Blogging Basics – Start, Grow, and Monetize a Blog Tue, 04 Oct 2022 11:26:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Are You Ready to Go Solo? Mon, 26 Sep 2022 20:15:04 +0000 Read more]]> You want to quit your day job and become a full-time blogger or freelancer?

Hope you’ve got a year’s salary saved up.

This is a terrible time to leave a steady paycheck, not to mention the health insurance.

On the other hand, the present is always the perfect time to start laying the foundation for self-employment.

If you aren’t yet prepared to give your two weeks’ notice, try putting out your shingle instead.

Start a low-risk online business and spend the next year nurturing it.

1. Test the waters

When it comes to self-employment, designers have a leg up on other professionals. Freelance businesses have minimal startup costs and don’t require many new skills. If you’ve ever dreamed of working for yourself, you can start building a personal site tonight and start searching for freelance work as soon as your portfolio hits the web.

If you’ve never freelanced before, set your rate in accordance with similar freelancers. Use a freelance calculator to keep your rates reasonable.

Freelancing provides an extra cash cushion, but the true pay is experience and contacts. This first low-risk foray into online work will teach you more about your own work habits than a year at a salaried position.

To make the most of your experience, keep detailed records. How long did it take you to secure a job, from first query to final contract to pay? How long did the project take? What was your average hourly pay? What did it cost you in supplies?

Here is how you can monetize your digital content, and services. The more income sources you set up, the better.

2. Do the math

When you’ve had some success at basic freelance, it’s time to get organized. Start thinking of your online business as a potential full-time job, and get out your calculator.

You’ll need to think of your work in terms of two things: necessary time, and necessary money. Money is often the simpler of the two. What are your weekly, monthly, yearly expenses?

Include estimated taxes, health insurance, and networking costs such as the occasional business lunch.There may be more:

Given your general hourly rate, how many billable hours per week will it take to make ends meet?

Now move on to work time. From prior experience, you know how much of a project you can finish in one billable hour. What about the non-billable hours – querying, accounting, client communication, networking and lunch?

These unpaid hours add up quickly; as a new entrepreneur, you should expect to spend about 1/3 of your time on marketing alone. You may discover that your forty-hour workweek contains less than twenty-five hours of tasks that pay.

Here’s a good calculator to help you plan things out for the next year:

screenshot of a time management calculator

3. Balance

Can you meet your expenses and salary needs on twenty-five hours per week? Fantastic! Start taking on more work until you are confident that your services will be in demand. Diversify your income sources.

Put away three months’ worth of money, and get ready to be your own boss.

Online businesses are a great way to transition into self-employment. Just remember that to be your own boss, you also have all of your boss’s responsibilities: you’ll need to keep work coming in, keep pay going out, and keep your clients happy.

Most importantly, you’ll need to keep yourself happy and stress-free. If you’ve been able to coax your online business into prosperity, you’re ready.

4. Take the leap!

Finally you’ve done it, you’ve thought of a way to escape the drudgery of your 9-5 job and make real money working from home. Maybe you’ve discovered a new talent, maybe you uncovered some amazing retail opportunity that no one else in your area has acted on before. Whatever it is that’s got you ready to take control of your own destiny, just remember that in order to succeed long term, you need to lay a solid foundation on which to build your future business.

The first step in building a successful freelance business is coming up with a solid plan of action. You don’t necessarily have to develop an actual business plan in the traditional sense (though it would probably help), but it is very important that you have your goals, promotional strategy and costs mapped out clearly for use as a personal reference. At this stage you should also check what the legal requirements are for operating your particular business model, as you will most likely need to register your business or acquire a license of some sorts in order to operate.

There needs to be absolutely no unresolved details left to figure out once you start trading. If this is your first business, it may well prove helpful to find someone more experienced to mentor you. A mentor doesn’t necessarily need to be someone who has worked in the same exact market you’re planing on entering, but it should be someone who has a record of running a successful freelance business, who can at least give you the basic advise you need to succeed.

If you don’t know anyone locally who can act as your mentor, then it can be well worthwhile looking for someone online. A good place to look is SCORE, a website dedicated to supplying advice and support to small business start-ups. SCORE can also help put people in contact with other similar businesses both locally and nationally which they can lean on for advise. If you can’t find a mentor through Score, try looking on forums that relate to your specific area of interest, as there’s bound to be at least on or two out there that will cover the things you need to know.

Use the time before you launch your business to reach out to as many successful businesses, government agencies, trade associations and communities related to your niche as you can. Ask plenty of questions and learn everything you can about the industry you’re about to step into.

Finally before throwing yourself full time into any new business, make sure you’ve got enough money stored away to see you through at least six months of bare essential house hold bills. It takes time for businesses to start generating a reliable income , whilst poverty and desperation is one way of staying motivated, being able to pay your bills without having to worry about it, will lead to much greater success.

Once the business is off the ground, make sure to take every opportunity you come across to promote your brand. This means staying competitive and delivering excellent levels of customer satisfaction. A lot of new businesses will rely on referrals to help them grow, so make sure to always prompt happy customers to spread the word, perhaps offer incentives in the form of discounts or rewards for new referrals.

Make sure to always keep on top of your market. Visit trade shows, network with other business owners and thoroughly analyze not only the competition, but your own business as well. Is it possible for you to be more competitive in pricing? Do you have an area in which you excel over your rivals that can be exploited for profit? Is there a service you can provide your new contacts that you hadn’t thought of before? By regularly asking yourself these questions (and others like them), you should be able to find ways to continuously grow your business from strength to strength.

Finally, don’t ever make the mistake of putting all your eggs in one basket. Whilst it can be tempting to snap up a nice juicy contract from a well paying client, sit back and focus all your attention solely on them, if you do that your entire income could disappear at a moments notice. For your own protection it is always advisable to try and secure several different clients, so that if one project comes to an end, or if something goes wrong for a particular contact, you still have other sources of income to fall back on.

Setting up a successful blogging or freelance business does take a lot of planning and hard work. However, if you are willing to put in the time and effort to make it happen, then there is absolutely no reason why you can’t join the thousands of people working happily from the comfort of their own homes.

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Do People Still Read Blogs In 2022? Sat, 24 Sep 2022 03:20:05 +0000 Read more]]> When people hear the term “blogging,” they tend to think of an outdated hobby from the 2000s, and they might even ask something like, “Do people still read blogs?”

But the answer to that question is yes! Blogging is still alive and well.

In fact, blogging is more popular in 2022 than ever before.

Is Blogging Dead?

No, blogging isn’t dead. In 2022, about 20 billion different blog pages are read each month, and many are being monetized by their author(s).

Blogs have simply changed and evolved from their outdated forms of the 2000s.

Many internet users read blog pages without realizing that’s what it is!

Do People Still Read Blogs?

Yes, people do still read blogs.

It’s estimated that over 400 million different internet users read blog pages each month, making up around 80% of users that use the internet worldwide.

Can You Still Make Money Blogging?

Yes, you can make money blogging in 2022.

Many bloggers are making money or doing it as their full-time career through advertising space, affiliate marketing, and selling their content.

In general, the blogging process is complicated, including monetizing a blog page, but it is definitely possible.

How Many Blogs Are There?

There are about 600 million blog pages on the internet as of 2022.

Some of the most popular blogging platforms are Tumblr, Mashable, and TechCrunch.

How Hard Is It To Start a Successful Blog?

Blogging in itself isn’t an easy task, so how you define success matters to this question.

If your definition of a successful blog is a vast audience, then it is difficult; it will take lots of time and commitment to achieve such.

If your definition of a successful blog is gaining any sized audience that cares about what you write, then you will definitely be able to find success in blogging.

Is There a Future in Blogging?

There’s absolutely a future in blogging, both as a career and a hobby.

Traffic on blog sites has remained extremely high for an extended period and has shown no signs of decreasing; people are still reading blogs!

Financially, there are many ways to monetize a blog, with the most popular option being content or affiliate marketing.

Once you obtain an audience that trusts you, advertisers are willing to compensate you.

What Has Replaced Blogging?

Nothing has truly replaced blogging, but social media seems to have drawn a divide within the space.

Social media is simply a form of blogging in most cases; think of each Instagram account, Facebook profile, etc., as its own blog page.

Other Creative Ways to Use Blogging For an Advantage

Blogging can be used to an individual or business’s advantage—from monetizing the blog page to improving a brand’s image.

Content Marketing

Content marketing, also known as affiliate marketing, is when a business pays the blog author to promote its product.

Once authors capture an audience and that audience trusts them, the author becomes valuable to advertisers that want to promote a product or service.

Lead Gen

Lead Gen refers to generating a lead for yourself or a business.

Once someone reads your blog, you can lead them to anything/anywhere.

This can be used to advertise, such as content marketing, or to lead consumers to your service or product.

Brand Awareness

Blog pages are a great way for brands to gain a better reputation.

Blog pages are genuine thought processes written by individuals, making them more reputable than normal ads when reporting about a brand.

Communication With an Audience

Many brands or individuals that already have a large following will use blogs as a way to communicate with their audience.

This is a mix of brand awareness and lead generation for oneself, as it’s merely letting your followers know whatever you want them to hear.

Examples of Successful Bloggers

Countless blog pages on the internet have become wildly successful; they’re genuine businesses.

Below I’ll talk about five examples of successful blogs.


Tumblr is one of the pioneers of blogging and its evolution into social media.

Tumblr was one of the first “microblogging” websites that functions similarly to how we use social media in 2022.


Mashable, like Tumblr, is one of the longest-formed blog pages on the internet.

It’s a social networking blog that provides users with news, insights, and reports on relevant topics.


TechCrunch is the perfect example of finding your niche and filling it completely.

It started back in 2005 as a small blog about businesses and primarily startup companies.

In just five years, they obtained such a large following that AOL acquired them for a whopping $25 million.


TreeHugger is a blog focused on sustainability and keeping human processes as eco-friendly as possible.

They report all related news events and offer unique thoughts on such things.

They are another great example of fulfilling a niche perfectly.

The Satorialist

The Satorialist is a fashion blog by Scott Schuman in New York City.

It’s a perfect example of how a single individual can capture an audience and make a career off of blogging his passion.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions about blogs in 2022.

What percentage of blogs fail?

A survey by iBlog Magazine found that only 6% of all blog pages make more than $5,000 annually.

This is due to many factors, such as abandoned blog pages, infrequent posting, and/or no website traffic.

However, the reality is that with over 600 million blog pages on the internet today, you need to stand out and give users a reason to visit your blog.

Can you really start a blog for free?

Yes, you can start a blog for free! In fact, countless free blog sites allow anyone to start a blog page.

Many of these sites even allow you to monetize your blog once you’ve obtained the audience.

Blogging Isn’t Dead

So, do people still read blogs?

Yes! More people are visiting blogs than ever, and blog pages are more easily accessible than ever before.

Blogging has changed and evolved into different ways of expression, such as social media.

Monetization of blogs is perhaps easier than ever due to the abundance of eyes on potential advertisements.

As a writer and an avid internet user, I believe that blogs are in the best place they’ve ever been and won’t be dying anytime soon.

How relevant do you feel blogs are in 2022? Comment if you have any questions or thoughts!

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Crochet Blogs: Definition, Types, Income & 10 Examples [2022] Fri, 23 Sep 2022 21:33:22 +0000 Read more]]> Do you have more yarn in your craft room than you know what to do with?

Want to find a way to fund your hobby without getting a second job?

Crochet blogs are one of the many different types of blogs that make money for passionate crafters who want to share their expertise with the world.

What Is a Crochet Blog?

Crochet blogs are online hubs of tutorials, patterns, products, and tools for those who enjoy yarn arts.

They are popular with many DIY enthusiasts, including those who aren’t even sure how to hold a crochet hook yet.

Many visitors, though, are people who want to find free patterns for projects they have in mind or are looking for inspiration when their creative well runs dry.

Most crochet blogs are well-organized e-commerce sites, as the industry is one of the best for monetization thanks to its reliance on both physical and digital products.

For those willing to invest the time into creating one, this type of blog opens the door to getting paid for doing what you love.

What Does a Crochet Blogger Blog About?

There aren’t any cut-and-dry rules about what kinds of content you’ll find on crochet blogs, so long as it’s about the main topic.

For example, more experienced crafters might share helpful tips and favorite patterns with their online community.

At the same time, those new to the field could document their crocheting journey, including projects they’re working on or relatable anecdotes about mistakes they make along the way.

Both offer opportunities to generate income, but they come from entirely different perspectives on the art of crochet.

What Is Included on a Crochet Blog?

When it comes to motivations for starting a blog, most crocheters do so to share their passion rather than it being purely monetary effort.

That’s why so many crafters offer freebies and handy tips that anyone can access.

Ad revenue also goes way up with your visitor count, so offering tempting topics and high-quality content is valuable, even if they’re not behind a paywall.

  • Tutorials: Many crochet blogs, particularly those targeted at beginners, feature basic skill tutorials, complete with instructional diagrams or videos.
  • Product Recommendations: Affiliate marketing programs are an excellent way to make passive income, and product recommendation posts make it easy to promote specific items without coming off as “salesy.”
  • Patterns: When most people visit crochet blogs, they search for patterns.
    Offer freebies or set up an e-commerce site to monetize your creativity.
  • Online Shop: Some bloggers sell completed projects, kits, or custom supplies via their website, while others simply provide links to their Etsy shop.

Other Things That You Can Find on a Crochet Blog

Beyond offering patterns and products, you can expand your crochet blog to include other resources.

This is an excellent way to get more keywords on your website, improving your SEO rankings.

  • Portfolio of Completed Projects: Portfolios are particularly popular for crochet bloggers who want to sell commissions. They offer sample photos of their previous work to showcase their skills to future customers.
  • Glossary: If you want to help newbies learn the art of crochet, a glossary of terms can be an excellent resource.
  • Size Charts: Share your expertise on matching yarn and hook sizes or provide international conversions for yarn weight.
  • Giveaways: Giveaways are an excellent way to promote your brand on social media and bring audiences to your website when they click the website link to enter.

How Many Crochet Blogs Are There?

While there’s no clear-cut answer to exactly how many crochet blogs exist online, Dabbles and Babbles created a list of 150 regularly-updated, active examples that doesn’t even account for the ones that are abandoned or fly under the radar.

That doesn’t mean there isn’t plenty of room in the industry.

According to Forbes, 45 million Americans crochet or knit, and the cotton yarn industry is expected to grow 3.26% by 2027, reaching a total value of $200 million.

Best Crochet Blogs: 10 Examples

One challenge that burgeoning crochet bloggers face is differentiating themselves from well-established sites.

That said, the key is appealing to a particular audience and letting your personality shine through in your writing.

The easiest way to do that is by focusing on what you are most passionate about, whether crocheting vintage patterns or making baby clothes.

Crochet Blogs for Beginners

One of the most lucrative crochet blogging niches is catering to beginners looking for tutorials, easy patterns, and starting supply recommendations.

If you can position yourself as a friendly, informative person who wants to help others develop their crochet skills, you are on the fast track to breaking into the crochet blogging industry.

These crochet blogs are excellent examples of catering to a specific demographic of budding crafters.

1. Sweet Everly B

screenshot of the sweet everly b homepage

Sierra, the creative mind behind Sweet Everly B, offers beginning crocheters everything they need to get started.

Her blog is divided into three key sections– patterns, stitch guide, and fun crocheting gadgets– making it easy for visitors to explore the topics that matter to them without digging into the archive.

She also has an online storefront that offers reasonably-priced patterns in addition to the many free options she shares in her posts.

2. One Dog Woof

screenshot of the one-dog woof homepage

One Dog Woof covers a variety of yarn arts, including patterns, tutorials, and a portfolio of her designs.

In the crochet section, visitors will find instructions for completing specific stitches and patterns for them to practice with.

The blog has banner ads and a site-hosted e-commerce store for more advanced patterns.

3. Jenny and Teddy

screenshot of the jenny and teddy homepage

Jenny and Teddy have worked to develop a blog that welcomes newcomers and experienced crafters alike by focusing on the journey from learning crochet to selling your completed projects on Etsy.

Their Crochet 101 resource covers everything from adding ear flaps to hats to getting the yarn on the hook.

According to their disclosure policy, they use Mediavine for third-party advertising and participate in the Amazon affiliate program.

4. Annaboo’s House

screenshot of the annaboos house homepage

Sarah Shrimpton’s Annaboo’s House sets itself apart by offering YouTube tutorials in addition to her blog-based instructions and patterns.

The sidebar features a place for visitors to donate directly to Shrimpton and click-through links to her book listings on Amazon.

Feedspot has also featured her as one of the “Top 20 Beginners Crochet Blogs.”

5. Crochet Coach

screenshot of the crochet coach homepage

Perhaps the most comprehensive example of crochet tutorials for beginners is Crochet Coach’s web-based class that walks purchasers through fundamentals before diving into curated pattern practice.

By the end of the course, users can take their skills to the next level by joining the community chat, where users share more complex resources.

Crochet Blogs for Amigurumi

Amigurumi, a Japanese word for “crocheted wrapping,” is a sub-niche of yarn arts that involves making small, cute animals or creatures.

It’s become more popular recently, particularly with younger crafters who want to crochet charming home decor or gifts.

6. Amigurumi Today

screenshot of the amigurumi today homepage

Amigurumi Today offers tips, patterns, and an online community for crafters interested in this Japanese art form.

One of the most valuable functions of the Amigurumi Today blog is that visitors can sort patterns according to their skill level.

This keeps users coming back for more, as they know that once they complete a project, plenty more are available for a more challenging piece.  

7. All About Ami

screenshot of the all about ami homepage

Stephanie of All About Ami has a well-stocked resource for traditional crocheters and amigurumi enthusiasts.

She incorporates an ingenious tactic for getting more views on social with a built-in “Pin This” button on each post, allowing visitors to save projects to their Pinterest Boards easily.

8. Sweet Softies

screenshot of the sweet-softies homepage

While Sweet Softies covers various topics, her evident passion is yarn arts.

Her blog is an excellent way to introduce yourself to amigurumi, as it shows how to make doll bases for creating custom characters.

Those who aren’t ready to venture out alone can also try their hand at ready-to-make templates collected into doll roundups.  

9. Supergurumi

Supergurumi is a well-organized crochet blog that beginners will find very accessible.

The blog’s Crochet School features a chronological checklist of tutorials that guide visitors through the history of crochet and practical exercises for learning stitches before finally inviting readers to try one of the many free patterns.

10. Ami Amour

screenshot of the ami amour homepage

Those who have already learned the basics of amigurumi are likely to find Ami Amour an invaluable resource for patterns.

While it doesn’t offer much in the form of written tutorials, there are plenty of free patterns and product recommendations.

Regarding monetization, the sidebar links to several of the blogger’s social media pages, along with their Etsy shop, Ravelry shop, and YouTube channel.

Do Crochet Blogs Make Money?

Crochet bloggers can make good money by creating consistent, high-quality content and taking the time to learn about

How Do Crochet Blogs Make Money?

Crochet blogs have many ways to make money, including third-party advertisements, affiliate marketing programs, selling patterns or completed projects, and creating web-based courses.

Expanding your blog to YouTube brings in an additional income stream through sponsorships, ads, and platform memberships.

How Much Do Crochet Blogs Make?

The amount of earning potential crochet blogs have depends mainly on how many different streams of income they’re willing to pursue.  

For example, Pamela Grice, owner of Crochetpreneur, makes more than $17,000 per month by diversifying her business into several different products, services, and passive income strategies, including teaching online courses.

If you’re not interested in pursuing as many different income streams, the Crochet 265 Knit Too blog reported $14,227 in September 2020 using only ad revenue, affiliate programs, and product sales.

Products To Promote and Sell on a Crochet Blog

Because crocheting has a clear-cut set of necessary supplies and physical products, participating in an affiliate program or opening an online store is one of the easiest ways to monetize your blog.

Many established crochet bloggers do product roundups about their favorite yarns, hooks, patterns, and gadgets, then earn money when visitors purchase the product through their links.

Others sell their patterns and completed projects on Etsy.

A rising trend involves creating project kits with all necessary supplies and password-protected digital tutorials that only customers can access.

Similar Blogging Types To Check Out

As many of the crochet blog examples show, combining various types of crafts into one money-making DIY powerhouse is relatively common.

If you’re handy with more than one craft, you can bring in even more visitors by learning how to start a blog covering several different topics within the industry.

1. Knitting Blogs

Knitting blogs are one of the most natural extensions of crochet blogs, as both art forms require the same basic skills and materials.

These often feature similar topics, including stitch how-tos, yarn recommendations, and free patterns.

2. Sewing Blogs

With such a long history as a domestic necessity, it’s no wonder that sewing blogs are often one of the most richly-stocked and lucrative crafts blogging niches.

Many focus on digitizing vintage patterns for visitors to use at home, while others are centered around creating household decor and repurposing textiles.

3. Quilting Blogs

Quilting blogs vary in terms of both purpose and audience.

Some welcome experienced quilters to share their stories, patterns, and shortcuts, but there is an increasingly significant presence of quilters who want to modernize the craft for a younger audience.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you’re still unsure whether monetizing your crochet blog is right for you, these frequently asked questions can help you decide.

Is crochet a cheap hobby?

Crochet is a very cheap hobby, especially if you can find yarn on sale and rely on free patterns available online.

That said, luxury materials, such as hand-dyed yarn or ergonomic needles, increase the cost substantially, but the low barrier to entry makes it a popular hobby for those on a budget.

What crochet items sell the most?

Baby items are trendy, as ready-made gifts and patterns that expecting parents can create while waiting for their little ones to arrive.

Scarves, hats, and mittens in custom color schemes are also very popular, particularly when sold as a matching set.

Wrapping Up

Crochet is already a relatively well-covered topic in the crafting world, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t room for innovation.

Humor, expertise, and insider knowledge are all excellent catalysts for propelling your success, along with a willingness to create a consistent stream of quality content for your audience.

With the right mindset and monetization strategies, you can make an impact, attract visitors, and fund your yarn addiction from the comfort of your favorite chair.

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Cooking Blogs: Definition, Types, Income & 25 Examples [2022] Fri, 23 Sep 2022 21:22:37 +0000 Read more]]> Cooking blogs are a subsection of the larger section of the internet called food blogs.

If you are interested in how cooking blogs work, and how they make money, we have the scoop on all things cooking blogs for you here!

Keep reading to learn everything you should know about this deliciously fun corner of the internet, and learn how to start a blog!

Let’s examine cooking blogs more closely.

What Is a Cooking Blog?

So what is a cooking blog exactly?

Cooking blogs are a type of food blog where bloggers share recipes, cooking tips, product reviews, and brand reviews for their readers.

Usually, there are separate tabs for each of these types of content for easy reading.

Each cooking blog generally has a niche.

For instance, perhaps a blogger wants to focus on vegan meals, then their blog would be devoted to providing vegan recipes, tips for vegan cooking, vegan substitutions, and more.

What Does a Cooking Blogger Blog About?

Cooking bloggers must find a niche to be successful.

Many focus on a type of cuisine or dietary restriction.

Those topics are commonly searched on the internet that people do not know much about.

Other times, cooking bloggers might blog about new cooking tools or tips on substitutions.

What Is Included in a Cooking Blog?

Now that you know what makes a cooking blog, we will go into detail about what is included in a cooking blog.

1. Recipes

Recipes are the first thing you think of when thinking of a cooking blog.

How many times have you Googled instructions on how to make your favorite recipe, then clicked on a link to a food blog with the exact recipe you need?

More than likely, hundreds of times.

2. Cooking Tips

Cooking tips are useful if you want to follow a particular diet.

For example, if you are reading a vegetarian cooking blog, you might find a recipe for vegetarian lasagna.

That recipe will include an internal link to other blog posts about how to cook without meat while still making your dish appetizing.

3. Appliance Reviews

Like other types of blogs, appliance reviews are one of the main post-types you might find in a cooking blog.

You might be wondering how well the latest NutriBullet works.

Or you might have questions about which espresso maker you should buy.

Cooking blogs often include appliance reviews to help readers make informed decisions when purchasing kitchen products.

4. Brand Reviews

Brand reviews are great if you want to try a new brand or are looking into switching brands.

If you want to try the latest dairy-free cheese brand on the market, heading to your favorite dairy-free blog for information on ingredients or taste is the first step in making an educated purchasing decision.

5. Photos and Videos

Many recipe posts include photos and videos as instructional tools.

Other posts like appliance reviews or brand reviews attach photos to show what the product looks like or works.

Photos and videos are a crucial part of the blogging experience to help break up text and make it more interesting to the reader.

Other Things That You Can Find on a Cooking Blog

While the above are the most common types of cooking content, you can also find the following in a cooking blog.

Posts with How-Tos for Appliances

You might find a few informational blog posts with a how-to tutorial on the latest appliance.

Many people read the directions included in the box with their newest kitchen tool, but it is nice to see a video or a photo explaining how to use it in practice.

Comparison Posts

Comparison posts are also staples on cooking blogs.

For instance, you might find a blog comparing how a chocolate chip cookie bakes on parchment paper, a non-stick pan, a dark pan, and a silicone baking sheet.

These blog posts help the reader become more knowledgeable about baking to produce excellent bakes consistently.

Comments and Reviews from Readers

You might find comments and reviews from readers on all types of posts.

Readers can sound off in the comments about their experience using a specific tool or recipe that will better inform you on the practicality of the recipe or product.

Restaurant Reviews

Although restaurant reviews are not always found in a cooking blog, some chefs might have a cooking blog of their own.

They might include this type of content for their readers to enjoy.

Types of Cooking Blogs

Cooking blogs are similar, but they are not identical.

Here are a few types of cooking blogs you will find on the internet.

1. Cooking Blogs for Recipes

Some blogs are devoted to shelling out tons of recipes for their readers.

These blogs often include the recipe with a small blurb about the history and origin of the dish, tips on how to serve it best, and a few photos and videos for reference.

2. Cooking Blogs for Mixology

If you are looking for a blog devoted to making cocktails, a mixology-based blog might be your answer.

Mixology blogs focus on providing tools like recipes, tips, and brand recommendations to make the best cocktails ever!

They also include recipes for bar snacks.

3. Cooking Blogs for Cuisine-Specific Recipes and Tips

Learning to cook within a cuisine different from your native cuisine can be tough.

That is why it is important to learn all you can about that specific cuisine, in terms of the ingredients and flavors, before diving into making dishes adherent to that cuisine.

Cuisine-specific cooking blogs are the perfect place to learn!

4. Cooking Blogs for Dietary Restrictions or Needs

Cooking with dietary restrictions or cooking to avoid using certain common ingredients is a challenge.

Learning with a cooking blog that focuses on using different ingredients to stick to a dietary restriction, like gluten-free or dairy-free, is a great way to become a better cook!

5. Cooking Blogs for Sustainability

Sustainability in the kitchen is becoming more known to the general public.

Some cooking blogs create recipes where you eliminate much of your food waste by using every part of a specific ingredient or reusing it in another recipe.

These blogs generally give sustainable recipes and tips for being more sustainable in your kitchen.

Do Cooking Blogs Make Money?

Now that you understand the basics of what a cooking blog is and what types of cooking blogs there are, you might wonder how they make money.

Yes, cooking blogs can make money, and bloggers can make good money!

One important thing to remember is that you should create a following with your blog through the blog site and social media channels before trying to monetize your blog.

It takes time and careful content creation to be able to monetize it at a high level.

How Do Cooking Blogs Make Money?

The best way for cooking blogs to make money is to sell recipes, offer subscription services, use ads and join in affiliate marketing.

Selling recipes online or through an online e-book is the best and most cost-effective way for a blogger to make money from their recipes.

Subscription services like Patreon or Substack allow the creator to use a paid community to promote exclusive content like videos, recipes, or newsletters to make extra cash.

Displaying ads on your site is an excellent way to make money long-term.

Google AdSense is a popular way to monetize your content including websites and videos.

It shows relevant ads on your website, and you reap the financial benefits when someone clicks on the ad from your site.

Joining affiliate marketing programs is another way to make money.

Many bloggers use Amazon’s affiliate program, which is the perfect place to start.

You can then branch out to work as an affiliate with specific brands or products once you get the hang of how it works.

How Much Do Cooking Blogs Make?

Many blogs use the above methods to make money, but the amount you make depends on the effort and time you put into making your content watchable or readable.

The more captivating and engaging your content is, the more eyeballs and clicks you will have on your website, thus allowing you to make more money!

Though it varies from year to year and person to person, ZipRecruiter estimates that cooking bloggers make about $43,000 per year on average.

The lowest 7% of the market makes about $12,000 a year, and the highest 1% makes about $100,000 per year.

However, these ends of the spectrum are outliers, and it is more likely that the vast majority of cooking bloggers make between $25,000 and $50,000 a year.

Products To Promote and Sell on a Cooking Blog

Selling and promoting products is an excellent way to make money and improve the social standing of your brand among the public.

Here is a short list of the types of products you can promote and sell on your cooking blog.

The best thing about a cooking blog is that there are plenty of niche products to sell!

  • Cooking and baking tools
  • Your line of merch
  • Cooking and baking accessories
  • A cookbook or ebook of our most popular recipes
  • Your Substack or Patreon subscriptions
  • A particular brand’s products, including new launches
  • Mixology ingredients and tools

Best Cooking Blogs: 25 Examples

You might be wondering what the best cooking blogs on the internet are.

Well, there are plenty available online!

We have narrowed it down to the top 25 blogs across the internet in five popular categories.

Continue reading below for examples of great food blogs!

How Many Cooking Blogs Are There?

There are over 220 million cooking blogs on the internet.

Though this number sounds impossible, there are so many blogs because they exist in many countries and have plenty of niche audiences who want to read their content!

The key to success in this industry is figuring out how to stand out among the millions.

You must learn to create a blog that your followers enjoy.

Check out our top 25 examples of great cooking blogs out there for inspiration!

Cooking Blogs for Healthy Eating

These are our top five examples of great cooking blogs about healthy eating.

Some are vegan-focused, but others are about eating healthy and in moderation.

1. The Minimalist Baker

The Minimalist Baker offers healthy recipes with minimal ingredients that anyone can make.

They have a cookbook for sale and a line of healthy ingredients available for purchase.

Their easy-to-follow, minimalist recipes make them a fan favorite!

2. Alexa Fueled Naturally

Alexa Fueled Naturally is a vegan Mexican food-focused blog.

However, there are plenty of other recipes available on the site that are not Mexican-inspired if you prefer other types of cuisine.

Vegan Mexican food is very niche, which makes this blog successful, and the site has a beautiful design!

3. Love and Lemons

Love and Lemons is not a vegan blog, but they are plant-forward and focus on fresh recipes.

Their recipes are easy to follow, and there is a cookbook you can purchase online.

This blog makes you feel welcome regardless of who you are or what kind of food you like.

Check it out!

4. Ambitious Kitchen

Ambitious Kitchen posts seasonal recipes and healthy eats that anyone will like.

Though their recipes are delicious, the Ambitious Skincare line makes them stand out among other cooking blogs.

Creating a niche within your niche is a clever way to stay at the top of the blogging game!

5. SkinnyTaste

As the name suggests, SkinnyTaste is about healthy eating, but many recipes focus on feeding families.

They offer cookbooks of their recipes for purchase and meal plans to help you eat healthy for an extended time using their recipes.

Cooking Blogs for Paleo Diets

The Paleo diet is a popular diet where people only use ingredients that would have been available when our human ancestors were hunter-gatherers.

1. Nom Nom Paleo

Nom Nom Paleo is one of the most iconic Paleo blogs out there.

It is run by Michelle Tam, who is often spoken of as the Paleo Queen, especially when it comes to Asian-inspired Paleo meals.

You can find Paleo cookbooks, meal plans, recipes, and information on events on the blog!

2. PaleOMG

PaleOMG is a cheeky name for a very informative blog.

This blog focuses on creating Paleo meals for any occasion, but you can also find a workout program meant to go with a Paleo meal plan to help you feel your best.

You can also find more personal blog entries from Juli, the site owner.

These include topics like travel, pregnancy, and more.

3. The Paleo Diet

The Paleo Diet is an informative blog where you can learn Paleo 101 and find many recipes to adhere to the diet.

You can also find links to scientific studies and writings on the Paleo diet on the blog.

If you are just starting a journey into eating Paleo, this is a perfect resource to use!

4. The Paleo Running Momma

The Paleo Running Momma is a blog run by a mother of three who loves running and eating Paleo.

Though she admittedly does not eat Paleo all the time, the blog provides plenty of resources, including recipes and cookbooks for those who want to lead a Paleo lifestyle.

5. Cavegirl Cuisine

Cavegirl Cuisine is one of the top Paleo blogs out there.

It is well-liked because it offers plenty of information about the Paleo diet including its beginnings and what it is about, in addition to a community of Paleo eaters and recipes.

You can also find cookbooks for purchase on the site!

Cooking Blogs for Keto Diets

The Keto diet is making waves because of its ability to help people lose weight.

There are a few blogs out there that help people adhere to this diet and reach their full fitness potential.

We have included the top five here.

1. Keto in Pearls

One of the most niche Keto diet blogs out there, Keto in Pearls, focuses on making recipes that are kid-tested and approved!

You can cook these meals for your whole family!

There are plenty of recipes for almost any meal and preparation method on this blog, including Instant Pot meals.

2. No Bun Please

No Bun Please is more than a blog offering recipes for high-fat, low-carb diets.

They also have resources for readers to check if something is Keto-friendly, provide e-cookbooks, and have Keto restaurant guides available for readers.

3. Keto Karma

Keto Karma is a great resource for those looking to lose weight with Keto.

The site offers a Keto calculator where you can measure your macros for strict adherence to the diet.

There are also recipes and printable meal plans.

You can also find a tab with Keto Essentials for Keto substitutes for many common kitchen ingredients.

4. Ketogasm

Ketogasm is focused on making Keto recipes taste and look delicious.

It is designed for people who want to eat Keto but do not want to sacrifice taste to achieve it.

You can also find meal plans and healthy eating courses on this blog and a link to the blog’s accompanying Podcast.

5. Little Pine Kitchen

Little Pine Kitchen posts low-carb recipes and is Keto friendly without sacrificing flavor.

They also offer free resources like a printable Keto food list, a free ebook, and free membership for anyone who signs up.

The charts are one of the key features of this site that sets it apart!

Cooking Blogs for Desserts

Who doesn’t love desserts?

Check out these five dessert blogs out there.

1. Addicted to Dates

Addicted to Dates is a dessert blog dedicated to providing delicious vegan dessert ideas that do not compromise on taste!

The site covers cookies, cheesecakes, cakes, pies, brownies, and more.

You can also find a link to the YouTube channel online.

2. Dessert With Benefits

Dessert With Benefits posts recipes for desserts made with whole foods and real ingredients.

Along with the recipes, there is a list of pantry staples you can print and have at home and cookbooks with the recipes you can buy.

3. Sugared & Stirred

Sugared & Stirred is a dairy-free dessert blog that allows readers to find dairy-free alternatives for their favorite recipes!

You will find plenty of cookie, brownie, and cake recipes on the blog that are delicious and decadent despite their dairy-free nature.

4. Hummingbird High

Hummingbird High has tons of recipes for your favorite desserts and some you have probably not tried before!

It also includes informational comparison posts on certain ingredients for your educational viewing.

There is also a cookbook you can buy and a link to their Patreon account if you want to get more content from the blog!

5. Dada Eats

Dada Eats is the perfect blog if you are looking for easy, low-maintenance recipes.

Many recipes require few ingredients, or they are no-bake recipes, so you can make them and eat them right away!

You can also find a link to purchase their cookbook or work with Samah, the blog owner.

Cooking Blogs for Simple Recipes

Simple recipes are the bread and butter of weeknights.

Check out these simple recipe blogs!

1. Pinch of Yum

Pinch of Yum is an excellent blog for simple recipes that are nutritious and delicious!

They are known for giving recipes for easy recipes you can make any night of the week.

They even have freezer recipes for pre-made meals to heat up later on.

2. Cookie and Katie

Cookie and Katie is a blog that writes plenty of posts for recipes but also has a cookbook available for purchase.

Each recipe uses whole foods, which is a core tenant of the blog’s philosophy.

3. Sprouted Kitchen

Sprouted Kitchen is a great resource for those who want to make simple meals in most categories, including appetizers, desserts, entrees, sides, and more.

4. Oh She Glows

Oh She Glows is devoted to sharing easy vegan recipes to help you glow on the inside and out.

This blog stands out due to its skincare posts, and other lifestyle posts mixed among the recipes.

5. Keeping it Simple

Keeping it Simple focuses on easy and simple food recipes that anyone can do.

It is a great blog for beginning cooks, and its resources are plentiful, including recipes and tips on entertaining.

How To Become a Cooking Blogger

Let’s go over the necessary steps you should take to become a cooking blogger.

The first step is to determine your motivations for starting a blog.

Then, you can take the next steps to create your blog and move forward with creating content!

Below we have outlined the steps needed to become a food blogger.

Not all steps are necessary, and not all steps will work for everyone, but these are the most common steps that lead people to success.

Determine the Direction of the Blog

After determining your motivations, determine the direction of your blog.

Do you want to be more recipe-focused?

Would you prefer to focus on product reviews?

If you are unsure of the direction you want to take, do keyword research to uncover opportunities!

Find the hole in the industry and fill it!

Select a Niche

Selecting a blogging niche is one of the most crucial steps in becoming a cooking blogger.

You might be wondering how to choose the right niche.

Well, consider what you are knowledgeable about and passionate about, and why you want to start the blog to find your niche!

Once you find it, hone in on it!

Select a Name

The next step is selecting a name. Coming up with a blog name can be tough, but one crucial thing to remember is that it should be unique enough to set you apart but easy enough for followers to remember.

It is the first thing people associate with your blog.

It is a part of your brand, so choose wisely!

Select a Blogging Platform

The next step is to choose a blogging platform.

There are many different blogging platforms available, but you should choose the one that you can easily understand and use.

You have probably heard of WordPress, a blogging platform because it is widely used and easy to understand.

Do the research and choose the best platform for your needs!

Register a Domain Name

Next, register your domain name.

The domain name is unique to you and can only be registered by a registrar.

Registering a domain is challenging, but if you go with a trusted company, you will be pleased with the outcome.

Bluehost is the best domain registrar out there, so check it out and see what you think!

Get Web Hosting

Web hosting is a helpful tool when creating your website.

It increases security, makes it easy to monitor the site, and increases speed and performance.

We suggest managed WordPress hosting, but you should inspect your options before settling on one.

Build the Blog

Next, you should build the blog.

WordPress is an excellent tool to use for creating your blog!


First, choose a theme.

Common themes include minimalistic design themes, colorful themes, and luxury themes.

Themes allow you to customize your website style to fit your brand, from colors to fonts!

You can always use a tutorial to learn how to install a WordPress theme!


Plugins are software components that allow you to improve your website performance and customize the site.

They are often easy to install, and if you use a program like WordPress to build your blog, you can use WordPress plugins.

Essential Pages

Choose a few essential pages for your blog.

Creating tabs and pages to categorize and organize your site is important, but you do not want to make so many of your viewers get lost while navigating the website.

Produce Content for the Blog

After you build your blog, you will need to produce content. Creating content for your blog is the fun part!

You can write articles or reviews or post photos and videos to your blog.

The type of content you create is up to you!

Launch the Blog Publicly

Once you have completed the setup of your site and the content creation portion, you are ready to launch the blog to the world!

Launching a new blog can be scary, but as long as you have put effort into it, you have nothing to worry about!

Promote the Blog

There are many ways to promote a blog.

However, promoting the blog on your social media channels is one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to promote a blog.

You can also buy advertising or have your friends and family promote it on their channels.

Similar Blogging Types To Check Out

There are plenty of different types of blogs that make money out there.

Here, we will show you three more types of cooking blogs that might make you a little extra cash!

  • Recipe Blogs: Recipe blogs are similar to cooking blogs. The difference is that are devoted to sharing recipes. They do not often share reviews of products or stories about the recipe. Instead, they exist mainly for informative purposes.
  • Baking Blogs: Baking blogs differ from cooking blogs because baking is a different type of culinary talent. However, they have a lot of similarities, so if you like cooking blogs, you might enjoy baking blogs!
  • Vegan Blogs: Vegan blogs are not always cooking blogs because vegan blogs also contain information on how to dress in vegan clothing or clean with vegan cleaning products. These blogs generally cover much more than just vegan cooking tips and recipes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Let’s address a couple of frequently asked questions you might have about cooking blogs, like free food and timelines!

Do food bloggers get free food?

This is a common misconception.

While some food bloggers might be compensated or reimbursed for their meals, they often purchase meals with their money.

Is it too late to start a food blog?

It is never too late to start a food blog!

Decide on what you are passionate about, then figure out how to show your passion.

Wrapping Up

Cooking blogs are a great way to express yourself creatively, share your passions, and perhaps make a little extra money while you do it.

Remember, it is never a bad idea to start a food blog if you’re excited about food and cooking.

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Music Blogs: Definition, Types, Income & 25 Examples [2022] Fri, 23 Sep 2022 19:22:50 +0000 Read more]]> Music has always been an aspect of the human experience, so it makes sense that music blogs are plentiful on the internet.

But what exactly is a music blog, and do the bloggers make any money?

Learn how to start a music blog and check out some examples that may inspire you to create your own blog dedicated to your favorite music.

What Is a Music Blog?

A music blog is a simple concept!

The creator of the blog will discuss, review, and post music.

Music blogs are often strongly opinionated, giving subjective takes on artists, albums, songs, and genres.

Music blogs can take different approaches, they all revolve around the discussion of music, whether current or old.

Bloggers with interesting thoughts and engaging blogs can be quite successful.

What Does a Music Blogger Blog About?

Music bloggers commonly keep their readers updated on current trends and new music while incorporating their opinion about said music.

They make breakdown parts of a song, explore the meaning of lyrics, or talk about the trajectory of a specific artist.

A music blogger can take whatever approach they choose, whether it’s highly critical or more casual.

Some music bloggers deep dive into the components and instruments in a song, while others may keep their opinions more surface-level and accessible to the general public. It’s up to the blogger!

Motivations for starting a blog typically stem from a desire to discuss music and share opinions. It’s safe to say, anyone who runs a music blog is passionate about music.

What Is Included on a Music Blog?

Bloggers can include anything they want on their music blog, so there are no real requirements.

But below are features of successful music blogs to consider.

New Music

One of the most important things people look for on music blogs is what music is coming out soon!

Many folks who enjoy music blogs like to be informed about upcoming releases and what new music they can look forward to.

Music Reviews

Reviews are also essential for a successful music blog.

Many readers will visit a music blog to see how others feel about music.

Maybe they want to read the opinion of someone with more music knowledge so they can better understand the songs.

Many music lovers listen casually, but music blogs allow them to gain deeper insight into the songs and albums they love.

Music News

If you want to focus slightly more on the celebrity side of music, you can have a section discussing an artist leaving their record label, going solo, or getting married.

For example, the drama that went down between Taylor Swift and Kanye West could interest your readers, as it pertains to the music as well as the celeb gossip.

Links to Music

When people visit a music blog, they typically expect to find links to new music relevant to the blog.

If a page discusses a new album, it’s helpful to the reader if they can click on an Apple Music or Spotify link and go straight to the song.

Unfortunately, you cannot post songs on your blog without permission from the owner, but links to Youtube, Spotify, Apple Music, and similar platforms are acceptable.

Music Interviews

Some of the best music blogs will have interviews with artists themselves!

If you’re not a major blog, you probably can’t get interviews with the likes of Lana Del Rey or Drake, but you can still interview local artists to create fun content.

Concert and Tour Information

A super easy item to feature on a music blog is concert and tour dates and locations.

A music blog can be a convenient resource for readers to find out when and where their favorite artists are playing live so they can go experience their music in person.

Other Things That You Can Find on a Music Blog

Some other ideas for what you can have on your music blog are below.

These items are optional but can add some engaging and unique content to your blog.

Concert Diary

If you go to concerts often, you can have a concert or tour diary section where you discuss how different artists are at live shows.

Some artists can disappoint, while others put on unforgettable shows.

You can also discuss the quality of the venue and the temperament of the crowd.

Merch Links

When you review a song, album, or artist, you can take the opportunity to link their merch if they have any.

You don’t have to promote an artist’s merchandise if you don’t want to, but fans may appreciate it.

Lyrics Explained

Lyrics can be as beautiful as poetry, and also just as confusing.

Some people love music but struggle to interpret the lyrics, so you can explain songs that may be dense.

You can give a brief overview, or interpret songs line-by-line.


Not everyone pays much attention to scores in movies, but music bloggers can highlight films with fantastic music or note when popular songs find their way into new movies.

A section like this can set a music blogger apart from competitors.

Artist Background

Like interviews with artists, many music lovers enjoy learning more about an artist’s background.

You can have bios of popular artists, discussing their childhood, rise to success, and what they use for inspiration.

Types of Music Blogs

A generic music blog that covers all genres can be overwhelming to create and read.

Therefore, many music bloggers choose a genre to focus on, which also helps them target a specific audience.

Music Blogs for EDM: EDM is electronic dance music, often associated with raves and festivals.

These blogs will discuss EDM artists, festivals, and more.

The audience for EDM blogs is typically a younger crowd, as EDM hasn’t been around longer than a few decades.

Music Blogs for Hip Hop: Hip hop is one of the most popular varieties of music blogs, as the fanbase for hip hop is massive, and it’s easy to create lots of content concerning rap lyrics, beats, and the rich history of this genre.

Music Blogs for Rock: Rock music blogs appeal to a wider audience since the genre has been around for a long time and has many fans.

While today’s rock music may not break the top 40, there are still tons of incredible rock songs and albums being made.

Music Blogs for Metal: Metal fans are often devoted to the genre, and love finding communities dedicated to this intense type of music.

Readers of metal blogs have a specific interest in concerts and tours.

Music Blogs for Jazz: People who are into jazz are super passionate, especially as the genre has improvisation traits that can be exciting to witness and discuss.

Jazz blogs often attract jazz musicians, but can also appeal to jazz listeners.

Do Music Blogs Make Money

While some music bloggers create content simply because they love it, bloggers can make good money via affiliate marketing, product links, webshops, and sponsored posts.

If you implement some of these strategies for monetization, you can turn your love of music into a way to make extra money!

How Do Music Blogs Make Money?

There are many avenues a music blog can take when monetizing its content.

A few techniques are above, and affiliate marketing is likely the best option for people starting.

Below is a list of ways you can monetize your music blog!

  • Affiliate marketing: incorporating and promoting companies into your content
  • Sponsored posts: posts intended to lead readers to a product or service
  • Advertising: you can use banners, pop-ups, and similar ad placements
  • Sales: you can sell music, music-related services, or merchandise
  • Charge artists: new artists can pay you a fee to feature their music on your blog
  • Live Streaming: you can offer live streams of music and sell tickets

You can always find new and innovative ways to make money off a music blog, but these are some proven ways music bloggers can monetize their content.

How Much Do Music Blogs Make?

The amount of money a particular music blog makes depends on the success of the blog and its monetization efforts.

A music blogger can make between $100 and $10,000 per month.

The most successful blogs can make $10,000 every week, but those blogs are the cream of the crop.

If you’re just starting a music blog, don’t quit your day job just yet, as it can take lots of time and effort to monetize your blog.

Products to Promote and Sell on a Music Blog

Many different types of blogs that make money do so by promoting and selling products on their website.

The products you promote should be relevant to your content, so a music blog discussing the newest metal music shouldn’t promote Victoria’s Secret products.

Try to choose products that appeal to your target audience and relate to your content.

Below are some products and services music bloggers can promote:

  • Music Lessons
  • Artist Merchandise
  • Streaming subscriptions
  • Instruments
  • Extra content
  • Gifts for music lovers

Best Music Blogs: 25 Examples

When figuring out how to start a blog, it can help to look at some prime examples.

Check out 25 of the best music blogs you can use for inspiration and guidance.

How Many Music Blogs Are There?

There are over 600 million blogs, and a decent amount of them are music blogs.

It’s difficult to say an exact number, but one can safely assume that there are thousands if not millions of music blogs.

Unfortunately, this means there is a lot of competition in the music blog world.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t find the perfect niche and curate a super successful music blog!

Peruse the examples below, and you’ll see how many niches there are for music blogs.

Music Blogs for EDM

Electronic dance music came about in the 1980s, so it is still a newer genre of music.

But it has a massive following thanks to its energetic and inspiring sound. Some of the best EDM blogs are below.


Mixmag is a British EDM blog focusing on the clubbing scene and new British EDM artists.

It features music news and highlights daily to keep its reader informed.

The blog often features interesting interviews and articles discussing the culture and prominence of EDM as the genre continues to grow.


First, Earmilk is a pretty cool name for a blog and appeals to many fans of the EDM genre, exemplifying how important a creative blog name can be!

Earmilk highlights underground music but still reviews mainstream EDM using a specific quality rubric.

Dancing Astronaut

Another fun and funky name, the Dancing Astronaut blog discusses the American EDM scene, specifically posting about new music, upcoming releases, and popular artists.

This EDM is more mainstream, appealing to the most casual EDM listeners.

EDM Sauce

For raw EDM coverage, EDM Sauce is one of the best sources.

It’s super active, constantly creating new content to keep EDM fans interested and up-to-date on the newest artists and releases.

They also offer recommendations for equipment or music.

DJ Mag

Another British EDM blog, DJ Mag is geared toward EDM artists, offering tips for creating music and finding success in the industry.

It’s one of the more informative blogs, directed toward DJs and other artists rather than just EDM fans.

Music Blogs for Hip Hop

Hip-hop seems to grow and grow in popularity as the years go by, and hip-hop music blogs are some of the most successful sites.

People love to read content relating to complex lyrics and innovative music.


AllHipHop is one of the most prominent music blogs in the hip-hop community, as it’s been creating content for almost 20 years.

It focuses on the top artists in the industry and posts in-depth reviews of new songs and albums.

Ben’s Big Blog

Ben’s Big Blog is one of the more analytical music blogs, offering statistics on hip-hop as well as other music genres.

This music blog dives deep into the meaning of lyrics, the success of certain songs, and expounds on the evolution of artists.

The Boom Box

One of the most editorial hip-hop blogs is The Boom Box, which posts compelling pieces about albums and artists.

For deep reviews and critical analysis, hip-hop fans turn to this strongly opinionated hip-hop blog.

Fake Shore Drive

Fake Shore Drive thrives in the Chicago hip-hop niche, focusing on local artists and the success of acts from the area.

The blog stays relevant and updated, keeping readers informed via several daily posts.


Rap lyrics can feature references and dense lyrics, making them hard to interpret for some.

Genius is the number one source for line-by-line explanations of popular rap songs, helping fans gain insight into the meaning behind dense lyrics.

Music Blogs for Rock

Rock music is a staple in the American music scene, and you can follow many quality music blogs that focus on the rock genre.

Louder Sound

Louder Sound is one of the most comprehensive rock music blogs, featuring reviews, artist backgrounds, interviews, radio, videos, and more.

They also cover the subgenres within rock attentively, appealing to all sorts of rock fans.

In many rock-lovers eyes, this is the ultimate music blog for rock.

Rock Sound

This online magazine offers readers music videos, news, reviews, and pictures, creating a visual medium for rock fans to appreciate.

Rock Sound tends to shine a light on newer artists but still covers popular names in the genre, appealing to mainstream rock lovers and underground fans.


Loudwire is another comprehensive rock blog with interviews, reviews, news, tour dates, and other relevant information.

They tend to keep their content extremely current, focusing on up-and-coming artists and the top rock albums recently released.

Planet Rock

This music blog is UK-based and functions as a radio station and a source of reviews, interviews, and news.

Planet Rock is one of the best places fans can listen to music and find information on the newest bands.

They report on new releases but evenly give attention to old rock music.


Blabbermouth is a CNN-owned blog that discusses hard rock and heavy metal news.

They post tour and concert dates, album and song reviews, and relevant news for devoted rock fans to read.

Not only do they discuss the latest news in the rock genre, but they will highlight some of the most legendary artists and albums in rock.

Music Blogs for Metal

Metal music isn’t one of the most mainstream genres, but devoted fans can find engaging communities on the top metal blogs.

The five blogs listed below are some of the most successful metal blogs on the web.


Despite the name, the creators and readers of MetalSucks are metalheads who love this intense and passionate style of music.

MetalSucks has everything metal fans could want, from in-depth reviews to rumors of new music to commentaries on the metal culture.

Metal Injection

Metal Injection is a music blog filled with content.

A fan of metal music could spend hours, if not days, exploring everything this dense blog offers.

You can watch videos, read news, listen to metal podcasts, artists’ bios, merchandise, and even contests where you can win tickets to metal concerts!

Invisible Oranges

Invisible Oranges is a well-organized heavy metal blog with show listings, streams, merchandise shops, and photos.

This blog has a unique voice, stating strong opinions about music without alienating its audience.

It has a fun and conversational tone but still provides informative content.

Angry Metal Guy

Angry Metal Guy is one of the top blogs if you want opinions on new music.

The blog focuses on dissecting new songs and albums to give raw reviews that don’t hold any punches.

It uses a rating system that ranges from unlistenable to iconic, giving every piece of music a hard number.


This metal blog has a darker vibe and appeals to a niche audience in the metal genre.

People into super intense metal music with grim or unsettling themes are the target audience.

The site features interviews, album reviews, and calendars with tour dates.

Music Blogs for Jazz

Jazz music blogs are a wealth of knowledge on the genre, and many are geared toward Jazz musicians rather than fans.

But below are five of the top blogs, many of which appeal to both fans and musicians.

inconstant sol

The blog, inconstant sol, is a unique music blog, as it operates as a collective with tons of posters that curate a complex and active jazz community.

It focuses on the experimental side of jazz, exploring new sounds and techniques that show the innovative evolution of the genre.

The Free Jazz Collective

This blog reviews avant-garde and free jazz media and music that everyone can access.

It’s run by volunteers passionate about jazz and has very few ads, as they want to curate a pure jazz platform that solely focuses on the music.

You can watch videos, read reviews, and find tour dates easily.

London Jazz News

As the name suggests, this blog discusses London-based jazz music, from the most popular musicians to new faces on the scene.

One of its most unique features are the live reviews, where creators review the new music as they first listen to it, offering raw opinions and first impressions.

Bird is the Worm

Bird is the Worm blog is an excellent resource for people interested in new jazz.

Jazz music often features improvisations, which have evolved the genre into a modern style many people love.

This blog focuses only on the newest jazz, keeping readers up-to-date on brand-new releases.

New York Jazz Workshop

The New York Jazz Workshop is different because it’s a learning resource for jazz musicians but also has reviews and fascinating pieces on the evolution of jazz.

It offers music courses, exemplifying one of the ways music blogs can monetize their content.

How to Become a Music Blogger

Do you feel like music blogging is your calling?

Maybe it’s finally time to start your very own music blog, and below is a guide to help you get going.

Determine the Direction of the Blog

Consider the many blog ideas for music lovers discussed above and use them to inspire your music blog!

Do you want to interpret lyrics and explain their meaning?

Do you want to give critical reviews of new music?

Is your blog going to focus on fans or musicians?

It’s totally up to you, but it’s best to have a firm direction.

You can do keyword research to uncover opportunities and see what niches are hungry for content.

Select a Niche

If you create a music blog that covers every genre and era in every way, you will likely not be able to compete with the established music blogs and be expected to churn out an insane amount of content.

Instead, find a niche you’re passionate about and target a specific audience.

Knowing how to choose the right niche is essential, and it starts with brainstorming topics that interest you!

Select a Name

Coming up with a blog name can be a challenge, but take your time.

An interesting and clever blog name can entice people, but don’t make it too abstract.

Brainstorm some titles and see which one speaks to you.

Select a Blogging Platform

There are many different blogging platforms available.

Research the options to decide which one suits your needs.

A few examples of blogging platforms are:

  • WordPress
  • Squarespace
  • Medium
  • Blogger
  • Dropplets

Register a Domain

As mentioned, you don’t want to choose a blog name too hastily, but don’t leave this task for last.

You could develop the perfect blog name to discover the domain is unavailable.

Once you pick a name, find the best domain registrar so they can register the domain for you, and you can start creating content!

Get Web Hosting

Web hosting houses, serves, and maintains files for websites, allowing you to create storage and keep your content on your blog.

While there are several web hosting options, we suggest managed WordPress hosting, as it has many helpful features.

Build the Blog

The next step is to build your blog.

This task can be time-consuming, but take your time and craft a visually appealing and easy-to-navigate blog that readers will enjoy.


First things first, install a WordPress theme.

The theme you choose will give your blog a certain aesthetic, so consider what direction you want to go in and what you think your target audience would like.


WordPress plugins are a useful addition to your website, giving you and your readers more features.

Install the plugins you think will enhance your blog and optimize your content.

Some of the best WordPress plugins include:

  • Yoast SEO
  • Gravity Forms
  • Jetpack
  • WP Smush

Essential Pages

There are a few essential pages for your blog you should set up right away.

Not every blog is the same, so you’ll have pages that other sites don’t and vice versa.

But some pages are necessary and expected by readers.

Essential pages for almost any blog include :

  • About page
  • Contact page
  • Subscribe page
  • Archives page
  • Disclaimer page

Produce Content for the Blog

Creating content for your blog is next, and likely the most intensive task.

Brainstorm as many ideas for content as you can and craft high-quality posts that appeal to your target audience.

What you first put on your blog should be some of your best work, showing people that your blog will provide top-notch music content.

Try to develop content that captures your niche and offers something different from the many other music blogs available.

Launch the Blog Publicly

Once you set up the blog and add engaging and unique content, it’s time to launch the blog.

Launching a new blog can be nerve-racking, as you never know how people will respond and you may be initially disappointed if people don’t appreciate your content.

But you can never find success if you don’t take the leap.

Promote the Blog

Lastly, promote your blog to drive traffic.

You can do this via social media platforms, music forums, influencers, and built-in links.

There are endless ways to promote a blog, so develop a clear strategy with defined goals to help you gain a following.

Similar Blogging Types to Check Out

If you think the music blog scene isn’t right for you, check out some similar blog styles that may appeal to you.

Hip Hop Blogs

Hip-hop blogs are super popular right now, helping people deeply appreciate this creative and immense genre.

Hip-hop blogs can go beyond the music, focusing on dance, culture, and the history behind the genre.

Poetry Blogs

If the lyrical side of a music blog appeals to you, look into poetry blogs!

Poetry blogs are less prominent, so you’ll have less competition.

But you can help people gain insight into their favorite poems and poets, creating meaningful content.

Podcast Blogs

While most people still listen to music in their headphones, podcasts are steadily becoming a massive market.

Podcast blogs are a great opportunity for someone who wants to rate and review various podcasts to help people find the most enthralling shows!

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are frequently asked questions about music blogs and creating music blogs.

How do I find music blogs?

Finding music blogs is easy!

Search for general music blogs or find music blogs that cater to a specific genre.

A great place to start looking at music blogs is the list of 25 stellar music blogs discussed above.

What is the best music website?

Bandcamp is one of the top websites offering free music to people, making it one of the most visited music websites.

Concerning the best music blogs, many people consider Rolling Stone and Pitchfork to be at the top.

Wrapping Up

If you have a deep passion for music, starting a music blog allows you to create content about the music you care about.

While there are many blogs, you can be a successful music blogger if you find the right niche and know what your audience wants.

So don’t wait any longer to create your music blog!

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Podcast Vs Blog: Similarities, Differences and Which Is Best In 2022 Thu, 22 Sep 2022 13:30:42 +0000 Read more]]> As a content creator or business owner, you’ve probably considered starting a blog, podcast, or both.

Each option is an excellent way to spread the word about your brand while encouraging interaction with your target users.

However, you also know there are significant differences between a podcast vs. a blog.

Podcasts Vs. Blogs: An Overview

vector graphic showing an illustration of a podcast vs blog

The primary difference between a podcast and a blog is the medium.

Podcasts are accessible through apps like Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or YouTube, and can be either video or audio.

On the other hand, a blog is written content available all over the web.


Podcasts are a classic form of reaching your listeners reimagined for 21st-century listeners.

What Is a Podcast

A podcast is essentially an online radio show you can access via streaming apps.

Although podcasts started as strictly audio, many podcasts also air their show on video apps such as YouTube.

What Makes a Podcast Stand Out?

A podcast stands out from a blog because it doesn’t require users to read the content.

Instead, they can simply log into a streaming app or sign onto a site to listen to your content.

Pros of Podcasts

Pros of podcasts include:

  • Accessible anywhere
  • No need to focus on reading
  • Great for vision-impaired users
  • Flexibility

The main pro of podcasts is their flexibility.

Users typically have the option of listening or viewing each episode, or reading a transcript, depending on the creator.

Cons of Podcasts

The main downsides of podcasts are the following:

  • Require expensive editing and recording equipment
  • Listeners can’t always access the content when in public

The gear needed for a podcast is costly and requires knowledge to use effectively.

If you’re a listener, you’ll need a device to play and listen on, along with headphones for privacy.


Blogs have been around for several decades.

Originally called web logs, a blog is an efficient way of disseminating information in simple or complex terms.

What Is a Blog?

A blog is written content provided by bloggers in any niche you can imagine.

Bloggers write their content and allow users to interact in the comment section.

You can find them all over the web, on both blogging sites and as a subsection of business sites.

What Makes Blogs Stand Out?

Blogs are ideal because there’s quite literally a blog for every topic.

From cooking to book restoration, users can find a blog that suits their interests.

Pros of Blogs

A blog’s main pro is that it requires significantly less effort to produce.

Bloggers can write anywhere from any device.

Other benefits include:

  • Less reliance on follower count
  • Many users prefer to read than listen
  • It doesn’t require significant knowledge to create a blog

Cons of Blogs

Although blogs are ideal for sharing content, they also have their downsides.

The downside of blogs include:

  • Can get lost in a sea of lookalikes
  • A large initial time investment for moderate success

Podcasts Vs. Blogs: Detailed Comparison

Now that we have the basics out of the way, it’s time to discuss the more granular differences between blogs and podcasts.

Which Is More Popular?

Although blogs continue to be a popular means of gathering information, podcasts are on the upswing.

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How Popular Are Podcasts?

Podcasts have increased in popularity exponentially in the past decade.

According to Statista, only 32 million people listened to a podcast each month in 2006.

As of 2021, that number increased more than tenfold to 164 million per month.

Of course, this doesn’t factor in the number of podcasters who also run a YouTube channel to stream their episodes.

Podcasts are most popular with millennials.

Most podcasts are consumed via Spotify, with news and comedy being the most popular genres.

As of 2022, more than 2.4 million podcasts are available, consisting of nearly 70 million episodes.

How Popular Are Blogs?

Although podcasts number in the millions, blogs are far more prolific.

According to Ahrefs, as of 2022, nearly 2 billion websites host over 600 million blogs.

In addition, approximately 75% of internet users have read or currently read blogs regularly.

The most popular blog genres are food and travel.

Many blogs are used as a form of content marketing alongside social media or online advertising.

However, since many, if not most, of those blogs won’t see success, new bloggers will have their work cut out when it comes to competition.

Podcast vs. Blog Popularity

Here are a few key takeaways when considering blog and podcast popularity:

  1. Choose the best format for your niche.
  2. Examine the trends and see how you can improve on them.
  3. Be sure to find a niche that’s in demand yet sparsely populated.

Which Makes More Money?

Bloggers and podcasters can each make a modest living from their blogs, but there’s no set rule on which makes more.

Although some podcasters and bloggers make it big, that tends to be the exception, not the rule.

In addition, those who generate high income must put in months or even years of work to establish their brand.

image showing how much money do bloggers make - illustration on a screen for this post on

How Much Do Podcasts Make?

A typical podcaster with roughly 10,000 downloads for each podcast episode can expect anywhere from $500 to $900 per podcast.

In addition, advertising and marketing, including affiliate marketing, can increase your income.

What you make as a podcaster will depend on your niche, how frequently you produce content, and the platforms you use.

For example, a podcaster with a specialized niche who uploads content twice a week will gain more revenue than one who only uploads twice a month.

How Much Do Blogs Make?

Blogger income is a bit more nuanced than podcast income.

Whereas podcasts require a download, ad deals, or membership subscriptions for income, the amount bloggers make will depend on traffic to their site and interaction once a user arrives.

According to Indeed, the average blogger makes approximately $39,000 annually, equivalent to roughly 800,000 podcast downloads.

As with podcasting, this depends on advertising, marketing, and your audience size.

Most importantly, it depends on your niche and target audience.

Podcast vs. Blog Revenue

The key takeaways for podcast and blog revenue are:

  • You shouldn’t expect to make it big right away
  • High revenue requires significant time and effort
  • You’ll go through a lot of trial and error before gaining success

Getting Paid

If you’re new to digital content creation, you might be unsure how you’ll get paid.

As it happens, there are several ways podcasters and bloggers get paid.

Both depend on how often users access your content and where they do it.

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How Do Podcasters Get Paid?

Absent any other form of revenue, podcasters make money through sponsors and affiliate programs.

Many also receive donations or sell memberships to their content.

However, advertising and sponsorships are the ideal places to start if you want to monetize your content.

Although you don’t need a huge following to find sponsors, you’ll have more luck if you have at least 5,000 downloads per month.

The best way to find sponsors is to reach out to them directly.

You can also try partnering with a hosting service, such as Buzzsprout, joining a podcast network, or joining a podcast directory.

How Do Bloggers Get Paid?

As with podcasting, affiliate marketing is the best way to make money as a blogger.

Bloggers who use affiliate marketing programs will run advertisements on their sites that generate revenue with each click.

In addition to advertising revenue, bloggers can directly link to an online store where readers can purchase products or services.

They can also generate income on social media or by guest posting for other bloggers.

Podcast vs. Blog Getting Paid

The bottom line for payments for bloggers versus podcasters is as follows:

  • Bloggers have more easily-accessible options for revenue
  • Podcasters have to rely on listeners manually finding sponsor sites
  • Both options typically include access to unique discount codes
  • The more successful you are, the bigger the sponsors you’ll get

Costs To Get Started

On the surface, it might seem as though podcasts and blogs can be relatively inexpensive to create and publish.

However, that’s not entirely true.

There are many areas where content creators can save money.

Still, when it comes to making a name for yourself with your target market, you’ll have to spend money to make money.

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Costs To Start a Blog

Between podcasts and blogs, a blog is much easier to do on a budget.

For example, you can design and host a site for free, post your own content, and maintain your site yourself to avoid costs early on.

That said, there are some costs that’ll ultimately become necessary.


Advertising is a vital part of monetizing your content.

For most bloggers, affiliate ads are where they make their money.

They’re an ideal form of income because they’re mutually beneficial.


Although you can host your website on for free, you should consider a paid hosting service through

You’ll get better security and flexibility on how much you can publish.


If you’re handy with graphic design software and have a good eye, you can try your hand at designing your logo and aesthetic.

However, many bloggers choose to hire a graphic designer to do it for them.

Site Design

Although WordPress makes it easy to design a beautiful blog using a WordPress theme, you might want to hand over the reins to a professional.

A website designer can give you a unique site that perfectly suits your brand.


Time spent researching and crafting each blog post might not cost money, but it can take away from other business pursuits.

However, fully understanding search engine optimization (SEO) and market research is crucial to blogging success.

Costs To Start a Podcast

As a fledgling podcast host, you can find plenty of ways to podcast on a budget.

Between equipment, hosting, and marketing, you can start a podcast for relatively cheap.

Still, podcasting costs are typically significantly higher than blogging.


First and foremost, all podcasters need equipment.

Specifically, you’ll need:

  • Computer
  • Microphone
  • Podcast production and editing software
  • Headphones

As you continue your podcasting career, you might add more substantial purchases, including a production booth or soundproofing equipment.


As with blogging, you’ll need a robust marketing campaign for your podcast.

If you’re fluent in social media, you might be able to do a lot of marketing for free.

However, paid ads are ideal for targeting your market and are an excellent way to nail the SEO needed for podcasts.


All podcasts need branding, even though they’re an audio medium.

You’ll need a podcast cover that stands out and things that draw the ear, like a quirky catchphrase.

Site Design

Most podcasters will have a companion website that provides easy access to their content.

You can design a site yourself or pay someone to manage the upkeep for you.


Finally, you’ll need to find a host for your podcast.

Platforms like Buzzsprouts, Captivate, and RSS are all popular and efficient hosts for podcasts.

Costs of Starting a Blog vs. Podcast

To start a blog, prepare to shell out money for these costs:

  • Advertising
  • Hosting
  • Branding
  • Site design

To start a podcast, you’ll need the following:

  • Equipment
  • Advertising
  • Site design
  • Hosting

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you still have questions about starting up a blog or podcast?

Here are a few common questions about podcasts vs. blogs.

vector graphic showing an illustration of a podcast vs blog

What is the difference between a blog and a vlog?

A blog is a form of written content.

It can be in short or long form.

A vlog is a video blog, meaning everything you post is focused on video content.

What is the difference between blogs and wikis?

The primary difference between a blog and a wiki is that a blog is owned and updated by one person or entity.

On the other hand, a wiki, such as Wikipedia, can be edited by anyone.

The Verdict: A Podcast vs. a Blog

Above is everything you need to know about running a podcast vs. a blog.

Use a blog if:

  • You prefer written content
  • You don’t want to spend a lot of time courting sponsors
  • You have the time and inclination to design a site

If this sounds like you, it’s time to get started on your blog today.

Use a podcast if:

  • You prefer audio content
  • You don’t want your content tied to a website
  • You want to branch into video content

Podcasting isn’t for everyone, but if you think it’ll fit your style, start planning your course immediately.

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What Is A Personal Blog? Definition, Examples & Best Practices To Follow Sat, 17 Sep 2022 16:53:41 +0000 Read more]]> Have you been writing casually for years and want to shift to something you can share with others?

A personal blog is an excellent way to share your life, knowledge, and experiences with others.

Fortunately, the steps needed to launch a blog aren’t extensive.

If you’re interested in starting your blog, stick around.

We’ll cover everything you need to know to get your brand off the ground.

What is a Personal Blog?

Personal blogs are blogs created by individual authors, as opposed to businesses.

Authors will write about whichever topic they choose, such as personal experiences, and market their blog to others.

vector graphic showing an illustration of a personal brand - for a personal blog

How Does a Personal Blog Work?

A personal blog functions similarly to a professional one.

Authors use their blog platform to publish posts on a chosen topic.

Typically, the topic relates to the author’s life in some way, and in many cases, authors will monetize their content.

This is oftentimes done using their own personal brand or persona in which they sell or promote something.

Can A Personal Blog Make Money?

Many bloggers choose to monetize their blog content.

They do this via affiliate marketing, advertisements, or offering products or services for a fee.

However, it can take time and significant effort before bloggers make a living off their content.

Reasons for Starting a Personal Blog

Although there are countless reasons for starting a blog, here are a few of the most common reasons authors choose to publish content.

1. Sharing Your Passions With Others

Many bloggers choose to start blogging as a way to share their passion with others.

For example, avid gardeners will often have blogs where they discuss recent gardening news or publish reviews to readers.

2. Venting to The World

Blogging started as a digital journal of sorts called a weblog.

The modern form of the digital journal is blogs that authors use to vent to the world.

For example, some writers might pen their thoughts about politics, while others might share personal life frustrations.

3. Networking With Others

Blogging is an excellent way to build a community of like-minded people online.

Authors start blogs to network with other writers, readers, and industry professionals.

When you want to create a business venture, you need a network. Blogging is an excellent place to start.

4. Developing Future Business Opportunities

If you’re just starting in your field, a blog can help you develop future business opportunities.

It’s common for bloggers to offer a product or service to readers, and starting a blog can help lay the foundation for those business ventures.

5. Just Getting Your Name Out There

A final reason authors create blogs is to simply get their name out there.

Whether you want to start a business, build a new online village, or create a portfolio, a personal blog is an efficient way to tell people who you are.

Personal Blog Contents & Features

Personal blogs can contain all types of content.

However, there are a few pieces of content and several features a good blog should never be without.

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Essential Pages on a Personal Blog

Your blog is a website that’s an extension of you.

Therefore, every page should reflect who you are.

The pages you want to be sure to include are:

  • About
  • Contact
  • Products or Services (if applicable)
  • Terms of Service
  • Disclaimer
  • Privacy Policy
  • Archives
  • Employment page (if applicable)

Each page on your blog impacts your user’s experience.

Therefore, they should all have a purpose and be easy to navigate for the best results.

Topics Covered on a Personal Blog

Personal blogs can cover any topic you can imagine.

From pet care to childcare, culinary pursuits to book reviews, there’s a reader itching for knowledge on any topic.

So, take time to find something you’re passionate about to ensure you enjoy the blogging process.

Can a Personal Blog Be Successful?

Personal blogs can be just as successful as professional or business blogs.

However, marketing your blog and building your following might take longer without the clout of a business behind you.

Still, with total dedication, you can successfully monetize your content.

Personal Blog Examples

If you’re interested in looking at a few personal blog examples, you can check out our full list of popular personal blogs.

Below, you’ll find a few others that are worth noting.

1. Dad or Alive

First-time dads will find heaps of helpful information for navigating those frightening first few years on Dad or Alive.

Written by a stay-at-home dad, this blog focuses on helping new dads ease into fatherhood.

2. Dogalize

Pet blogs are a popular source of information for current or potential pet owners, which is why Dogalize is so great.

Dogalize takes a fun, informative approach to educating pet parents.

3. Kimchi Mamas

If you want inspiration from a blog that isn’t focused on monetization, Kimchi Mamas is a great place to start.

Six Korean American mothers got together to create a blog that touches on all topics that affect Korean American citizens.

4. Beautiful Books

Beautiful Books is a book blog that provides detailed information for casual book collectors.

The author prides herself on being one of the first to let collectors know about special editions and bookish news that can help readers build their collections.

5. Tech Savvy Mama

Tech Savvy Mama is a blog about mothering in the internet and social media age.

She focuses the bulk of her content on parenting. However, she also provides information on other topics, including technology and education.

Alternatives: Similar Types of Blogs

Other blogs that are similar to personal blogs include lifestyle, pet, and travel blogs.

Each of these takes the personal blog one step further by turning a personal interest into a source of income.

  • Lifestyle Blogs: Examples of lifestyle blogs include cooking, finance, organization, and fashion. Bloggers running these sites might provide detailed reviews for products and services while sharing personal stories about various topics.
  • Pet Blogs: If you’ve ever considered blogging about pets, you aren’t alone, which means you need to find a good niche. For example, if you’re a dog lover, you could write a blog on dog training. Then, monetize your content using affiliate programs or ads.
  • Travel Blogs: Any traveler who likes to have a detailed itinerary when they travel knows how valuable travel blogs are. They’re an excellent place to find information on deals, events, and tips for traveling.

Where Do I Start a Personal Blog?

When choosing a personal blog, you’ll have plenty of platform options.

However, we’d highly recommend you choose a managed WordPress host from the start and use it with

This combination provides for all-in-one blog management and hassle-free hosting.

What Should I Post on My Personal Blog?

There’s no hard-and-fast rule about what you should post on your blog.

That said, writing what you know is always best.

If you’re passionate about a topic, you can be sure others are, too.

How to Start a Personal Blog

Not sure how to start a blog? Don’t worry.

Although there are a lot of steps involved with blogging, you can do it with some time and effort.

vector illustrations showing an illustration of the blogging process that people must go through to launch a blog

1. Pick a Blog Name

First, pick a blog name.

This might seem like a no-brainer, but that quirky name you’ve had in mind might not be available.

So, make a list of names, then do a quick search to find which ones are available.

2. Develop and Refine Your Brand

Brand development is one of the most time-consuming processes for bloggers.

From logos to language to aesthetics, you need to stand out.

For best results, you might want to consult with a professional to get started building your brand.

3. Register a Domain Name

Register your domain name as soon as you choose your blog’s name, and make sure the two names match.

For example, if you chose “Dog Training 101” for your title, choose a matching domain.

If it isn’t available, reassess your chosen name.

The best domain registrars usually cost around $10 per year, so this is very affordable for even the most frugal bloggers.

4. Get WordPress Hosting

Once your name and domain are handled, it’s time to host your blog.

WordPress is a popular choice for bloggers because it’s versatile, user-friendly, and robust.

It also has excellent branding options.

We suggest going with one of the best managed WordPress hosts, as it saves you time and money in the long-run.

5. Install a Theme

When choosing your WordPress theme, make sure it mirrors the brand image you want to project.

Aim for something aesthetically pleasing but is unmistakably you.

6. Start Writing!

Finally, you can start writing. Your best bet is to write several blog posts before launching your site.

This will give you some breathing room in those first few weeks or months to work out any kinks.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the answers to a few common questions about blogging.

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What type of blog makes the most money?

Realistically, any blog can make money.

It’s all in how you market it and whether or not your content is valuable.

Still, it takes time, money, and patience to make a living from blogging.

Are personal blogs still a thing?

Personal blogs are some of the most popular blogs on the internet.

Readers love getting advice from real people and not just businesses.

As long as that remains the case, personal blogs won’t go anywhere.

Wrapping Up

Hopefully, this article gave you insight into how exciting and easy starting a personal blog can be.

If you follow the steps listed here and understand success won’t happen overnight, you’ll be on the right path forward.

Do you have a question or experience you’d like to share? Drop a comment below to reach out.

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A Beginner’s Guide To Pet Blogging: What It Is & How It Works Fri, 16 Sep 2022 19:55:14 +0000 Read more]]> Since the invention of the Internet, blogging has been a popular tool and activity used by many to create a sense of community online and share what they are passionate about with the world.

Pet blogging is a niche area of blogging where pet owners and pet enthusiasts share blog posts about their pets, exchange advice on being a pet owner, and write about topics related to pets that are interesting to them.

Lately, pet blogging and other types of blogging have become more marketable and easily monetized with the right tools.

Continue reading for a deep dive into becoming a pet blogger and what it takes to keep it going.

Basics of Pet Blogging

First, we should establish what pet blogging is, how it works, and the types of pet blogs there are.

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What is Pet Blogging?

Blogging is defined as an internet practice where personal reflections, comments, hyperlinks to products, videos, and photographs from the writer for the enjoyment of their readers are published.

It is similar to an online diary with much more factual and helpful information.

Pet blogging follows the same model, but it is all about pets!

They often cover pet health, pet safety, pet care tips, senior dogs, pet products and more.

Bloggers find their niche and stick to it so they can focus on a specific topic and provide helpful tips.

There are many ideas for a pet blog you can turn to for inspiration.  

How Does Pet Blogging Work?

Like other blogs, pet bloggers should follow the same steps to set up their blog, decide on their niche, and use affiliate links to make money through the site.

Pet blogging is like traditional blogging, but the focus is on a pet-related topic.

Types of Pet Blogging

As the internet expanded, pet bloggers have expanded to cover more bases than just a traditional blog about their favorite furry friend.

There are three main types of blogs in the pet blogging world.

1. Traditional Blogging Websites

Traditional blogging websites are solely web-based pet blogs.

They have their domain name.

They write about pet topics, whether it is a specific pet or breed, or they give pet tips on being a pet parent.

2. Product Review Websites

Product review pet blogs are dedicated to creating helpful reviews of popular pet products for a variety of household pets.

These products generally include food, treats, and auxiliary toys or gear.

3. Social Media Accounts

With the rise of social media sites like Instagram and TikTok, pet bloggers have taken to these channels to support their traditional blogs or to create a social media-only blog.

These accounts feature pet influencers who focus on pet products, pet safety, and other content.

Social media is the cheapest of the three types to run since all social media platforms are free, so there is no upfront cost or maintenance cost unless you eventually hire a social media manager.

The Details on Pet Blogging

Now that you are familiar with the basics, let’s cover a few important details on pet blogging.

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Benefits of Starting a Pet Blog

You may be wondering if there are any benefits to starting a pet blog.

The short answer to this is: Yes!

The intangible benefits of starting a pet blog include community, enjoyment in writing, and education on pet care.

The tangible perks of blogging are receiving free products from brands, earning money from your blog, and meeting your readers in person.

Is Pets a Profitable Niche?

Overall, pets are a profitable niche when it comes to blogging.

Though the blog market is heavily saturated, there are many types of pets and breeds of pets, so you can likely find a niche that is not covered yet to focus on.

How Much Do Pet Bloggers Make?

With all this money talk, you might be wondering how much bloggers make.

A blogger makes about $37,073 per year, according to Indeed.

A salary like this is consistent with other jobs on the market, so it is not a big step down for many people.

Though there is an opportunity to make money off a blog, remember that effective monetization strategies are the key to making money on a blog.

How Do You Monetize a Pet Blog?

Monetizing a pet blog is a lot like monetizing any other blog.

You can use programs like AdSense, a program run by Google, to make money with your online site.

You can also sign up for pet-related affiliate programs where you can make money every time someone uses your code for a product or clicks through your link to visit a manufacturer’s website.

Being a part of an affiliate program is how you participate in affiliate marketing and reap the benefits.

Another way to make money off your pet blog is to create merchandise for your followers to purchase.

Only do this once you have a large enough following that you know you will turn a profit on your merch.

Once you establish yourself in pet blogging, you might have brands reach out for a sponsored post or video.

You can make money or receive free products by working with a brand this way!

Who Pays Pet Bloggers?

In all of these examples presented, someone is paying the bloggers, but who?

When it comes to affiliate programs and sponsorships, the brand or company pays the blogger directly.

In the case of selling merchandise, your audience is paying you.

With AdSense, you get paid through that company on a periodical basis.

The amount depends on how well your ads reach your audience.

Examples of Successful Pet Blogging

Though the process of pet blogging sounds daunting.

It sounds more intimidating to start making money off it, but here are a few successful pet blogs that are currently active to look to for inspiration!

1. Walkin’ Pets Blog

Walkin’ Pets Blog educates pet owners who have disabled or otherwise impaired pets.

screenshot of the walkin pets homepage

They are a big monetary success since many blogs have links to products on the Handicapped Pets online store.

They also have a strong community of readers.

2. Adopt a Pet

Adopt a Pet focuses on informing new or prospective pet parents on how to best care for adopted pets from shelters and other situations.

screenshot of the adopt a pet homepage

It is a non-profit organization with a huge following!

3. PetKeen

PetKeen offers tips and tricks to help you better care for your pet, but what sets them apart is that they have information on all kinds of household pets beyond cats and dogs.

screenshot of the petkeen homepage

They have experienced vets on staff and make their money by participating in affiliate marketing and pet product reviews.

4. GoPetFriendly

GoPetFriendly‘s niche is the travel industry.

screenshot of the go pet friendly homepage

Traveling with a pet is tricky, and this blog helps you understand where you can go, what you can do, and how you can make the most of your trip with your beloved pet.

They sell advertising space on the site to make the bulk of their capital.

5. Dog Food Advisor

As the name suggests, Dog Food Advisor is a blog dedicated to helping dog owners find the most up-to-date information on dog food including reviews and scientific research on various food types.

screenshot of the dogfood advisor homepage

They bring in hundreds of thousands of visitors per month, so they can monetize their site through reviews and affiliate links easily.

How Do I Become a Pet Blogger?

With all this information, you might wonder, how do I put these helpful tips into action?

What is Needed to Start a Pet Blog

The only things you need to start a pet blog are a computer, a niche, and a love for pets!

The Steps Required to Start a Pet Blog

Here is a blog checklist you should follow before starting your pet blog:

  • Register a Domain
  • Get Hosting
  • Install WordPress
  • Design and Build Your Blog
  • Create Content for Your Pet Blog
  • Sign Up For Affiliate Programs

How Do You Grow a Pet Blog?

Here are five common ways to grow your pet blog:

  • Identify Your Audience
  • Keep the Content Interesting
  • Make and Stick to a Business Plan
  • Meet Other Bloggers
  • Build Relationships with Companies

Frequently Asked Questions

image showing a what looks to be a header for a blog about pets

Do pet Instagrams make money?

Pet Instagrams and pet influencers can make money similar to how traditional Instagram influencers make money.

It is all about content, engagement, consistency, and sponsorships.

How do you monetize your pet?

If you have a pet, using photos and videos of them to generate content is the perfect way to monetize them.

You can also use them for sponsored content.

Wrapping Up

Creating a pet blog is a lot of work, but rewarding if you enjoy pet life!

Follow the logistical steps to create your blog, then start writing.

Staying consistent with your content and sponsorships is the best way to eventually monetize your content.

Establish your blogging goal and you will be happy with where it goes.

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Business Plan For A Blog: Importance & How To Create Wed, 14 Sep 2022 12:04:58 +0000 Read more]]> One component many bloggers overlook when starting or buying a blog is the importance of having a business plan for their blog unless their only reason for providing blog content is purely informational or for enjoyment.

Any blog oriented toward making money should have a business plan for a blog that provides a concise summary of the purpose of the effort.

The business owner should write it so that a potential investor can use the business plan to understand the blog content and its goals quickly.

If you run a blog, here is why you need a blog business plan and how you can get started drafting it.

Business Plan Blog Basics

Two plans are vital for any blog geared towards making money.

The first is a marketing plan based on market research, or how the blog owner plans on getting the word out to potential customers.

The second is the blog business plan, the opportunity for the business owner to convince a potential investor the business idea behind the blog is a worthwhile investment.

What is a Business Plan for a Blog?

A blog business plan is a formal document that maps out that plan for the business.

Generally, a business plan has two types of information: A summary of the general goals and the specifics of how to get there, including defining the target market.

Why is a Business Plan for a Blog Important?

A business plan is important because it maps the blog’s purpose, what the blog will accomplish and how the blog content will further the effort to attain its stated business goals.

Do I Need a Business Plan for a Blog?

If your blog is something you do for fun or is strictly informative or opinion driven, and you do not need or want funding of any sort, you do not need a business plan.

However, if you want to make money off your blog beyond just raising weekend “beer money,” then a business plan can help you.

What Should Be Included in a Business Plan?

A successful business plan for a blog tells a story.

That story is why the blog exists, what it is supposed to accomplish, how it will accomplish its goals, and why it is a good investment.

The story aims to convince potential investors or advertisers that giving the blog owner money is not a waste of funds.

Additionally, a good business plan will address general concerns an investor might have before the investor asks about those issues.

Specifically, it will include the following.

Executive Summary

The Executive Summary of a traditional business plan is a high-level summary of the blog’s purpose, the background of the owners and writers, the goals of the blog, and the prospects for meeting those goals.

Competitor & Market Analysis

While the executive summary is broad, competitor and market analysis look at specific market aspects and why the small business blog owner thinks they can succeed in that market.

It also looks at the competitive field and details what blogs will threaten the business in attaining its goals.

Brand Overview & Identity

The brand overview covers the blog, its purpose, and its defining characteristics.

For example, a marketing plan on a blog about fishing will map out why its advice stands out from other fishing blogs.

Brand identity is how people recognize that blog and what makes it special in the reader’s eyes.

Content Teams & Operations

The Team and organization portion of the blogging business plan highlights the bios of the major blogging contributors and business managers.

This section covers why investors will do well based on the employees’ skill sets and contributions.

The Blog Content You’ll Produce

Blog content covers the information that will go into each blog post.

A blog on fishing, for instance, will not have articles on how to sew or DIY projects.

Likewise, the content will reflect fishing strategies and techniques that support the blog’s mission.

How The Blog Will Make Money

The money section of a business plan outlines the proper way to write a blog post, the financial opportunities associated with the blog and its content, and how the business owner or blogger will merge both to make money.

A blog on skiing equipment will list ski resorts, ski shops, and skiing equipment retailers within the blog’s sphere of influence that is attainable as advertisers.

It will also highlight the makeup of its target audience and the price point those individuals would pay for the blog’s content.

How The Blog Will Scale

The section on how the blog will scale covers growth strategies for the blog from membership and advertising perspective, as well as how the content and information presented will modify to meet a growing audience with diverse interests.

The skiing blog, for instance, will have a business plan that covers how the blog will migrate into snowboarding or extreme sports, etc.

Blog Promotion & Marketing Roadmap

Blog promotion and marketing cover the strategies and tactics employed to get the word out on the blog.

Here are a few popular marketing methods and venues

  • Social Media: Social media includes any organic or manipulated marketing coverage for the blog. Social media includes sites like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, message boards, etc.
  • Email Marketing: Email marketing comprises emails to targeted lists outlining the blog’s purpose and why someone should check it out. Often, with email marketing, a promotional item will be included for a monetary action.
  • SEO & Link Building: SEO and link building entail ensuring all content links to the blog or blog’s website and keywords and keyword phrases that help any content rank high on Search Engine Results Pages.
  • Paid Ads: Paid ads like Google Adwords advertise the blog’s purchase, announcing what it covers and why someone should check it out.
  • Outreach & Other Marketing: Outreach and alternative marketing techniques cover tools that will allow a blogger to grow with the blog while expanding the blog’s reach. Examples include events, premium giveaways, physical promotional materials, etc.
  • Exit Strategy For the Blog: The exit strategy portion of the business plan covers how the blog will either migrate to another level from a business perspective, meet its goals, or get sold. This section will also cover what happens when a blog meets its goals.

Types of Business Plans for a Blog

The type of business plan you write must cover the format in which you write a blog post and how you will use your core purpose and goals to make money.

To do this, you must outline how your type of blog will further your goals as a business. Here are a few examples.

  • eCommerce: If your blog covers eCommerce or is an eCommerce venue, your business plan should include how you intend to leverage that to increase your sales of products or services.
  • Informational Content: A business plan covering informational content should map out how your content has value to your target audience.
  • Product Reviews: With a product review blog, a business plan will need to focus on the products advertised on the blog, how those listings translate into revenue for the blog and how you will conduct blog outreach.
  • Membership Websites: A membership blog or site will have a business plan that covers how you will build your membership base and keep them renewing their subscriptions.

How Do You Write a Business Plan for a Blog?

The following is a step-by-step way to craft an effective business plan.

Define Purpose, Goals, and Break Even Point

No business plan will be effective if you do not know why you are writing the blog and at what point you will begin to make money.

Figure out the point you recoup any costs, and then map out how your blog will get there.

State Your Goals

Map out your goals to help you reach your breakeven point and beyond.

These should be tangible, quantifiable, and realistic.

Provide An Overview of the Operations and What You Offer

The overview section covers who is on your team, the type of content you will produce, and how you will monetize it.

Save Time With a Business Plan Template

One way to ensure that your business plan is successful is to use a template from business plan software if you are going it alone or hire a business plan writer with experience writing business plans for blogs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Many people interested in blogging or a blog business plan ask the following questions.

What makes a blog successful?

That depends on how you answered “why start a blog?” when debating if it was worth the effort.

If you are reviewing products, selling those products would be a success.

If your blog is purely information or “how-to,” having readers comment on how your advice helped them would mean it is successful.

Can I hire a business plan writer?

Yes, if you can afford it, having a paid business plan writer draft your document will help you avoid spending hours researching how to do it.

Final Thoughts

Your blog needs a business plan if you plan on making any money off it.

Using a template to outline your goals, plan, and strategies for success will also help you attract advertisers and investors.

Leave a comment or ask any questions you have below.

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Blog Vs Vlog: Similarities, Differences and Which To Choose Wed, 07 Sep 2022 12:42:08 +0000 Read more]]> With the rise of social media, new forms of communication are becoming popular: blogs and vlogs.

Though they may appear different, these two media types have more in common than you might think.

Both involve sharing information and opinions with an audience but differ in format and delivery.

Vlogging and blogging are great ways to share your thoughts and ideas with the world, and they have unique benefits.

So between a blog vs vlog, which should you choose?

vector graphic showing an illustration of a blog vs vlog

What Is a Blog?

A blog is a website where people can write about their interests, experiences, and opinions.

Blogs are usually organized around a specific topic, such as fashion, food, or travel.

Many people use blogs to share their thoughts and feelings with the world.

Some people also use blogs to provide information and advice on a particular subject.

What Is a Vlog?

A vlog is an online video focused on a single person talking to the camera.

Vlogs can be about any topic, but they are often personal.

Some vloggers have become famous for their unique content and engaging personalities.

Other vloggers have used their vlogs to build successful businesses.

Main Types of Blogs

There are many different types of blogs, but they can generally be classified into a few main categories.

1. Personal Blogs

Personal blogs are by individuals who want to share their thoughts and experiences with the world.

Personal blogs can be about any topic, from parenting to travel to fashion.

These are like an online portfolio.

2. Corporate Blogs

Corporate blogs are usually by businesses or organizations to promote their products or services.

These blogs often have a formal tone and focus on specific topics related to the company.

3. Niche Blogs

Niche blogs are by experts in a particular field who want to share their knowledge with others.

Niche blogs can be about anything from cooking to technology to gardening.

Main Types of Vlogs

There are all sorts of vlogs out there, but they can broadly fit into a few different categories.

1. Daily Vlogs

The most common type of vlog is the daily vlog or personal vlog.

This is when creators document their lives on a day-to-day basis.

These vlogs involve unscripted, off-the-cuff content and give viewers a behind-the-scenes look.

2. Travel Vlogs

A travel vlog is where creators document their trips to various locations.

These vlogs involve pre-planned content, such as interviews with locals and touristic activities.

3. Challenge Vlogs

Challenge vlogs entail the creator taking on various challenges.

This may include 24-hour overnight challenges or eating challenges.

Challenge vlogs are more lighthearted and fun, often involving collaborations with other YouTubers.

Similarities and Differences

Although they share the same pronunciation there are also some things they share as well as differences between the two.

How Blogs and Vlogs are Similar

Blogs and vlogs offer a way to share information and engage with an audience on a personal level.

Both can build a following and generate income through advertising or sponsorships.

Blogs and vlogs offer unique insights into the lives of their creators.

Both platforms document personal journeys and opinions and provide creative outlets.

How Blogs and Vlogs are Different


  • Written, though they may also include images or videos.
  • More formal in tone
  • About several topics


  • Video-based, though they may also include text or other images.
  • More casual in tone
  • Usually more focused on a niche (health, daily vlog, travel, etc.)

Is a Blog or a Vlog More Popular?

In recent years, the popularity of vlogging has exploded, with many YouTubers amassing huge followings.

Many people prefer visual videos over written language which makes vlogging more appealing to some.

However, there are still many avid blog readers out there.

Blogs can offer a wider range of content. While vlogs are mostly limited to video, blogs can include text, photos, and even audio.

This makes them more versatile and easier to consume on the go.

Which is More Effective – A Blog or Vlog?

While a traditional blog can be a great way to connect with readers, a vlog, or video blog, can also be an effective way to reach a wider audience.

If you enjoy writing and are looking for a creative outlet, then a blog may be a better option.

With a blog, you have complete control over the content and can share your ideas in whatever way you like.

Vlogging requires less planning and preparation than blogging, as you can film yourself speaking about whatever topic you like.

Of course, this also means more competition among vloggers, making it harder to stand out from the crowd.

How Do a Blog and a Vlog Make Money?

Anyone can make a buck or two with both of them, yet, they can differ in the ways to achieve it.

Ways Blogs Make Money

There are many types of blogs that make money in various ways.

The most common way blogs make money is through advertisements.

Advertisers will pay the blog owner to have their ad displayed on the site.

Another way is through affiliate marketing.

This is when the blog owner promotes a product and if someone clicks on the link and makes a purchase, the blog owner gets a commission.

Ways Vlogs Make Money

Like bloggers, vloggers make money through advertising.

Vloggers can sign up with ad networks, which will place ads on their videos.

They will then earn a commission on any sales generated from the ads.

Sponsorships are another income source.

Companies will pay vloggers to feature their products or services in their videos.

Does a Blog or Vlog Make More Money?

Blogs tend to make more money than vlogs because blogs are generally easier to monetize than vlogs.

Vlogs can also be monetized, but the options are more limited.

The most common method is to sell advertising space, but this can be challenging if the vlog audience is small.

What’s Needed to Get Started?

You can start both with as little as possible, which makes them two of the best ways to monetize content produced by oneself.

What is Needed to Start a Blog?

What you need to start a blog is similar to all blogs.

You’ll need to choose a blogging platform.

Platforms like WordPress, Blogger, and Tumblr are popular choices.

You’ll then need to select a domain name for your blog.

This is the address people will use to access your site, so make it memorable and easy to type.

Once you have a name you’ll need to find a web host.

This is where your blog will live on the internet.

What is Needed to Start a Vlog?

These days, all you need is a camera, some editing software, and a strong internet connection.

If you want to invest in a dedicated vlogging camera, look for something with good video quality, decent audio, etc.

As for editing software, there are a lot of great options out there, both free and paid.

The next step is finding a good hosting platform for your videos.

YouTube is the most popular option, but there are also other sites like Vimeo and Dailymotion.

Outsourcing the Work

If you’re more interested in the business side of creating content, you can ask other people to do it for you.

Can You Outsource Blogging?

Yes, you can outsource blogging. It’s important to consider what kind of tone and voice you want your blog to have.

Once you’ve decided on the tone, it’s time to start thinking about content.

Keep these factors in mind when choosing a writer, as they will be instrumental in creating content that resonates with your readers.

Can You Outsource Vlogging?

The short answer is yes, you can outsource vlogging – but it’s not as simple as simply hiring someone to film themselves talking into a camera.

A successful vlog requires personality, charisma, and the ability to connect with an audience.

As such, it’s not something that just anyone can do.

Conclusion: Which is Better, a Blog or a Vlog?

With two exponentially growing markets, it all depends on what an individual is looking for.

vector graphic showing an illustration of a blog vs vlog

Why are Blogs Better Than Vlogs?

Blogs are generally easier to produce than vlogs.

All you need is a computer and a good internet connection.

Blogs are more likely to be shared by other people than vlogs.

Why Are Vlogs Better Than Blogs?

Vlogs can be more engaging and personal than text-based content.

Additionally, vlogs allow you to show rather than tell.

You can demonstrate a product or technique, which can be helpful for tutorials or reviews.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the most common questions regarding vlogs vs blogs.

Is YouTube a Vlog blog?

YouTube allows users to upload and share videos and comment on and rate other people’s videos.

In addition, YouTube offers several tools and features that make it easy to create and edit video content.

As a result, YouTube is considered a vlog blog platform.

What else has replaced blogging?

Podcasting is another form of blogging, a type of digital audio file anyone can download and reproduce on a cellphone or computer.

Podcasts tend to come in episodes, with new installments released regularly, and they often feature interviews or discussions between hosts and guests.

Wrapping Up

Both blogs and vlogs are personal platforms where you can share your thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

In general, blogs are a popular option for gathering information as some people find it more efficient to read than spend time watching a video.

Vlogging can be more personal than blogging and it allows you to build a connection with viewers that might not be possible with written content alone.

Feel free to comment if you have any questions and we hope you found this article useful.

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Blog Names: Best Practices & Mistakes That You Should Avoid Mon, 05 Sep 2022 10:30:18 +0000 Read more]]> Starting a blog is equally exciting and dread-inducing.

Once you have purchased a domain name and handled your hosting, you finally have the challenge of picking a blog name.

Blog names are tricky because they can launch your blog to notoriety or keep you in search engine limbo.

Picking the right blog name for your blog is the most important step in launching your new page.

In this post, we help you understand why blog names are so important, the best practices to have when picking a blog name, and the mistakes you should avoid.

Why Are Blog Names Important?

vector graphic showing a person thinking of a blog name

No matter what you’re writing- recipes, reviews, news, or personal stories- your blog is a brand.

It’s not as big as McDonald’s or Target, but it’s a brand nonetheless.

Choosing the right blog name is essential to brand yourself and your online business.

Additionally, your blog name will determine your ranking online.

Some names are harder for search engines to rank and are less likely to be found on page one or two.

This makes it harder for you to attract an audience.

The right blog name will draw in readers because it will allude to what is in the blog.

It is easy to brand and has an open domain and social media handle.

This is why it is important to pick a good blog name.

It can take time, but it is not an impossible task.

Finding the right blog name can be frustrating, especially for new bloggers.

This is why we wrote this simple guide to help you select the perfect blog name quickly.

How Do I Title My Blog?

Picking a title for your blog is an intricate process.

You will need to settle on a niche, a blog name, a domain, and a brand for your blog.

This process can take time if you haven’t thought too deeply about launching your blog.

However, we want to help you pick a title for your blog in a few hours.

How Do I Brand My Blog?

Branding your blog starts with picking the right blog name.

This name will tie into your blogging niche and make it easier for you to market your blog.

You can choose to pick a personal name or a business name for your blog.

Using a Personal Name for a Blog

Many people choose to name their blog after themselves.

This is often a good idea for those who already have significant social media influence, celebrities, or authorities in a specific niche.

However, new bloggers who are unsure of their niche or want to blog about their daily lives can choose to name their blogs after themselves.

If your name, or a variation of it, has an open domain, you can choose it to be your blog name.

You can also choose to write anonymously.

Using a real or anonymous name is a personal choice and it depends a lot on your goals for the blog.

One key thing to note when it comes to personal names is that they may be too common to fit an effective branding strategy.

If your name is too common, has many different spelling options, and/or has many other blogs with similar variations, it may not be a good blog name pick.

Using a Business Name for a Blog

If you already have a successful business, it may be better to name your blog after it.

Of course, this is only possible if the blog and business are in the same niche.

It is much easier to add a blog to an existing business with social media pages than to launch a whole new business.

You can also choose a business name if you plan to build an online brand using your blog.

This is especially beneficial for those who have settled on a specific niche and want to build a business using their blog.

Another great candidate for using a business name would be those wishing to remain anonymous.

A business name can help you stay anonymous online, even as your brand grows if you are careful.

Questions To Ask Yourself

As you pick your blog name, there are several key questions you must ask yourself:

Who is the Target Audience?

Who do you want to reach?

Your answer should not be the entire internet.

It cannot also be a vague large group like women, teens, or men.

Broad audiences often mean that your blog won’t stand out from the hundreds of thousands of others with the same target audience.

Ask yourself what content you will share on your blog.

Then, figure out who would read that.

Is it a single dad?

Or a motherless teen girl?

It could be a celebrity gossip lover or people who want delicious vegan recipes.

Your target audience can be international students far from home or 12th-century history buffs.

You may find that you are uncertain of your target audience because you have a wide niche or will simply share your daily life.

Don’t worry, the next question will help you narrow it down.

What is the Goal of the Blog?

Even if you are starting your blog as a hobby, there is a goal to blogging.

Are you blogging to vent about your life as a fast-food chain worker?

Or maybe you want to share controversial opinions on political happenings in your country so you can educate your peers.

Picking a goal for your blog will make it easy for you to brand yourself and grow your blog.

If you are struggling with identifying your target audience then your goal will narrow that down for you.

With your goal for blogging in mind, you can now build a vision.

What Do I See the Blog Growing Into?

Visualize the future of your blog so you can find a way to actualize the vision.

You may want to become an acclaimed fashion reviewer going to fashion shows across the world.

Or to become an authority in the field of artificial intelligence.

Your blog could be the place to go for fast, easy, and healthy recipes.

Having a future goal will help you brand, strategize and grow towards it.

Do I Want To Copy What’s Working Or Be Unique?

Most bloggers start out wanting to be unique and break the internet.

However, this is not always possible or even a good goal depending on your niche.

If you are trying to build a brand, you may want to make the blueprint work for you.

On the other hand, you can also build a brand by doing what others have never done before.

That is the spirit of innovation and it could take you to the top.

Depending on your target audience, goal, and growth strategy, you can choose to use the blogging blueprint or cause waves.

How Long Should a Blog Name Be?

A rule of thumb in the blogging world is one to three words.

This is why many blogs are named after people.

Anything longer is usually hard to remember and thus difficult to search for on search engines.

Catchy phrases are better than full sentences so you can choose to go with that.

Alliteration and a play with words on common sayings can also work.

But try to remain within the one to three-word range.

How Do I Choose a Brand Name?

When choosing your brand, you want to find something that is:

  • Meaningful: If it is meaningful to you then it will be easier for you to communicate the essence of your brand to your audience.
    This in turn cultivates a positive emotional connection between you and your readers.
  • Distinct: To be remembered, you have to stand out.
    Choosing a distinctive brand name will make it unique, giving you an edge over other blogs in the same niche.
  • Relatable: Don’t strive for uniqueness to the point of making it hard to access your blog.
    Make your brand name easy to spell, say, and Google.
    Its distinctiveness should not undermine its accessibility.
  • Protectable: Your brand should be legally yours.
    Not just to make it easier to make a profit but to ensure no one can claim that profit.
    Be sure you can get a domain name and own the brand name both online and offline.
  • Forward-planning: You want to grow your company and maintain relevance and authenticity throughout the years.
    Your brand name is a key detail in the longevity of your business.
  • Design-proof: Your brand will need icons, logos, colors, images, and more.
    Choose a brand name that can be visually translated easily to make it simpler to design graphics for it.

Brand Components to Consider

As you start to make and implement a brand strategy, here are some key brand components to consider for your blog:

Blog Title (Brand Name)

Your blog title becomes your brand name.

This is how you will be known by your audience and anyone who searches for you.

Pick a meaningful, memorable, and unique name.

You can search for it in databases to ensure it has not been claimed by anyone already.

Whether it’s a nickname, your name, a pen name, or a company name, ensure it will be easy to visualize and trademark.

URL (Blog Domain Name)

Your domain name does not have to be your blog name.

However, it will be easier for your audience to find you if the URL and blog title match up.

Pick a domain that is free to use and has not been previously claimed.

Domain sites will let you know if the URL is available or not.

The Tagline of the Company

Your tagline should be memorable and meaningful.

It should reach into the heart of what your blog and brand are about.

Make it short and relatable.

Brand Guidelines and Logo

As you build your blog, visualize what you want people to see when they hear about you.

The logo will stay consistent throughout everything you put out and on all social media platforms.

Ensure that it is easy to design and scale across multiple channels and platforms as your business expands.

Target Audience and Brand Voice

Your brand voice is how your blog will sound across all digital platforms.

Are you encouraging?




Whatever brand voice you choose should reach your target audience.

It should express your brand’s vision and mission clearly.

Where to Get Blog Name Ideas

Now that you are equipped to select a blog name, here are a few places you can find ideas:

vector graphic showing a person thinking of a blog name

1. Look at the Competition

Find other blogs in your niche and use them to brainstorm ideas.

If you’re writing a young mom’s blog then look at other mom blog names.

This will help get your creative juices flowing.

2. Do Keyword Research

Many sites have free keyword research tools.

This will let you compare results on various options for blog names you have.

You can choose to pick the one with better SEO results.

3. Get Creative

There are many other ways to get a blog name.

Taking a walk, alliteration, social media, and more are ways to tickle your creativity.

If you are still stuck, AI writing software can help you create a catchy phrase to use as a blog name.

Blog Name Generators

A blog name generator is an online tool that will automatically give you blog name ideas based on the keywords you provide it.

It’s a great way to get a blog name when all you have is a few words, a phrase, or a topic.

It will offer you several options and you can pick the best one for you.

You can also put in other keywords and generate more names until you find one you like.

How Do I Choose a Blog Name Generator?

You can rarely go wrong with any blog name generator.

In fact, the more you use, the more ideas you have.

However, be sure to pick one with a legitimate secure site.

Do not pay to have your generated blog name results.

Also, try two or three generators and get the best recommendations from each to choose from.


As the oldest domain name generator, Nameboy has a lot of data to generate for you a unique name.

They are trusted by many and provide good results.


Wordoid promises to give you short, catchy business names.

Reviewers say that it delivers on this promise.

It does have a lot of ads though.


DomainWheel gives you many blog name options and there are no ads on the site.

They also have an informative blog that helps you on your journey toward building your brand.


If you want simple blog name ideas, Panabee is the site to use.

They offer suggestions if your preferred name is taken, and the site is user-friendly.


NameStation is a blog anime generator that has a beautiful interface.

They do need you to create an account before you can even get suggestions.

Zyro Business Name Generator

This AI-powered domain name generator also offers many other tools to help you launch and manage your blog.

Zyro Business Name Generator is a fantastic option for those who want to launch a powerful online brand.


Namify offers blog names and a free logo service.

They will also check social media platforms to ensure that the name is available.

Lean Domain Search

A simplistic and quick blog name generator, Lean Domain Search will also help you find an available domain within seconds.

What to Avoid When Choosing a Blog Name

Here are a few mistakes to avoid when picking a blog name:

1. Being Too Broad With Your Name

This can lead to low ranking on search engines.

It will also make your blog less unique and much easier to confuse.

A broad name also makes it harder to trademark and find a domain as most obvious names already have domains.

2. Being Too Specific With Your Name

Being ultra-specific may make it harder for your audience to find you.

Don’t include hyphens or hard-to-spell words.

Picking a name in your niche is a good idea, but don’t narrow it down to the point that it’s hard to find.

3. Not Thinking About Future Scaling

Your blog may start as a hobby or a side hustle, but it could grow to become your primary source of income.

Keep this in mind while you select your blog name.

You may have to think about copywriting a name to protect your intellectual property.

Pick your blog name with the thought that success will follow.

4. Not Thinking About Potentially Selling Your Blog

Life happens and brings with it change.

You may want to start a new brand or need money and therefore have to sell your blog.

Make sure you choose a blog name that you can part with if the need arises.

Wrapping Up

Picking a blog name is an intensive but rewarding task.

With the proper knowledge, vision, and tools, you can have your ideal blog name in a few hours.

Focus on choosing a name that showcases your authentic voice while making it easy for your audience to find you.

Read more on how to come up with a blog name to help you get blog name ideas.

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Content Management Systems Explained Thu, 01 Sep 2022 16:19:27 +0000 Read more]]> What is a Content Management System?

A content management system (CMS) is a software application or set of related programs that are used to create and manage digital content.

These are often used to store, control, version, and publish content.

Content in a CMS is typically stored in a database, while the presentation layer is generated by templates or components that pull content from the database.

This separation of content and presentation makes it easier to manage large amounts of content, as well as to change the look and feel of a website without having to touch the content itself.

There are many different types of content management systems, ranging from simple applications to ones that are more complex.

Complex content management systems allow users to edit and publish basic HTML content, while enterprise-level systems can manage large amounts of content, provide workflows and approvals, and support multiple users with different levels of access.

Some popular content management systems include WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, and Sitecore.

Benefits of Using a Content Management System

There are many benefits to using a content management system, including:

  • content can be easily created and published without needing to know HTML
  • content can be edited or updated without having to republish the entire site
  • content can be centrally managed and controlled
  • users can easily collaborate on content creation

While these are just a few benefits, there are many benefits that go far beyond the ones listed above.

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