your opportunity to get your money back.

So be sure you’re ready to commit before you make the purchase.

Authority Hacker Pro Alternatives

Let’s look at three great alternatives to Authority Hacker Pro.


Brian Dean created Backlinko as a marketing blog and training site.

It provides people with exclusive SEO resources.

He shares proven internal and external link development methods.

He teaches effective ways to use social media marketing and Search Engine Optimization.

Backlinko has step-by-step SEO guides and resources.

The program allows you to quickly become an authority.

No matter the industry, you can rank higher on Google.

Backlinko provides resources to help businesses achieve higher rankings in search engine results.

The content gets presented in a step-by-step format, which makes it like Authority Hacker Pro.

How Does Backlinko Differ From Authority Hacker Pro?

The main difference between the two authority hacking programs is that Backlinko focuses on SEO.

Authority Hacker Pro covers a broader range of authority hacking strategies.

Backlinko is awesome for authority hacking  using SEO.

Who is Backlinko Best For?

Backlinko is best for those who want to increase their domain authority.

It is for those wanting to rank higher on search engines through SEO methods.

Fat Stacks Course

The Fat Stacks Course is an authority hacking program created by Jon Dykstra.

The course includes several mini-blogging courses and bundles.

They show you how he’s built many niche sites that earn more than $50,000 per month.

He also has a course on authority site case studies.

How Does Authority Hacker Pro Differ From Fat Stacks Course?

Fat Stacks Course specializes in blogs and niche sites.

Authority Hacker Pro specializes in the same.

It offers strategies and techniques related to other topics, such as affiliate marketing.

Jon provides other tactics like link building and on-site SEO.

Gael and Mark cover so much more to ensure that you become a well-rounded domain authority on Google.

Who is the Fat Stacks Course Best For?

Fat Stacks Course is best for those who want to create a successful niche site.

It is a fantastic resource for authority hackers who want to focus on blogging and niche sites.

Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate helps you build a successful online affiliate website.

The program started at the hands of Kyle Loudon and Caron Lim.

Both individuals are successful affiliate marketers.

Wealthy Affiliate offers an authority site certification program.

It covers everything from building your website to generating traffic and revenue.

The program also provides live weekly training sessions and access to a community.

The community has over 1.4 million members.

How Does Wealthy Affiliate Differ From Authority Hacker Pro?

There is one main difference between the two fantastic programs.

Wealthy Affiliate specializes in affiliate marketing.

Authority Hacker Pro covers affiliate marketing and other avenues of revenue as well.

It is an all-in-one package deal.

Who is the Wealthy Affiliate Best For?

Wealthy Affiliate is best for those who want to focus on affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money online.

Those who want to build an online affiliate website should try Wealthy Affiliate.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are frequent inquiries about the Authority Hacker Pro System.

What are authority sites?

An authority site is a website that people in your industry or niche respect.

Authority sites are well-designed and have high-quality content.

To become an authority site, you must build up your website’s authority.

Do this by creating great content and promoting it.

Can I learn affiliate marketing on my own?

Yes, you can definitely learn affiliate marketing on your own.

There are loads of resources available online.

They can teach you the basics of affiliate marketing.

If you want to be successful with affiliate marketing, invest in a good authority program.

Authority Hacker Pro gives you the tools to create such sites.

Wrapping Up

Building a successful business website takes a lot of hard work and dedication.

Business owners need to understand what it takes to create domain authority.

Our ever-evolving digital world makes the process hard.

But, if armed with the right program, you can shortcut your way to success.

Our Authority Hacker Pro review proves that the system stands up to its claims.

It provides everything needed to help you become an authority in your industry or niche.

It even gives you the support of a community of authority hackers who are there to help you every step of the way.

Gael and Mark ensure that you have their team backing you every step of the way.

You can build a website that has a high domain authority.

You only need the right program that enables you to do so.

We recommend Authority Hacker Pro.

You no longer have to waste time on tactics that don’t work.

Click here to learn more about the program or inquire about when it will be available again.

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