Products – Start, Grow, and Monetize a Blog Wed, 05 Oct 2022 08:14:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How To Publish A Book On Amazon: Easy Steps To Follow Mon, 22 Aug 2022 12:14:28 +0000 Read more]]> For most writers, publication is the ultimate goal.

We long to gaze upon a sleek, finished copy of our beloved manuscript.

But as the “big five” publishing houses increasingly monopolize the market, competition pushes many talented writers out of formal publication.

Most of us are discouraged by the ever-diminishing probability of achieving formal publication.

But just as the circle of Big Publishing grows ever-tighter, the world of self-publishing enlarges.

By the end of this article, you will know precisely how to publish a book on Amazon—and you will experience the immeasurable fulfillment of being a published author.

How To Publish a Book on Amazon: The Basics

Before you begin, let’s cover questions about the basics.

header image that illustrates how to publish a book on amazon

Questions About the Process

Many of us don’t even know where to begin when it comes to publishing on Amazon.

So here are some questions to get us started.

Is It Worth It to Self-publish on Amazon?

For most of us, publishing a book on Amazon is financially and emotionally worth it.

Unless you are gunning for a significant contract with one of the Big Five, self-publishing is the way to go.

Of all options for self-publication, Amazon offers the most affordable and potentially lucrative deals.

Can Anyone Put a Book on Amazon?

Anyone with a manuscript that follows Amazon’s publishing guidelines can put a book on the popular e-market.

You don’t even need a complete manuscript; Amazon accepts low-content books—like journals, planners, and notebooks.

How Many Pages Does a Book Have To Be To Publish on Amazon?

The minimum page count of publishing on Amazon is 24 pages.

There is no maximum word count, but your ability to publish lengthier manuscripts will depend mainly on ink, paper, and trim size options.

Should I Publish a Hardcover or Softcover Book on Amazon?

Amazon Kindle’s Direct Publishing service (KDP) allows you to publish hardcover, softcover, and e-books for free.

The company offers a fixed 60% royalty rate for paperbacks and hardcovers—which means they will print the book on demand and at no cost to you but deduct 40% commission plus the cost of printing.

Questions About Cost

Writing isn’t exactly the most lucrative profession, but self-publishing on Amazon is affordable and cost-effective.

How Much Does It Cost To Publish a Book on Amazon?

Publishing on Amazon is entirely free.

Each time someone purchases a book, Amazon will print and assemble it, collect 30-40% of the book’s price, and subtract printing costs from the leftover 60%.

Some writers prefer to hire a self-publishing company that costs as little as $99 and as much as $5,000.

How Much Do Authors Make per Book on Amazon?

Authors receive a 60% royalty rate on all books purchased.

Amazon then deducts the price of printing from the total cost.

The website offers the example:

Your price per book is $15.

If printing costs are $4.85 per book, you will make $4.15 per copy sold.

What You’ll Need To Publish a Book on Amazon

Below is a list of everything you need to get your book onto the press and into the hands of loyal readers.

An Idea

The first step to writing a book is developing a unique and compelling idea.

Think of a subject or story that inspires you.

Use writing prompts or generates your own.

Ultimately, the best inspiration is reading.

Microsoft Word or Other Writing Program

To write a full-length manuscript, you will need a word processor.

You can purchase Microsoft Word online or use Google Docs for free.

A Design Program (Graphics)

You will need a design program or a designer’s professional services to design your final product.

There are countless excellent programs, such as Adobe InDesign and QuarkXPress, but many Amazon authors use Kindle Create, Amazon’s free book-design software.

Please note that the software works exclusively with KDP.

A Bit of Time

Writing is a time-consuming craft.

You will likely spend hundreds of hours writing, revising, editing, and perfecting your book.

Design and publication take time—as does marketing and building credibility as a writer.

Money To Invest in Your Book (Optional)

Although KDP will publish books for free, many writers prefer to invest in creating a product they can be proud of.

You can opt for many services along the way, including professional editing and copywriting, expert graphic design, or full-publication packages from select services.

Step-by-Step Instructions To Publish a Book on Amazon

Follow these step-by-step instructions for an efficient and stress-free publication experience.

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Step 1: Set Up a KDP Account

To get started, create a KDP account through Amazon.

If you already have an Amazon account, simply sign in to KDP with your username and password.

Before uploading your book, you must enter personal information, tax information, and a payment method.

Step 2: Upload Your Book to the Kindle Store

Once you have finished your manuscript, it is time to upload your book to the Kindle store.

Ensure that you have completed all final revisions and edits before uploading your book, as you want it to be high quality.

You can, however, edit your manuscript after uploading it.

Step 2.1: Create a New Title

First, you will edit your book details.

Go to your Bookshelf in KDP and click the + Create button.

Choose which book type you plan to upload and begin filling in the essential details.

Determine whether you wish to publish an e-book, a paperback, or a hardcover.

Ensure that the details on your manuscript match those you enter on KDP.

Step 2.2: Write a Book Description

Write a compelling book description that hooks your readers.

The description is the first thing interested readers will observe, so craft it carefully!

Compelling book descriptions are short (under 250 words) and:

  • Start with a hook
  • Appear in 3rd person point of view
  • Use emotionally evocative words
  • Offer hints of the plot but do not reveal critical issues (do not give away the ending!)
  • Include a brief endorsement

Step 2.3: Select the Proper Keyword and Category

Keywords make it easier for potential readers to find your book.

Go to the “bookshelf” tab in KDP and click “edit e-Book details” (or paperback/hardcover).

Choose up to seven keywords based on relevance.

Use the following guidelines to select strong keywords:

  • Setting-related keywords (e.g., the Year 2210 dystopia)
  • Character types and roles (teenager superhero, strong female lead)
  • Themes and plot elements (coming of age, atonement)
  • Tone (romantic, feel-good)


  • Statements of quality (“the best”)
  • Time-sensitive terms (“buy it now”)
  • Information covered elsewhere (e.g., the book’s title)
  • Sentences or general terms
  • Spelling and grammatical errors

Step 2.4: Upload Your File

To upload your manuscript:

  1. Go to the Bookshelf tab and select the ellipsis.
  2. Choose Edit eBook Content.
  3. Click Upload eBook Manuscripts.
  4. Choose from your files and click Open on the desired file
  5. Wait for confirmation

Step 2.5: Upload the Cover Photo

You can design your cover photo or commission one for your book.

Using Amazon KDP’s free Cover Creator app, you can choose from an image gallery or upload your image.

KDP also offers instructions on creating your covers.

Step 2.6: Set a Price

Your price point may differ depending on whether you choose to publish an e-book, a paperback, or a hardcover book.

For e-books, you will receive either 70% or 35% of the book’s royalties depending on where it is sold, so keep this in mind.

KDP also has a minimum and maximum list price for hardcover and paperback books.

To update the price at any time, visit the Bookshelf tab.

Step 2.7: Enroll in KDP Select

KDP Select is a 90-day program that allows you to reach more readers and earn higher royalties using Amazon’s quality promotional tools and participating in Kindle Unlimited (which grants free access to your book to millions worldwide).

Kindle Unlimited is advantageous because it provides free marketing while keeping your profits intact.

To enroll later, go to the Marketing page and select Enroll in an eBook.

Then, choose the book you wish to register.

Step 2.8: Use the Kindle Previewer To Ensure Quality

Kindle Preview lets you see your book as it looks when published.

You can quickly see every detail of your book from start to finish or riffle through it using the “Auto-advance view” option.

Kindle Preview is a free desktop application that you can easily download on KDP.

Step 2.9: Publish Your book

It’s time to hit publish!

Once you publish your book, it will appear on the market in less than 72 hours.

Step 3: Run Amazon Ads (Additional Step)

Amazon Ads is a marketing service that allows you to promote your book across popular platforms.

It is easy to use—ad creation takes less than five minutes, and the program is accessible to those with little technical experience.

You can also choose your budget, spending as little as $10 a day to increase sales of your book.

Step 4: Track Book Performance and Sales

Your KDP Sales Dashboard will allow you to visualize metrics.

You can see how many paid or accessible units clients ordered and received and how many pages they read on Kindle.

You can also track your royalties and calculate your profits using the graphs on the dashboard.

For More Details

You can generate a Sales and Royalties Report to view your orders, sales, and royalties within a given period.

The report is easy to generate.

  1. Go to the Reports tab in your KDP account
  2. Select Sales Dashboard and  click reports
  3. Select Generate Report
  4. The information will download immediately

Does Amazon Tell You Who Bought Your Book?

Amazon does not share customer data and personal information, so you may not know who has purchased and read your book.

However, you can look at your book’s page on Amazon and view the “customers also bought” tab.

This allows you to develop an idea of the niche your writing falls into—and who your readers are.

Knowing your readers will allow you to keep writing for your target audience.

In Conclusion

Self-publishing on Amazon promises to bring a previously inaccessible dream to fruition for many emergent writers.

You can join the millions of self-published authors in the industry and take charge of your book’s publication.

You are now ready to publish your book on Amazon.

We hope you feel inspired and prepared to make your dream a reality!

Comment below with your thoughts, publication wins, and more—and feel free to share this article with your fellow writers.

Together, we conquer the world of publishing!

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How to Write an Ebook: 12 Critical Steps for Success Wed, 27 Jul 2022 09:34:34 +0000 Read more]]> Do you have an amazing idea for a story that you’re itching to tell?

Well, you’re lucky to have been born in the digital era because getting your book published has never been easier.

While it’s sad to see them go, paper books are quickly being replaced by ebooks – this is good news for aspiring writers who might not have any connections in the publishing industry because writing an ebook requires no prior experience (although it may help).

Keep reading this inclusive guide on how to write an ebook and take note of these 12 critical steps for success. 

An Overview of Ebooks

While conventional books have been around for centuries, ebooks are a fairly new concept.

Despite their limited history, they have taken the world by storm and are quickly becoming the dominant form of book-related media

header image that illustrates how to publish a book on amazon

What Is an Ebook?

An ebook is a digital distribution of a book that can be accessed through phones, tablets, computers, or other similar electronic devices.

There is no physical copy of the book, only a digital one.

ebooks have become increasingly popular in the past decade as they are cheaper to publish than conventional paper books and are accessible to anyone with a device.

Furthermore, ebooks are eco-friendly and better for the eyes of vision-impaired readers.

Do Ebooks Make Money?

Like everything in this world, there is money to be made by publishing an ebook.

That said, just because you publish one, doesn’t guarantee it will have any monetary value.

Ebook publishing is incredibly competitive, and while it can be quite lucrative, some writers will find their hard work going to waste.

Still, if you’re willing to put in the work, then this hard truth shouldn’t deter you, as there are numerous success stories of everyday people publishing books on a whim and making lots of money off of it.

How Much Can You Make From Publishing an ebook?

If you’re looking for exact numbers here, you’re going to be disappointed because there’s no way to estimate how much you can make from publishing an ebook.

The range of income generation is so wide you cannot accurately scale it.

Top earners can earn tens of thousands in revenue, while some might not see a single penny; it’s all contingent upon your circumstances and how you market yourself.

Can Anyone Write an Ebook?

Nowadays, universal access to the internet makes it so everyone can publish ebooks.

There are tons of free tools to help aspiring authors, such as Amazon Publishing and various editing software.

While anyone can write an ebook, having more recognition on the web (followers on Instagram, Facebook connections, etc.) increases your chances of success tenfold.

Remember that since anyone can publish their work for free on the web, the competition is going to be way steeper in comparison to traditional publishing. 

In an ocean of genres and concepts, you’re going to need a way to get yourself out there, and being a little internet famous will help.

What Type of Ebooks Sell the Most?

The types of ebooks that sell the most are fiction and literature.

Some of the best-selling genres within these categories include romance, crime, and fantasy.

Amongst non-fiction genres, business and money seem to be the highest selling book types.

These might be the most popular groups of books, but that doesn’t mean you should force yourself to write within these varieties.

If you have an idea, stick with it. 

You might find that writing within a niche is quite beneficial.

This is because while the mentioned genres have the highest sell ratio, there is also an oversaturation of them on the market. 

You can avoid falling into obscurity by taking on lesser-known genres and sticking within small, dedicated communities.

It’s important to stick with your gut and write about what you want to write.

Is Publishing an Ebook Worth It?

This is a commonly asked question and one that’s not very clear-cut. 

Publishing ebooks can be relatively inexpensive (even free sometimes), but it might not be worth the time spent writing them for everyone. 

It’s probably not a good idea to quit your job and bank everything on the chance that your book will take off and make you millions of dollars because it most likely won’t.

On the other hand, if you have the time and a story you want to get out there, then there’s little reason you shouldn’t.

Just go for it, and maybe your ebook will become a bestseller.

What You’ll Need to Publish an Ebook

Before you get straight to the meat and potatoes of publishing an ebook, you should prepare yourself with these key components.

image showing a man sitting at a computer and writing a review - for how to write a review post on

An Idea That You’ve Thought Through

When you start writing your book, it shouldn’t be an on-the-spot, poorly put-together concept.

You need to think it through and make sure you have a well-thought-out idea.

Planning will allow you to be organized and more equipped to meet time/word goals.

Ebook Writing Software

Your ebook writing software is where you’ll spend most of your time and should be the one you’re most comfortable with.

Some of the most common digital writing software are Microsoft Word, Google Docs, and Grammarly. 

There are tons more out there, and before you go splurging on the most expensive site with the most features, keep in mind that it won’t write your book for you and you don’t need to spend any money at all on software.

An Ebook Template or a Designer to Help

Structuring an ebook isn’t overly complicated, but it may take a good chunk of time if you’re trying to do it on your own.

Instead, using a preset ebook template or a designer can help optimize your book to be formatted for online reading.

An Amazon Account to Publish the Book To

The final thing you will need before you can get started on your book is an Amazon Publishing account to publish your book.

Creating an account is free, and there are a few useful tools for publishing your ebook in their bookstore.

Amazon publishing is the most widely used ebook publishing service and has many advantages.

You keep a good percentage of royalties (up to 70%), and they have paid promotional options and a high volume of traffic to their site (it’s a multibillion-dollar company, after all).

Creating your account ahead of time will ensure that everything’s all good to go when you’re finally ready to publish.

How to Write an Ebook

Are you finally ready to begin writing your ebook?

Here are 12 key elements to keep in mind and increase your odds of success.

image showing an illustration of how to write an ebook

1. Research and Understand Your Target Audience

So you’ve got your concept down, and you’re ready to start your book.

But before you can begin writing, you need to know who you’re writing for. 

This is for a variety of reasons.

First, ask if your level of writing matches your target audience’s age group.

You shouldn’t be writing at a high level if your book is for children and vice versa.

The second reason you should research and understand your target audience is for marketing purposes.

If you run any marketing campaigns or promotions, their efficiency will be increased if you tailor them toward your target audience.

2. Select a Topic To Write About

Topic selection is a pretty crucial point for your ebook, considering it’ll outline the premise and progression of your book. 

You’ll want to break it down as far down as you can.

Start by determining if it’s non-fiction or fiction.

After that, run through the genre and subgenres your book falls under until you pinpoint exactly where your book lies.

Once you’ve reached the bottom, determine what your unique subject is and any other details about your ebook.

3. Outline the Ebook

You should outline your ebook the same way you would outline a conventionally written book.

Just because it’s being published online, that doesn’t change anything about the writing process.

An organized schematic will allow you to stay on track and know where you’re going with your writing at all times. 

If you’re unorganized, you risk drifting off course from your original plan and your book may become a jumbled mess.

4. Write Chapter by Chapter

Writing chapter by chapter is good for the organization and your sanity. 

Chapters are integrated aspects of your book.

They control the pacing people read at and give structure to your writing.

Each chapter should be its segment but also flow alongside each other.

It’s imperative to take things one step at a time.

One big conglomerate of words isn’t very optimal for keeping interest and doesn’t have very high retail value. 

Just take things slow, and write one chapter at a time.

5. Design Your Ebook

ebook design doesn’t have to be overly complicated. 

There are tons of resources for inexperienced web designers to use to format their books.

Using pre-designed formats can save you the headache of ensuring your book fits with the configurations of ebook reading software and simplifies the design process.

6. Add Supporting Content

After writing and designing your ebook, the next step is to add any supporting content. 

Maybe you’re just writing a conventional, pictureless novel and have very limited needs in supporting content, in which case you can probably skip this step.

But if you’re writing something like a biography or a cookbook, then there are a few elements you might want to consider adding, such as:

  • Images – Images aren’t for everyone; however, they can add a great deal to your book depending on the context. For instance, if you are talking about art, images are a great way of helping the reader gain a foothold in what you are discussing. Just watch out that you are adhering to copyright laws.
  • Quotes – These can help to add more credit to what you are saying and provide more connection to the world.
  • Charts & Graphs – Much like quotes, charts and graphs work to add credibility to your claims and help to give other types of readers an easier way to process the information.
  • References – Make sure to include references especially if you are using other people’s data and information for the basis of your book. You should already have this list somewhere so it shouldn’t be difficult to add to the manuscript. Make sure you are following proper citation guidelines based on your preferred style and genre to ensure that people take you seriously. 
  • Calls to Action – Another method that not everyone will use, a call to action is great for people who are speaking on current events such as environmentalism or social issues. Asking the reader to take the information they have learned and go out into the world to protest, give back, or volunteer. 

Any visual or editorial aids you add are dependent on the content of your ebook.

Consider any research you’ve done and insert media accordingly, based on what works best with your target audience.

7. Edit the ebook

You don’t want your ebook to be riddled with grammatical errors and syntactic structures that just don’t make sense. 

Such is the purpose of the editing process.

It will allow you to catch mistakes and prompt you to make necessary changes.

The first order of editing is to read it over yourself.

Use your editing software to catch any simple errors.

Afterward, you can move on to having others proofread your book.

8. Create a PDF to Proof

Before you start handing out samples of your book, create a PDF version so you can easily distribute it to anyone you want to review it.

PDF proofs are electronic files that allow others to make comments and suggestions on your document.

The alternative is to use built-in features such as Google Doc sharing, which isn’t a terrible concept in itself. 

You can then start by having any friends or family read over your work.

You can also set up a group of test readers to give you feedback.

Once you’ve done all this, consider paying a professional editor to evaluate your book.

If you don’t have the funds or access to one, you don’t necessarily need to hire one, but they help.

9. Revise Until You Are Happy

Chances are, you won’t hit the mark on your first try.

It might hurt to cut and rework content, but you can’t grow complacent in your work.

Go over any feedback you’ve received and revise until you are happy.

Revisions are and always have been a crucial constituent of the publishing process.

There’s no way around it, and it would be best if you spent as much time and effort on it as you possibly can spare.

This is the final step before you publish your book, so this is the time to ensure everything is perfect.

Repeat this step and the previous two until you are ready to publicize your work.

10. Publish Your Ebook on Amazon

Once your book is fully written, formatted, designed, and revised, you can head to your Amazon publishing account and publish your ebook.

You’ll have a chance to take one final preview of how your book will look in the store before it’s officially published.

Fill out royalty options and all other publishing preferences, then submit your ebook to be put in the store.

It should only take a day or two before your book is officially on the market.

11. Promote and Market Your Ebook

Your ebook publishing journey doesn’t end with your book being accessible on the marketplace.

Its unlikely success will befall you by chance, and it’s important to put your book out there through a series of marketing methods.

You can start with any available promotional options Amazon gives you during the publishing process.

This includes paid advertising, discount promos, and book distribution.

There are tons of other online marketing services that you can pay for, which will market your ebook and optimize its findability on the web. 

Your ultimate goal is to have a book that is SEO (search engine optimized) and easily found in the Amazon bookstore.

Ratings and reviews will bolster your search ranking, so be sure to add discounts if people review your book.

Another good idea is to use any social media accounts you have to market your book. 

Social media is a free way to promote your book, and there are various techniques such as hashtags you can use to get your ebook out there, even if you don’t have a large following.

Just be attentive, and work every day to promote sales.

A flop is only a flop when you give up marketing your book.

12. Track the Progress and Sales as You Go

Tracking progress and sales as you go is an essential aspect of your marketing process.

Sales are indicative of progress, and let you know if you’re hitting your projected goals. 

Amazon publishing has a few tools you can use to view demographics and other useful statistics to keep track of your progress. 

You can alternatively or additionally use external marketing services to give you the necessary data on your sales progress. 

These insights will tell you what’s working and what isn’t and allow you to pinpoint where you should divert your marketing efforts.

Wrapping Up

Many success stories prove you don’t need a professional agency or tons of money to write an ebook. 

If you keep the 12 critical steps for success listed in this article, you’re already more equipped to tackle the complexities of ebook publishing than most other novice writers.

Use these tips to your advantage and you’ll undoubtedly go far.

Want more tips on writing or marketing?

Go to to learn more about how you can optimize and promote the content you write.

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Perfect Product Pricing: My Hot Tip From The $100 Startup Tue, 24 May 2022 18:47:51 +0000 Read more]]> It’s not just product creation that’s hard, product pricing is tough too but it’s something you need to get right if you want to get buyers and increase your bottom line.

  • How much should you sell your product for?
  • How can you increase your profits from the product without creating much more work?
  • How can you offer your clients the type of product they really want?

These are the main questions entrepreneurs will be asking before they launch their product and my experiences and experiments have helped me come up with some interesting answers on product pricing.

When I was launching my book Successful Blogging in 12 Simple Steps I was studying The Empire Building Kit, an 356 day email course, by Chris Guillebeau which was the precursor to his brand new book The $100 Startup.

Many of Guillebeau’s tips inspired and helped me while I was creating and launching my ebook but one tip stands out more than any other.

That’s the recommendation to offer your buyers three price points on a product: low cost, medium cost and high cost.

The theory is that most people will buy the medium-priced product so your challenge as an entrepreneur is to work out how to create an up-sell of your basic product.

I decided to try it but wondered how I could create three separate pricing options for an ebook.

Then I noticed from comments on other people’s ebooks that an audio version was commonly requested.

I never listen to books but it looked as if a lot of people did, whether they wanted to listen in their car, on the commute to work or while out exercising I didn’t know, but I determined to provide an audio version of my ebook for those who preferred to listen instead of read.

So I created three packages for my ebook:

  • Low Cost – Hot Package – $29: For the ebook self-study course plus a bonus chapter on motivation because, even if people were only buying the ebook, I still wanted to offer them a bonus and make sure they stuck with blogging.
  • Medium Cost – Super Hot Package – $39: For the ebook self-study course plus a bonus chapter on motivation, 5+ blog case studies and an audiobook recording.
  • High Cost – Super Hot Consultation Package – S499: I priced this very high as the main aim was not to sell this but to provide a third and more expensive package which would encourage more people to the medium-priced package.

Then I launched my ebook a few years ago and waited to see what happened.

Lo and behold the up-sale of the ebook and audio book, the Super Hot Package, at a $10 higher price represented around 80% of all sales.

I’ll never know if that was because people wanted to listen to the audiobook, wanted to get the blog case studies or just didn’t want to buy the lowest priced product.

Whichever way you look at it the product pricing tip helped me and helped readers too by offering them an alternative format to reading the book.

Please note I didn’t create the audiobook myself.

I hired a professional voice-over artist to record it and supply me with the files all for under $500 so there was no time investment on my part.

The small financial investment in paying for a professional voice-over artist paid for itself many times over created a quality product I am proud of, and provided added value to the small business owners and creative types I help.

Finally, Guillebeau recommends you include a guarantee on your product sales page. Here’s mine:

“Satisfaction Guaranteed

I guarantee this course will save you time and make your blogging experience more successful and enjoyable.

If you’re not 100% satisfied there’s a 90-day money-back guarantee.

Please note: to give you time to try the course no returns within the first 30 days.”

In two years only one person has asked for a refund and that was a self-described “social media expert” who has a Twitter account with a few thousand followers but no blog.

I gave a full refund immediately and when I asked why she wasn’t happy with my book she said:

“I already knew it all.”

If you know it all already that’s great, but if you don’t and you need help getting your business off to a flying start then read The $100 Startup.

Chris Guillebeau’s business tips helped me and I know they will help you too.

What’s the best business tip you’ve ever actioned?

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How To Become An Amazon Best-Selling Author Fri, 20 May 2022 21:01:56 +0000 Read more]]> header image that illustrates how to publish a book on amazon

Like many writers, I dreamed of writing a book and becoming a bestselling author for many years before I did it.

So, when I started reading articles about how self-publishing was taking off and how blogging was helping writers to grow their audience and make book sales, I decided my time had finally come.

In January 2010 I started Powered by Intuition to create an audience for my books.

How to Become an Amazon Best-Selling Author

When I released my first book on Amazon, to my amazement it became a best-selling book and still is.

I released my second book and that one became a best-selling book too.

I’ve just released my third book The Intuition Principle: How to Attract the Life You Dream Of – which is my first print book.

The Kindle version of my new book is now an Amazon best-selling book as well, although this time it wasn’t a surprise to me.

By now, I’d figured out how to “lather, rinse and repeat.”

Amazon has its own way of determining Kindle best sellers and updates sales statistics every hour.

They call it the Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store list.

To have a best-selling book on Amazon, your book must be among the Top 100 Paid Kindle books in its category in the Kindle store.

Follow these tips to place your book in a place that sells well on Amazon.

1. Use keywords in your title related to your blog’s niche.

Research other titles in your book’s genre among books that are on the Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store list.

To find a Kindle book’s sales rank on Amazon – scroll down and look for “Product Information.”

If the book is in the “top 100” it will be given a sales rank for its categories.

If it’s not in the top 100 no sales rank will appear in “Product Information.”

Notice whether the top books in your book category all contain the same “keyword” or phrase.

Use the Amazon “type ahead” feature (the search bar on their site) and type in your keyword or phrase and you’ll notice how it “types ahead” suggesting book titles for you.

“Type ahead” phrases result from many people searching for a particular title.

Incorporate that phrase or keyword into your title and your book will be found more easily on Amazon.

2. Have your book professionally edited.

Books full of typos, awkward sentences, and grammatical errors are returned for a refund more often.

Amazon rarely questions a return, so do whatever you can to avoid that.

The money you spend on professional editing is well worth it.

3. Pay to have your book formatted properly.

Amazon Kindle books look best with “Mobi” formatting.

While you can upload a book to Kindle in a Word document, it may not lay out properly, so do not skimp on paying to have your book formatted.

4. Create an attractive cover.

People judge a book by its cover. When you go to Amazon, the first thing to attract your attention is the book cover.

To create a good cover design, spend some time browsing books in the same genre as your book.

Pick the top 10 or 15 selling books and study their covers.

Look at the typography, the layout, and the color choices and take notes and screenshots.

You’ll come away with some excellent ideas for your own Amazon book that highlight your personal brand.

5. Choose the right category for your book to become an Amazon bestseller.

Categorizing books lets readers search for the topics they are interested in.

Amazon leaves it to you to categorize your book when you upload it to Amazon Kindle and  to your Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) account.

To help readers find your book ask yourself this question, “If I were looking for my book, what categories would I look under?”

Then list all the categories you think your book might fit into so you can hit the bestseller list.

Next, do book marketing research – research the top ten to 20 books sold on Amazon [preferably on the New York Times Bestseller list] which are like yours.

Check out how they categorized their books under “Product Information” and categorize yours similarly.

Amazon allows you to choose two category paths.

Make sure you take advantage of this and fill in both.

Drill down on the categories so that your book will stand out from its competition.

For example, if you write a self-help book – don’t end the category path at “self-help.”

What else is your book about? How will you attract your potential customers?

Add another related category sub-path beyond “self-help” to your book and then another until you’ve covered every possible sub-genre of your book that might be searched for under.

6. Pick the right keywords.

When you upload your book to KDP, you are given up to seven keywords or phrases to use for your book.

Do your homework by researching keywords and phrases that people might search for under to find your book. And make sure to use all seven!

Use the type-ahead feature on Amazon to see if any of the keywords or phrases you have in mind come up.

Use the ones that come up on Amazon as they directly relate to on-site searches for books.

Check out popular keyword searches on Google AdWords too, but use these only if necessary after you’ve exhausted all the keywords and phrases you found on Amazon first.

Amazon has its own search engine so when you identify a keyword or phrase on Amazon it is showing up because it is a popular search – so use it.

Pro Tip: You can also go back and change keywords.

This allows you to experiment with what works best for finding your book.

7. Write a good description.

Amazon gives you up to 3000 words to write a description.

Use as many words as necessary to write a compelling description for your book.

This is your book’s “sales page” so put on your copywriting hat when you write it.

8. Price it right.

People will not buy an overpriced digital book unless you are a famous author.

If your book is less than 100 pages don’t price yourself out of a sale by listing it in the top price range ($9.99) to get a 70 percent royalty on Amazon.

After playing around with the pricing on my books I found that “less is more” in terms of book sales.

9. To give your book away or to not give your book away – that is the question.

Here’s what to do for your book launch. Amazon has a program called Kindle Select.

You enroll your book for 90 days at a time.

You cannot be selling this book on any other websites including your own during the time your book is enrolled.

Enrolling and uploading your book in KDP Select allows “borrowing” of your book for free by Amazon Prime members.

It also gives you the option of choosing 5 days out of the 90 days your book is enrolled to give your book away for free.

I enrolled my second book in KDP and gave away 464 free copies over two days.

The book also rose to #1 in free books in the Kindle store, but as soon as it wasn’t free it quickly sank right off the best-selling list.

Before I gave it away for free the book was selling just fine and consistently ranking between #10 -20.

It took nearly two weeks for it to rise back up again and to re-appear on the best-selling list.

My theory is that I saturated my market too quickly. I’m not likely to give my book away for free again.

You may feel differently though and you should experiment with this.

Some people love it and rave about it.

If you are using your book to develop leads for your business and not to create passive income then definitely go for it.

“Free” does sell.

10. Get reviews.

Give your book out to people and ask them to read it and please put a review on Amazon.

Amazon reviews to help sell your books. Never ever pay for reviews.

All reviews must be genuine and come from the heart of your reader.

11. Promote your book!

Promote your book step-by-step.

  • Display your book prominently on your blog.
  • Write posts related to your book’s topic where you can showcase the book.
  • Link to your book on Amazon and put that link in your posts.
  • Go on podcasts.
  • Start a fan page on Facebook and promote your book there.
  • If your book is selling – thank buyers by tweeting on Twitter and a posting on Facebook.
  • If your book hits the bestsellers list – announce it on Facebook and Tweet about it.

You’ve got to create your own buzz.

Organize a virtual book tour where your blogging friends can interview you about the book or review the book.

Write guest posts related to your book’s topic and mention the book in your post.

Always keep your eyes open for ways to get publicity for your book to increase ebook sales.

Offer to give away the PDF of the book to a reader who leaves the best comment about why they want to read the book and has shared the book on social media.

Wrapping Up

These are the strategies I use and they are working – and with a little effort and planning, they can work for your book too.

Here’s to seeing your book on the Amazon Top 100 Paid to the Kindle Store List!

You’ll be in front of traditional publishers before you know it!

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How To Create A Course And Sell It On Your Website Wed, 11 May 2022 20:05:56 +0000 Read more]]> If you’re passionate about something and you want to share it with the world, then you might want to consider creating your very own evergreen course.

You may think no one’s going to pay you for sharing information, but you’d be surprised to know how many first-time entrepreneurs (who’ve never sold a single thing online) successfully sold their first course!

If you want to experience launching a successful online course, then read on because, in this guide, you will learn exactly how you can create your very own course and generate passive income for years to come!

Why Create and Sell Your Very Own Course?

Here are a few reasons why you should consider creating and selling your very own online course if you want to generate passive profits.

1. There is a huge demand for online courses

The online course market is worth billions of dollars annually.

And it doesn’t look like it will slow down soon.

People love that they can learn new things in the comfort of their homes, and study at their own pace.

They need not go to school on weekdays or weekends, just to listen to someone drone on and on about theory.

And people can buy a course that only discusses the things they need to know – no fluff and unnecessary introductions and background chatter.

They can enroll in a beginner course, an intermediate course, or an advanced course.

And that’s where you come in.

Depending on your level of expertise and the audience demographic you want to reach, you can choose to create a course that’s geared for beginners or more advanced students.

2. It can provide you with passive income

Want to make money while you sleep?

Or while you’re away on vacation in the Caribbean?

Or anywhere remote, for that matter?

When you sell your own online course, this is very possible.

In fact, many entrepreneurs have successfully created passive income streams for themselves just by selling online courses.

You can create your course in January, start selling it in February, and from that point forward you can earn money day in and day out. You don’t even need to edit your course again.

Though if you want your course to continue selling, then you should definitely want to spend a lot of time promoting it!

3. You can create a course on practically anything you want!

Do yourself a favor and check out platforms that sell online courses.

You’ll notice that topics can range from the most basic to the most advanced tutorials on many subjects.

What this means for you is if you’ve got something to teach, then you can create a course for that!

If you love to cook, you can create a course on how to bake desserts using a special technique.

If you love taking photos, you can create a course on photography.

If you love designing clothes, and you want to share your advanced techniques, then you can sell your own course on this subject as well.

You can design your course to cater only to beginners or advanced students.

Or you can create a comprehensive course that will take people from being absolute newbies to experts!

The choice is totally up to you.

Don’t underestimate people’s ability and willingness to pay for your knowledge.

If you market your course as something that can help your students fix a problem, or improve their skills, or address a specific pain point, then you’d have a very profitable course on your hands.

How To Get Started With Creating And Selling Your Own Evergreen Course

Before you create your online course, it’s important to put yourself in your students’ shoes.

Would they find your course valuable? Would they learn something new and actionable from you?

Do you care about their learning experience or are you only out to line your pockets with their money?

Always remember that if you want evergreen blogging profits, you need to provide as much value as possible to your audience.

If you do not do this, and only think about yourself, then your blogging business will not last.

Helping people should be your top priority whether you create a video course, a text-based course, an audio course, etc.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you create your first course:

1. Choose a profitable evergreen topic

While you can create a course on any subject you want, you want to make sure you’ll have enough people interested in your topic.

Helping people is important, but since you’re building a business, you also want to see a return on your investment and generate a healthy profit.

There are quite a few ways to find a profitable topic:

  • Check if there are existing courses on the topic you want to cover.
    If there are, and it’s selling, then that’s a good sign.
    It simply means there’s a demand for that topic, and you can create a better course.[spacer height=”15px”]
  • Do keyword research to find out how many people are searching for your topic.
    If you’ve got a decent number of monthly searches, and there aren’t enough resources on the subject, then you might be on to something![spacer height=”15px”]
  • Seek out forums in the niche you want to cover and see what kind of problems people are having with it.
    Forums are literally a gold mine so be sure to go through all the threads containing your topic.
    Create a list of target problems and then create a course around them. [spacer height=”15px”]

Lastly, I mentioned ‘evergreen’ because you want to create a passive income stream, right?

If you choose a non-evergreen niche like technology, then your course will become obsolete as soon as that technology becomes outdated.

But with evergreen niches, you need not worry about all that.

Your course could still sell for decades after you launched it!

2.   Test and check if your topic is indeed profitable

This step is very important if you want to avoid wasting your time and money on building a course no one will buy.

You can ask the opinion of your family and friends, but they’d probably be biased and tell you what you want to hear – that your course is great and it will sell like hotcakes.

But if you want to get real-world feedback from people you’re interested in selling your course to, then you can try creating a survey and have your target audience answer it.


If you’ve got an email list, you can simply ask them to answer your quick survey.

If you don’t have a list, then you need to get creative.

You might create a mini-course on the subject you want to sell and use it as an email opt-in.

Then drive traffic to your mini-course.

Track how many people visit your site and compare it to the number of people who signed up.

If you get a nice conversion rate, then it means your course can be profitable.

If you get very low sign up rates, then maybe your idea isn’t very sellable.

Or you simply didn’t target the right people.

Or maybe you need to write better copy to encourage prospects to sign up.

Try split testing so you can make an informed decision on whether to continue with your course or just totally forget about it.

3.   Create a course outline and write your content

You should already know your course has an audience waiting to be sold to.

The next step you need to do is plan out how you will structure your course.

Creating a detailed outline is very important as you can clearly see which areas you need to cover.

Cover the main points in your course – no need to go crazy on the details yet.

The important thing is you need to get your audience’s problem solved, and you need to make sure your course answers that problem thoroughly.

Break your course into small “bite-sized” sections. Group similar concepts together.

Don’t allow your ideas to be all over the place.

Your audience will appreciate you taking the time to make things easy enough for them to understand.

Once you’ve finished the outline, take a moment to review it.

Ask yourself if you left anything out, and if you think it’s got all the details to help your intended audience.

Only then should you start working on the content.

Don’t get too hung up on getting the perfect eBook cover, or the perfect lighting for your videos, or how you will sound in your audio recording.

Some successful bloggers’ first-ever courses were shot on their smartphone or their laptop’s webcam!

Whatever content type you go with, your students will pay you for your content and your knowledge.

4.   Upload your course to your website or a third-party learning platform

Now that you’ve successfully created a great course, it’s time to upload it online so you can start selling it.

There are generally 3 types of places where you can sell your course:

  • Your own website – having your own course on your own web property gives you the most control over your product.
    You can choose your own design and set your own price.
    You don’t have to give anyone a share of your profits; you get to keep everything!
    If you use WordPress, you can simply use a plugin to manage your course and your payments, and you can be in business in a matter of hours!
  • Third-party hosting platforms – if you don’t have your own website, or you don’t want to be bothered to set it up on your own, you can host your course on a third-party platform.
    These platforms make it easy for you to upload and manage your course, but they come at a price.
    Some require a monthly or annual subscription while some require a certain percentage of your sales.[spacer height=”15px”]
  • Online learning marketplaces – sites like these have become popular in recent years.
    If you want to get your course in front of millions of people, then this is the good place for your course.
    However, the downside is that you have little control over your course once you upload it.
    Most platforms also place a limit on course prices, and they even take a cut of your earnings so be sure to keep this information in mind.

My favorite platform (and I’ve tried 4!) is Podia.

Inexpensive and they don’t take any fees.

They also have great customer service and answer my questions quickly.

It was also easy to build my Successful Blogging School on Podia.

You can try out Podia by taking my (totally) free course, Blog In A Box.

5.   Promote your course to your target audience

Since you’ve already identified your audience before you even created your course, it’s now time to let them know about your course and how it can help solve their pain point!

If you’ve got an email list like I discussed in Step 2, then you have to email them now.

Let them know how they can benefit from your course and guide them to where they can buy it.

Make them feel special, offer them something nice as an existing subscriber – maybe a discount code or a free preview.

Use proven marketing strategies to encourage your target audience to buy your course.

Know how a sales funnel works so you can entice your leads or prospects to become paying customers.

And remember to ask them to opt-in to your email list so you can contact them again later

Are You Ready To Sell Your Evergreen Course?

An evergreen course is one of the best ways to generate passive income.

While you need to put in a LOT of work to make your course awesome, you need to remember that you only need to do the hard work once.

You can create a course in less than a week and have it generate sales for many years.

Imagine if you are selling several evergreen courses – you can live the life you’ve always dreamed of and spend your time doing what you love the most.

If you’re passionate about something and you want to share it with the world, then you might want to consider creating your very own evergreen course.

You may think no one’s going to pay you for sharing information, but you’d be surprised to know how many first-time entrepreneurs (who’ve never sold a single thing online) successfully sold their first course!

If you want to experience launching a successful online course, then read on because, in this guide, you will learn exactly how you can create your very own course and generate passive income for years to come!

Why Create and Sell Your Very Own Course?

Here are a few reasons why you should consider creating and selling your very own online course if you want to generate passive profits.

1. There is a huge demand for online courses

The online course market is worth billions of dollars annually.

And it doesn’t look like it will slow down soon.

People love that they can learn new things in the comfort of their homes, and study at their own pace.

They need not go to school on weekdays or weekends, just to listen to someone drone on and on about theory.

And people can buy a course that only discusses the things they need to know – no fluff and unnecessary introductions and background chatter.

They can enroll in a beginner course, an intermediate course, or an advanced course.

And that’s where you come in.

Depending on your level of expertise and the audience demographic you want to reach, you can choose to create a course that’s geared for beginners or more advanced students.

2. It can provide you with passive income

Want to make money while you sleep?

Or while you’re away on vacation in the Caribbean?

Or anywhere remote, for that matter?

When you sell your own online course, this is very possible.

In fact, many entrepreneurs have successfully created passive income streams for themselves just by selling online courses.

You can create your course in January, start selling it in February, and from that point forward you can earn money day in and day out.

You don’t even need to edit your course again.

Though if you want your course to continue selling, then you should definitely want to spend a lot of time promoting it!

3. You can create a course on practically anything you want!

Do yourself a favor and check out platforms that sell online courses.

You’ll notice that topics can range from the most basic to the most advanced tutorials on many subjects.

What this means for you is if you’ve got something to teach, then you can create a course for that!

If you love to cook, you can create a course on how to bake desserts using a special technique.

If you love taking photos, you can create a course on photography.

If you love designing clothes, and you want to share your advanced techniques, then you can sell your own course on this subject as well.

You can design your course to cater only to beginners or advanced students.

Or you can create a comprehensive course that will take people from being absolute newbies to experts!

The choice is totally up to you.

Don’t underestimate people’s ability and willingness to pay for your knowledge.

If you market your course as something that can help your students fix a problem, or improve their skills, or address a specific pain point, then you’d have a very profitable course on your hands.

How To Get Started With Creating And Selling Your Own Evergreen Course

Before you create your online course, it’s important to put yourself in your students’ shoes.

Would they find your course valuable? Would they learn something new and actionable from you?

Do you care about their learning experience or are you only out to line your pockets with their money?

Always remember that if you want evergreen blogging profits, you need to provide as much value as possible to your audience.

If you do not do this, and only think about yourself, then your blogging business will not last.

Helping people should be your top priority whether you create a video course, a text-based course, an audio course, etc.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you create your first course:

1. Choose a profitable evergreen topic

While you can create a course on any subject you want, you want to make sure you’ll have enough people interested in your topic.

Helping people is important, but since you’re building a business, you also want to see a return on your investment and generate a healthy profit.

There are quite a few ways to find a profitable topic:

  • Check if there are existing courses on the topic you want to cover.
    If there are, and it’s selling, then that’s a good sign.
    It simply means there’s a demand for that topic, and you can create a better course.[spacer height=”15px”]
  • Do keyword research to find out how many people are searching for your topic.
    If you’ve got a decent number of monthly searches, and there aren’t enough resources on the subject, then you might be on to something![spacer height=”15px”]
  • Seek out forums in the niche you want to cover and see what kind of problems people are having with it.
    Forums are literally a gold mine so be sure to go through all the threads containing your topic.
    Create a list of target problems and then create a course around them. [spacer height=”15px”]

Lastly, I mentioned ‘evergreen’ because you want to create a passive income stream, right?

If you choose a non-evergreen niche like technology, then your course will become obsolete as soon as that technology becomes outdated.

But with evergreen niches, you need not worry about all that. Your course could still sell for decades after you launched it!

2.   Test and check if your topic is indeed profitable

This step is very important if you want to avoid wasting your time and money on building a course no one will buy.

You can ask the opinion of your family and friends, but they’d probably be biased and tell you what you want to hear – that your course is great and it will sell like hotcakes.

But if you want to get real-world feedback from people you’re interested in selling your course to, then you can try creating a survey and have your target audience answer it.


If you’ve got an email list, you can simply ask them to answer your quick survey.

If you don’t have a list, then you need to get creative.

You might create a mini-course on the subject you want to sell and use it as an email opt-in.

Then drive traffic to your mini-course.

Track how many people visit your site and compare it to the number of people who signed up.

If you get a nice conversion rate, then it means your course can be profitable.

If you get very low sign up rates, then maybe your idea isn’t very sellable.

Or you simply didn’t target the right people.

Or maybe you need to write better copy to encourage prospects to sign up.

Try split testing so you can make an informed decision on whether to continue with your course or just totally forget about it.

3.   Create a course outline and write your content

You should already know your course has an audience waiting to be sold to.

The next step you need to do is plan out how you will structure your course.

Creating a detailed outline is very important as you can clearly see which areas you need to cover.

Cover the main points in your course – no need to go crazy on the details yet.

The important thing is you need to get your audience’s problem solved, and you need to make sure your course answers that problem thoroughly.

Break your course into small “bite-sized” sections.

Group similar concepts together.

Don’t allow your ideas to be all over the place.

Your audience will appreciate you taking the time to make things easy enough for them to understand.

Once you’ve finished the outline, take a moment to review it.

Ask yourself if you left anything out, and if you think it’s got all the details to help your intended audience.

Only then should you start working on the content.

Don’t get too hung up on getting the perfect eBook cover, or the perfect lighting for your videos, or how you will sound in your audio recording.

Some successful bloggers’ first-ever courses were shot on their smartphone or their laptop’s webcam!

Whatever content type you go with, your students will pay you for your content and your knowledge.

4.   Upload your course to your website or a third-party learning platform

Now that you’ve successfully created a great course, it’s time to upload it online so you can start selling it.

There are generally 3 types of places where you can sell your course:

  • Your own website – having your own course on your own web property gives you the most control over your product.
    You can choose your own design and set your own price.
    You don’t have to give anyone a share of your profits; you get to keep everything!
    If you use WordPress, you can simply use a plugin to manage your course and your payments, and you can be in business in a matter of hours!
  • Third-party hosting platforms – if you don’t have your own website, or you don’t want to be bothered to set it up on your own, you can host your course on a third-party platform.
    These platforms make it easy for you to upload and manage your course, but they come at a price.
    Some require a monthly or annual subscription while some require a certain percentage of your sales.[spacer height=”15px”]
  • Online learning marketplaces – sites like these have become popular in recent years.
    If you want to get your course in front of millions of people, then this is the good place for your course.
    However, the downside is that you have little control over your course once you upload it.
    Most platforms also place a limit on course prices, and they even take a cut of your earnings so be sure to keep this information in mind.

My favorite platform (and I’ve tried 4!) is Podia.

Inexpensive and they don’t take any fees.

They also have great customer service and answer my questions quickly.

It was also easy to build my Successful Blogging School on Podia.

You can try out Podia by taking my (totally) free course, Blog In A Box.

5.   Promote your course to your target audience

Since you’ve already identified your audience before you even created your course, it’s now time to let them know about your course and how it can help solve their pain point!

If you’ve got an email list like I discussed in Step 2, then you have to email them now.

Let them know how they can benefit from your course and guide them to where they can buy it.

Make them feel special, offer them something nice as an existing subscriber – maybe a discount code or a free preview.

Use proven marketing strategies to encourage your target audience to buy your course.

Know how a sales funnel works so you can entice your leads or prospects to become paying customers.

And remember to ask them to opt-in to your email list so you can contact them again later

Are You Ready To Sell Your Evergreen Course?

An evergreen course is one of the best ways to generate passive income.

While you need to put in a LOT of work to make your course awesome, you need to remember that you only need to do the hard work once.

You can create a course in less than a week and have it generate sales for many years.

Imagine if you are selling several evergreen courses – you can live the life you’ve always dreamed of and spend your time doing what you love the most.

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Selling On Amazon: A Beginner’s Guide In 2022 Sat, 07 May 2022 20:07:37 +0000 Read more]]> Amazon is one of the most popular online shopping platforms ever created.

Here, you can sell and buy anything from the comfort of your home.

Nothing beats such a feeling: all you have to do is click on your phone, and just like that, your products are available to prospective customers.

The company boasts of having more than 350 million active customers, all of which are spread worldwide.

The service is available in 180 different countries.

Better still, third-party sales are becoming the order of the day, amassing a considerable portion of overall Amazon.

This beginner’s guide is for you if you’re looking to start selling on Amazon in 2022.

We’ll cover everything you need to know to get started.

Let’s dive into things now.

Can You Make Money Selling on Amazon?

It is possible to make money selling on Amazon.

Many people are doing it and making a living from it.

However, it is not easy, and it takes a lot of hard work and dedication.

If you are not willing to put in the work, it is probably not something you will be successful at.

At the moment, Amazon has more than 1.9 million sellers listed to sell their products through the platform.

Things are picking up fast; at such a rate, we expect the number to rise.

However, this does not mean you are late.

As the service grows, a place for new sellers and buyers opens up too.

One might wonder, how much money can you make selling on Amazon?

Well, the answer to this question can vary.

First of all, you need to keep in mind that different sellers offer different products on Amazon.

The actual income in figures will vary depending on the products and customer flow.

Also, there are different ways of selling your products on Amazon.

However, just like any other business, you should expect to incur some expenses and fees before your online store can be fully functional.

However, the rest is just straightforward from here.

Is Selling on Amazon profitable?

There has been a noticeable shift in consumer spending in favor of eCommerce.

This growing trend is part of why many people are opting to run online stores, and Amazon provides one of the best fulfillment networks in the world.

The fourth quarter of 2021 saw 56% of Amazon goods being sold by third-party sellers.

And according to the available data, most Amazon sellers make at least $1100 every month in sales.

As this practice has just been fully adopted recently, almost all sellers can be deemed new to the game.

So even if you are new to it all, there are ample opportunities to make a profit.

Do You Have To Be A Business To Sell On Amazon?

Amazon does not require that you have a company to sell on their site.

However, there are specific requirements that you must meet to be eligible to sell on Amazon.

These include:

  • You must be at least 18 years old
  • You must have a credit or debit card that you can use to make payments on Amazon
  • You must have a valid email address
  • You must have a phone number that can be used to contact you.

You might get confused on which profile to use on Amazon, personal or business.

However, please note that both are pros and cons to selling on Amazon as a business or as an individual.

You may have more control over your inventory and pricing as a business, but you will also have to pay fees and sales tax.

You may have less control, but you will not have to pay as many fees as an individual.

What Is Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA)?

Fulfillment by Amazon service is provided by Amazon to its sellers.

Amazon FBA allows sellers to send their inventories to Amazon’s fulfillment centers.

Once the inventory arrives at the fulfillment center, Amazon will first pick, then pack, and finally ship the items to the customer’s doorstep.

This takes off the burden from the sellers, allowing them to reach their customers quickly and conveniently deliver the products.

How Does FBA work?

The program operates on simple terms.

An Amazon seller can ship their products and merchandise to these Amazon fulfillment centers for storage.

Whenever a customer places an order on one of these products, the employees at Amazon will take it upon themselves to find the product from the inventory, prepare it, package it, and send it to the customer.

You can take advantage of these services, especially since you are just getting started trading on Amazon.

Below are some benefits that you can enjoy from using the service.

Associating Your Brand With a Big Name

Having Amazon’s name associated with your product is a big win in the market.

The name itself gains the customers’ trust, and they are more likely to patronize you because of it.

Chances are they have already heard about Amazon!

You can even attract an Amazon customer.

24/7 Customer Service for Your Products

After your products are in the fulfillment center, all inquiries, returns, queries, and refunds will be handled by Amazon.

Better still, the service is offered to you for free.

Better Shipping Deals

 Amazon has already established relationships with shipping companies.

They will use them to ship your products to customers.

Also, they are shipping many products at once, which comes with deals such as discounts.

The shipping cost will be less than shipping them individually.

Wider Customer Reach

Once a seller qualifies for the FBA listings, they are Amazon Prime-eligible and will therefore have a time logo.

This service will not only instill trust in existing customers but will also attract new ones.

You will even benefit from Amazon advertising.

Standardization of Shipping Services

After being ordered, all products on the FBA listing are included as part of the Amazon marketplace.

They are processed the same way Amazon processes its own products.

Therefore, you can list your product on your website, but Amazon will still cover the rest of the heavy lifting through the FBA program.

FBA Drawbacks

However, just like any other program, FBA also has some drawbacks.

For example, if your products are oversized or slowly moving, the storage fee might become costly.

Also, if your goods or products get damaged, you will be required to pay removal fees for them.

Lastly, you have to be ready to pay disposal fees for any unsellable products in your inventory.

However, these disadvantages should not worry you.

You can easily bypass them if you are a savvy seller.

For instance, you can start small as you grow and stock up little inventory for your infant market.

Later, you can upscale little by little.

What Are FBA qualifications?

You have to be eligible for the program to trade on Amazon using it.

Amazon FBA Eligibility can be termed as a three-step process.

The first step is to create an Amazon account as a seller successfully.

Assuming you already know what you want to sell on the platform, you will decide which plan to sign up for, an Individual Plan or a Professional Plan.

There are twenty categories in which your products can fall.

If you go for the Professional Plan, you get exclusive access to 10 additional categories.

Product Restrictions

After registering, you must pay attention to the second eligibility step, the product restrictions.

FBA has a list of things they can ship and those they cannot.

As FBA enables you to use Amazon’s warehouses, restrictions will apply to all the inventory they hold for you.

Most of them, however, come down to common sense.

For example, you cannot list products whose sale is illegal within the United States.

Ornate Restrictions

There are also some ornate restrictions to be followed too!

For example, you cannot list products such as automobile tires, paper sky lanterns, loose batteries, or gift certificates.

The last step is inventory eligibility.

Their fulfillment warehouses are spread worldwide to store sellers’ goods.


The eligibility is specific to a product category, but some will cut across all of them.

For instance, for your inventory to be put in the Amazon store, all the products have to be barcoded with either an Amazon barcode or a manufacturer’s one.

Products with faulty barcodes will not be considered for shipping.

Packaging Requirementsligibility

The packaging requirements are straightforward.

They will not ship anything that bangs around the box, so your packaging must be top tier.

Also, they require you to use six-sided boxes made of cardboard for shipping purposes.

They will also not allow in any products that will require the employees to assemble for shipping.

Do I need FBA to sell on Amazon?

No, you don’t need to use FBA to sell on Amazon.

However, many sellers prefer FBA because it offers several benefits, such as fast shipping and hands-off fulfillment.

However, there are many other options available for selling on Amazon.

These include:

Amazon’s Merchant Services.

Amazon Merchant Services is a payment processing service for businesses that sell on

Amazon Merchant Services allows a third-party seller to accept credit and debit card payments and ACH payments from customers.

Amazon Merchant Services also provides businesses with the ability to track their sales and inventory levels and manage their customer information.

Amazon Webstore.

It is a platform that helps businesses create and manage their own online stores.

The service provides a customizable eCommerce solution that includes everything businesses need to get started selling online.

Amazon Webstore service offers a wide range of features and tools to help businesses grow and succeed online.

How Much Does It Cost To Sell on Amazon?

The fees that Amazon charges sellers on its platform keep it going.

However, as a seller, you need to determine how much profit your Amazon business will generate.

Let’s look at the breakdown of the fees that Amazon charges its sellers.

  1. Monthly Amazon seller fee – Professional sellers on the platform (sellers who manage to sell more than 40 items) must pay a $39.99 subscription fee every month. The fee is fixed whether you make the sales or not. Individual sellers do not pay any monthly fee.
  2. Per item charges – For every item an individual seller sells on Amazon, they are charged $0.99. professional sellers are not charged such fees.
  3. Shipping charges – These are the fees that a company charges to ship products to customers. These fees can vary depending on the company, the products being shipped, and the customer’s location.
  4. Referral fees – A referral fee is a commission paid by one company to another for the referral of a customer. The referral fee is typically a percentage of the total transaction value and is paid by the company that receives the referral.

Is it Possible To Sell on Amazon for Free?

Yes, it is possible to sell on Amazon for free.

There are two ways to do this: Amazon Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) or using a fulfillment service other than Amazon.

With FBA, Amazon handles storage, shipping, and customer service for your products.

You will pay fees for these services, but you will not have to pay for a monthly subscription.

If you use a fulfillment service other than Amazon, you must pay for that service.

However, you will not have to pay any additional fees to Amazon.

Selling on Amazon: How To Get Started

If there is one thing that Amazon did a great job on, it is streamlining the selling process.

Selling on Amazon is just like starting a small business.

Let’s look at the steps followed in doing so.

  1. Create a Business Plan

A business plan is a formal document that outlines the goals and objectives of a business.

It also includes a detailed overview of the business’s financials, marketing strategy, and operations plan.

The importance of a business plan lies in its ability to act as a roadmap for the company’s future.

Together with your Amazon selling plan, a business plan will be the starting point for setting up your business.

You will know what items to list where, how to fund your operations, and much more.

  1. Start Market Research

There are several ways to conduct market research for an online business.

Common methods include surveys, focus groups, and online research.

This step is crucial, especially if you already have what you want to sell in mind.

You can study how other established Amazon businesses within your industry function and borrow a leaf.

How do you ensure that your product brings you success?

Is your product the right one for Amazon?

The more you know, the less risk you are taking.

  1.  Find Product Suppliers

After you have established the type of product you want to sell, you can then shortlist some trusted suppliers in the industry.

It would be best if you reached out to each one of them, taking time to listen to their offers before making an informed decision.

The best way to do so is by getting in touch with the supplier’s brand representative or manager.

You can go the modern way and reach out through email.

It might be a tedious job, but you didn’t come all this way to pick just any other supplier.

  1. Register for an Amazon Account

Registering for an Amazon account is easy on the Amazon seller central.

If you meet all the eligibility requirements, you go to the Amazon website and click on the “Your Account” link at the top of the page.

Click on the “Create a new Amazon account” button and follow the on-screen instructions.

  1. Create Product Listing

To create a listing on Amazon, do the following:

  1. Go to and click on the “Sell on Amazon” button.
  2. Sign in to your Amazon account.
  3. Click on the “Create a new listing” button.
  4. Enter the product name, description, price, and other relevant information.
  5. Choose a category and subcategory for your product.
  6. Upload photos of your product.
  7. Click on the “Submit” button.

6. Manage Inventory

Listing your products is one thing, and managing the inventory is another.

Taking control of your Amazon inventory attracts shoppers, reduces your inventory costs, and reduces losses.

However, many small businesses on Amazon lack a sound inventory management system.

You can use Amazon inventory management software.

It allows you to track and automatically manage your inventory.

Doing so ensures that you do not have too much or too little.

Other tips to help you manage your inventory include understanding your inventory turnover rate, prior planning for sales fluctuations, etc.  

Selling on Amazon: Is It Worth It?

Your experience with Amazon as a seller has a lot to do with you as a seller.

Some sellers believe that Amazon is worth it and have been successful in their ventures.

Others have tried and failed, though.

That said, below are the pros and cons of selling on Amazon.

Pro: Increased Visibility and Reach

When you sell on Amazon, your products become visible to millions of customers worldwide.

An Amazon shopper will trust your product too.

Pro: Prime Shipping

 If you use Fulfillment by Amazon, your products will be eligible for Prime shipping.

Prime members get free two-day shipping on eligible items, leading to increased sales.

Access to Amazon’s customer base: This can be a great way to grow your business.

Pro: Easy To Get Started

Amazon makes it easy to get started selling.

You can sign up and start selling quickly and easily.

Better still, you can use the convenient Amazon seller app on your smartphone.

Con: Less Control

You may have less control over your product listings and branding on Amazon than you would on your own website.

Also, Amazon’s customer service and return policies may not be as favorable to sellers as those of other online marketplaces.

Wrapping Up

Overall, selling products on Amazon can be a very lucrative business venture.

With the right products and the right strategies, you can make a lot of money selling on Amazon.

Just be sure to do your research and understand the platform before getting started.

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Fulfillment Services: What They Are, How They Work and 15 Best In 2022 Tue, 03 May 2022 01:02:28 +0000 Read more]]> If you want to start a business that sells a physical product beyond a physical store, you need to deal with the question of shipping.

However, it is hard work to take care of shipping and logistics.

That means you either need to ship things yourself or contract a fulfillment service to do so for you.

There are several fulfillment services in the market today that can help you take your business to the next level by taking care of shipping and logistics for you.

We’ll explore what those companies do and how to take advantage of them and which is best for your situation.

Our Top Picks

An overview of favorite fulfillment services from our comprehensive list below.

Our Pick
  • A great 2-day shipping option makes fulfilling Amazon orders simple and easy
  • The company offers robust data analytics, meaning sellers can make informed decisions
FBA by Amazon
Runner Up
FBA by Amazon
  • The biggest benefit of this platform is the seamless integration with the Amazon marketplace
  • High-quality customer service and great uptime makes issues easy to solve and quick to work through
Also Great
  • Great for smaller operations that focus on selling through eBay, Walmart, and Shopify
  • Simple, fixed-rate pricing makes budgeting easy and reduces surprises for operational overhead

What Are Fulfillment Services?

Fulfillment services are companies that take on several different aspects of the shipping and logistics process, including:

  • Warehousing
  • Shipping
  • Order processing

They often vary in their specializations and the specific services they offer, but the central thing they do is store products and ship them to customers.

What Does a Fulfillment Service Do?

There are several different tasks that a fulfillment service can take on.

Shipping is the central one that all such services perform.

But shipping also frequently entails warehousing – keeping your products within a warehouse so they have them ready to ship as soon as they receive the order from you.

Beyond that, fulfillment services can take on payment, order processing, returns, and quality control.

What Is a Fulfillment Service Provider?

A fulfillment service provider, also known as a third-party logistics provider, is a business that provides fulfillment services.

They take care of the logistical elements of selling products that you don’t want to and/or have the resources to accomplish.

Fulfillment service providers are also significantly distinct from dropshipping services.

Drop-shipping services both manufacture products and fulfill the orders for those products.

As the business owner, you’re simply acting as a salesperson for the drop-shipped product.

Third-party logistics providers, on the other hand, do not manufacture any goods of their own.

They exist to help you fulfill orders on goods you have acquired or manufactured.

The Best Fulfillment Services of 2022

There are several fulfillment services on the market today.

We’ve compiled the top 15 companies so you can compare their core features and plans.

vector graphic showing employees at a conveyor belt working for a fulfillment services company

1. ShipBob

ShipBob is a globally-operational third-party logistics provider and omni-fulfillment solution.

Over seven thousand brands trust them to ship orders all over the world.

ShipBob offers high-quality supply-chain services, fast shipping, and memorable customer experiences.

Our Pick

ShipBob is a globally-operational third-party logistics provider and omni-fulfillment solution.

Over seven thousand brands trust them to ship orders all over the world.

ShipBob offers high-quality supply-chain services, fast shipping, and memorable customer experiences.

Best For:

ShipBob is an excellent choice for business owners with lots of customers in the continental U.S. (due to their 2-day Express Shipping Plan).

Its distinctive pick and pack pricing model (wherein the first four picks are free) makes it perfect for companies that receive several small orders of four items or less.

The company’s strong emphasis on robust data analytics also makes it a great option for sellers that want to collect as much data on their shipping processes as they can.

Notable Features:

  • 2-Day express shipping plan
  • Inventory management tools
  • Data reporting and analytics


  • Wide reach of global fulfillment centers
  • Unique, customized unboxing experiences
  • Ability to customize your fulfillment operations
  • Guaranteed two-day shipping for specific clients
  • Wide variety of e-commerce integrations


  • Customizability also entails complexity
  • Pricing model may work poorly for some companies

Is ShipBob Hard to Use?

No, it’s not hard to use.

The firm has taken care to maximize ease of use on all its platforms.

Once you get used to its system, it’s a breeze to navigate.

Pricing & Plans:

ShipBob is open about the pricing for their core features.

They charge a mostly flat rate for inventory receiving – if your items take two hours or less to receive, you are charged $25.

Beyond that, you’re charged $40 per man-hour.

Their pick and pack price structure are very interesting – the first four items in a given order are free, and then they only charge $0.20 for every pick after those.

This is on the extreme low end, but that’s mostly because they internalize those costs in the storage and receiving fees.

Our Take:

ShipBob is one of the best fulfillment services out there due to its low prices, high customizability, quick shipping potential, and focus on data.

2. Amazon FBA

Fulfillment by Amazon (also known as FBA) is one of the best options for sellers on this list, with extensive reach and high-quality service.

Runner Up
Amazon FBA

Amazon FBA is great for all sorts of sellers.

It has a broad base of appeal, which allows it to be excellent for most people, but doesn’t offer many opportunities for customization.

Best For:

Amazon FBA is great for all sorts of sellers.

It has a broad base of appeal, which allows it to be excellent for most people, but doesn’t offer many opportunities for customization.

Notable Features:

  • High-quality customer service
  • Access to Amazon returns
  • Amazon Prime qualification


  • High rates of customer satisfaction
  • Vast logistical reach
  • High shipping accuracy
  • Guaranteed quick delivery to Prime members
  • Very low requirements


  • Very little capacity for customization
  • Sales focused on Prime members
  • Muddy and unclear fee structure

Is Amazon FBA Hard to Use?

Amazon FBA is probably one of the easiest providers on this list, due to the straightforward options they provide.

Pricing & Plans:

This company is one of the more expensive ones on our list, but its pricing structure is too complex to outline here.

Our Take:

If you’re looking for a simple order fulfillment service and don’t want to have to think too much about it, Amazon FBA is the way to go.

3. Deliverr

Deliverr is an excellent partner for a small business that focuses on e-commerce platform integration.

Also Great

This firm is best for smaller operations that focus on selling through existing marketplaces like eBay, Walmart, Amazon, and Shopify.

Best For:

This firm is best for smaller operations that focus on selling through existing marketplaces like eBay, Walmart, Amazon, and Shopify.

Notable Features:

  • Two-day shipping for 95% of the continental US
  • Algorithm-based inventory management
  • Trusted seller shipping badges on several marketplaces


  • Simple, fixed-rate pricing.
  • Unique shipping badge program increases sales
  • High levels of e-commerce marketplace integration
  • Guaranteed two-day shipping


  • No international fulfillment centers
  • No returns processing
  • No employee account functionality, which makes delegating challenging

Is Deliverr Hard to Use?

It depends on how big your team is.

If it’s just you, Deliverr is very easy to use.

Due to its lack of support for employee accounts, it can get very challenging as your team grows.

Pricing & Plans

This firm is known for its simple, fixed-rate pricing structure that consolidates all prices into “fulfillment” and “shipping” categories.

You can choose to pay more for quicker shipping, but the fulfillment costs only depend on size.

Our Take

This is a relatively new and burgeoning company, and we’re excited to see where the years take them given their distinct takes on pricing and inventory management.

4. FreightPros

FreightPros, now known as Nolan Transportation Group, focuses on rail freight shipping, and is geared towards smaller businesses.


FreightPros, now known as Nolan Transportation Group, focuses on rail freight shipping, and is geared towards smaller businesses.

Best For:

This firm is best for enterprises seeking an easy process without wanting long-term warehouse storage.

Notable Features:

  • Cold and temperature-controlled shipping
  • Discounted freight shipping
  • Partners with independent truckers


  • Cheap, flexible less-than-truckload shipping
  • Easy to use and navigate
  • Serves all major railheads and ports
  • Unique and high-quality last-mile solutions
  • Affordable


  • Limited long-term warehousing
  • Not focused on individual customer orders
  • No order processing support

Is FreightPros Hard to Use?

No, it’s quite simple to use.

Pricing & Plans:

NTG does not provide public information on their pricing, but they do bill themselves as affordable, and customer reviews attest to this.

Our Take:

This company works very well for small businesses looking for point-to-point shipping capacity.

5. Falcon Fulfillment

Falcon Fulfillment

Falcon Fulfillment is a high-volume fulfillment provider that focuses on the beauty, health, and wellness industries.

Falcon Fulfillment is a high-volume fulfillment provider that focuses on the beauty, health, and wellness industries.

Best For:

This is best for sellers of beauty, health, and wellness products that send out high amounts of products each month.

Notable Features:

  • Two-way inventory management services
  • Customized packaging
  • Advanced data reporting


  • Industry-specific specializations
  • High volume requirements can lead to lower prices
  • Order editing through their order processing service
  • Cutting-edge and proprietary management software
  • Return management and processing


  • Extremely high monthly minimum of 4,000
  • No global distribution centers
  • Requires Shipstation to fully use its integrations

Is Falcon Fulfillment Hard to Use?

If you don’t operate in their focus industries, some things can be challenging to translate over to their system, but it is by and large not challenging.

Pricing & Plans:

They have a $1500 set-up and onboarding fee, they charge $17.50 for every line item in inventory receiving and charge $18 per pallet per month.

They don’t disclose a pick and pack price.

Our Take:

Falcon Fulfillment has a niche, and it fills it with excellence.

If you happen to be in that niche, you will not find many better options for your business.

6. WhiteBox

WhiteBox is a dropshipping, fulfillment, and communications support system that seeks to integrate several aspects of contemporary business life.


WhiteBox is a dropshipping, fulfillment, and communications support system that seeks to integrate several aspects of contemporary business life.

Best For:

WhiteBox is best for Amazon sellers who move lots of products but still want to expand their listings, as well as for businesses that want to explore dropshipping.

Notable Features:

  • High-quality Amazon integration
  • Dropshipping capability
  • WhiteBox Growth Agency provides marketing consulting


  • Unified system that covers several features
  • Easy to add dropshipping
  • They market your Amazon products
  • The Growth Agency brings further success to your operation


  • Monthly order minimum of 1,000
  • No pricing transparency
  • No bulk or special-care information

Is WhiteBox Hard to Use?

WhiteBox is not hard to use.

Pricing & Plans:

WhiteBox does not offer public pricing information.

Our Take:

This company has some drawbacks, but it fills its niche so effectively that it’s certainly worth it for those who fit it.

7. Simpl Fulfillment

Simpl Fulfillment

Simpl Fulfillment is a small-scale provider that tries to maximize the streamlined simplicity of the fulfillment process.

Simpl Fulfillment is a small-scale provider that tries to maximize the streamlined simplicity of the fulfillment process.

Best For:

Smaller businesses that can’t afford high fees.

Notable Features:

  • Efficient custom packaging
  • Advanced data reporting
  • Subscription box support


  • No monthly order minimums
  • Very affordable
  • Multichannel integration with Amazon, eBay, and Walmart
  • 2-day shipping for many customers


  • Only one warehouse
  • Due to their lack of monthly order minimums, they may not have the capacity to deal with clients who move a large amount of product.

Is Simpl Fulfillment Hard to Use?

No, all reviews we found indicated it was easy to use.

Pricing & Plans:

This company is quite cheap – no set-up or receiving fees, very low pick and pack fees ($0.25 per item after the first three)

Our Take:

Simpl Fulfillment is an excellent third-party logistics provider and is especially well-suited to smaller enterprises working on a budget.

8. FedEx Fulfillment

FedEx Fulfillment

FedEx Fulfillment is the logistics-focused arm of the shipping giant FedEx.

FedEx Fulfillment is the logistics-focused arm of the shipping giant FedEx.

Best For:

Companies who want to take advantage of FedEx’s massive, reliable shipping operation.

Notable Features:

  • Advanced Order Monitoring
  • Custom packaging
  • Address verification


  • Walmart and eBay integration
  • Lower shipping costs in-house through FedEx
  • Returns processing
  • Trustworthy and reliable international reach


  • No Amazon integration
  • Limited to Fedex’s shipping operation
  • Inconsistent customer service, according to some client reviews

Is FedEx Fulfillment Hard to Use?

Some customers have reported some challenges in navigating the interface.

Pricing & Plans:

FedEx has relatively high receiving and pick and pack fees, but relatively low storage fees.

Our Take:

FedEx Fulfillment is, if nothing else, reliable.

If that’s your priority at the end of the day, they’re an excellent option.

9. Red Stag Fulfillment

Red Stag Fulfillment

Red Stag Fulfillment is an e-commerce fulfillment company based out of Kentucky focused on reliability and effective handling of sensitive goods.

Red Stag Fulfillment is an e-commerce fulfillment company based out of Kentucky focused on reliability and effective handling of sensitive goods.

Best For:

If your business deals primarily or significantly in fragile or especially large goods, there’s no better place to go than Red Stag, since their whole operation is built around those.

Notable Features:

  • Same-day fulfillment options
  • Video monitoring of inventory
  • Guaranteed fulfillment time-frame


  • Extremely high accuracy ratings
  • Specialized in fragile, oversized, and special-care products
  • Includes a Prime-eligible badge when selling through Amazon
  • Low monthly order minimums
  • No forced long-term contracts


  • Needlessly expensive for sellers without special care products
  • Only two fulfillment centers
  • No dedicated account manager

Is Red Stag Fulfillment Hard to Use?

Many customers have found their user interface not to be user-friendly.

Pricing & Plans:

Red Stag Fulfillment has relatively high prices due to its special care capacity, but for a full outline, you will need to get a quote from them.

Our Take:

If you deal in high-care items, Red Stag is one of the best fulfillment providers you can use.

10. Whiplash


Best For:
Large enterprises looking to deftly shift between different business levels will be hard-pressed to find a better company than Whiplash.

Also, if you want to exercise significant control over the fulfillment process, Whiplash has several tools for you to do that.

Whiplash is one of the top third-party logistics providers on the market.

Best For:

Large enterprises looking to deftly shift between different business levels will be hard-pressed to find a better company than Whiplash.

Also, if you want to exercise significant control over the fulfillment process, Whiplash has several tools for you to do that.

Notable Features:

  • Rules engine for granular inventory management
  • Dropshipping capability
  • Supply chain mapping capacity


  • Wide variety of fulfillment types supported
  • Large number of global and US fulfillment centers
  • Returns processing capability
  • Amazon, Walmart, and eBay integration
  • Custom packaging and subscription box support


  • High monthly order minimum of 2400
  • Very little public pricing information
  • Limited customer support hours

Is Whiplash Hard to Use?

Whiplash has several features that give it complexity, but we did not find any reviews claiming it was hard to use.

Pricing & Plans:

Whiplash does not offer much pricing information to the public, but they have a minimum monthly storage fee of $250.

Our Take:

If you’re a large-scale operation that wants to have a significant hand in determining how the fulfillment process takes place, Whiplash is excellent for you.

Smaller enterprises or ones that do not want to take advantage of its unique benefits will likely be better served elsewhere.

11. RedHawk Global

RedHawk Global

RedHawk Global, now known as RedHawk Logistics, is a freight-focused supply chain management company that competes frequently with Nolan Transportation Group.

RedHawk Global, now known as RedHawk Logistics, is a freight-focused supply chain management company that competes frequently with Nolan Transportation Group.

Best For:

This firm is best for businesses that have a complex supply chain to manage and don’t need to be handheld through the process.

Notable Features:

  • Web-based transportation system
  • Automatable route decisions
  • Warehouse with an ideal location


  • Highly specialized route management and advice
  • Well-reviewed customer service
  • Access to more than 70 discounted shipping carriers
  • Provides shipping insurance
  • Capacity to move massive and complex items


  • No individual order fulfillment
  • Complex for new businesses
  • Only one warehouse

Is RedHawk Global Hard to Use?

Like many complex platforms, RedHawk Global can be easy once you get the hang of it, but it may prove challenging for many customers to get to that place.

Pricing and Plans:

Redhawk is a freight brokerage company, so prices vary too much between shipping needs for them to provide public pricing information.

Our Take:

If you’re looking for a place you can closely manage your supply chain and work with experts to optimize your logistics processes, RedHawk Global is an excellent choice.

12. eFulfillment Service

eFulfillment Service

eFulfillment Service is a third-party logistics provider focused on fulfillment of e-commerce orders.

eFulfillment Service is a third-party logistics provider focused on fulfillment of e-commerce orders.

Best For:

Smaller businesses looking for an easy, streamlined fulfillment process.

Notable Features:

  • Proprietary order fulfillment software
  • Refund-backed shipping guarantees
  • Advanced inventory management


  • No volume or inventory requirements
  • Maintained an A+ rating with Better Business Bureau for 20 years
  • In-house IT team
  • Focus on ease of use
  • Smart packaging


  • No Walmart or UPS integration
  • No public pricing information
  • Not helpful for large volume enterprises

Is eFulfillment Service Hard to Use?

No, it is not hard to use.

Pricing and Plans

This company does not provide public pricing information.

Our Take

EFulfillment Service is a good choice for its niche – simple, reliable, small-scale e-commerce fulfillment.

13. Ships-a-Lot


Ships-a-Lot is an e-commerce fulfillment brand geared toward highly specialized “white glove” service for its customers.

Ships-a-Lot is an e-commerce fulfillment brand geared toward highly specialized “white glove” service for its customers.

Best For:

If your business has a lot of fulfillment needs and is focused on brand-building around selling small, direct-to-consumer products on Shopify and/or Amazon, Ships-a-Lot is likely the partner for you.

Notable Features:

  • Limited number of clients
  • Shopify specialization
  • Fast shipping guarantees


  • Limited number of clients means high-quality customer service
  • Integrations with several e-commerce platforms
  • 24/7 customer support
  • Guaranteed 24-hour turnaround for client shipping
  • Effective returns management and processing


  • Unclear pricing
  • Limited client numbers means they reject many requests

Is Ships-a-Lot Hard to Use?

Ships-a-Lot does not offer much public information about its platform, but we have found no negative reviews of its ease of use.

Pricing and Plans:

The company does not offer public pricing information.

Our Take:

While this firm isn’t very clear on what its niche is, if you happen to fit it, it appears to be an excellent choice.

14. Rakuten Super Logistics

Rakuten Super Logistics

Rakuten Super Logistics focuses on doing the simple things well – operating to deliver products quickly and reliably in the US.

Rakuten Super Logistics focuses on doing the simple things well – operating to deliver products quickly and reliably in the US.

Best For:

This firm is best for mid-sized businesses that want a fast and reliable US shipping network.

Notable Features:

  • Lot tracking services
  • Xparcel program that maximizes shipping efficiency
  • Custom project support


  • Over 15 US fulfillment centers
  • Shipping within 1-2 days to most US customers
  • Return management and processing
  • Wide network of carriers and warehouses that ensures low prices


  • Monthly order minimum of 250
  • No international fulfillment centers
  • No public pricing information

Is Rakuten Super Logistics Hard to Use?

It is unclear if their platform is hard to use or not.

Pricing and Plans:

This company does not publish its pricing information.

Our Take:

Rakuten Super Logistics does not have many unique features to offer, but you don’t always need distinctiveness – fast and reliable service is often more than enough.

15. ShipMonk


ShipMonk is a full-service third-party logistics provider that works to make their clients’ experience as smooth as possible.

ShipMonk is a full-service third-party logistics provider that works to make their clients’ experience as smooth as possible.

Best For:

This firm is best for businesses that primarily sell through Etsy and/or Groupon and who don’t have to deal with too many special product needs like oversize loads and health regulations.

Notable Features:

  • Technologically optimized warehouse experience
  • Advanced subscription box functionality
  • Etsy and Groupon compatibility


  • Extensive ecommerce integrations
  • RFID-empowered warehouse technology
  • Highly customizable packing and kitting experience
  • Returns management and processing
  • No onboarding costs


  • Poor accommodation of oversize and unusual size products
  • No storage insurance
  • No FDA-certified handling for FDA-regulated products

Is ShipMonk Hard to Use?

No, ShipMonk is not hard to use.

Pricing and Plans:

The firm has no onboarding or receiving costs, but compensates for that with high-end pick-and-pack prices.

Our Take:

If you’re an Etsy or Groupon seller, there are few better options for you than ShipMonk.

How Do Fulfillment Services Work?

Effectively, these services work by you sending them your products to store in their warehouse space.

When someone places an order, you notify them.

The order fulfillment company then begins the process of fulfilling orders by picking the items in question off the shelf and shipping them off to the customer.

What Is the Process of Fulfillment?

This depends on how challenging a logistical problem you have before you.

Shipping orders can use multiple fulfillment centers throughout a supply chain in getting the product from one place to the next.

What Is Included in Fulfillment?

Order fulfillment describes the transition between an item that you want to sell and the customer you’re trying to sell it to.

What Do Fulfillment Services Cost?

Cost can vary significantly across services, depending on pricing models and the quality of the work.

But generally, there are four aspects of pricing here:

  • Reception of inventory
  • Item storage
  • Picking and packing
  • Outbound shipping

Services charge for the labor involved in receiving the inventory you send to them.

There are a couple of different ways to handle inventory receiving that impact cost.

This will often cost between $25 and $45 for every hour it takes to obtain and categorize your products.

Then you need to pay for storage.

These are the costs behind keeping your inventory stored at the fulfillment service’s warehouse.

Typically, you will find prices between $8 and $40 per pallet per month.

Once you have an order, the fulfillment service engages in the pick and pack process, where a laborer picks out the right product and packs it to ensure it’s ready to be shipped.

These vary significantly, between 20 cents per item and $13 per item.

The cost of shipping the product will likely be your largest one.

This cost varies significantly depending on destination, weight, and size.

That said, fulfillment companies can often ship things 10-30% cheaper than standard shipping companies.

On top of those costs, some fulfillment services also charge a one-time onboarding fee, account management fees, inbound shipping receiving fees, and return handling fees.

Further, some have additional optional services you can request, like order processing and custom packaging.

What is Ecommerce Fulfillment?

Ecommerce fulfillment just brings the concepts of fulfillment services generally to the world of web-based commerce.

Frankly, most fulfillment services deal primarily in e-commerce these days – there are few needs for them outside of internet sales.

How To Choose an Ecommerce Fulfillment Service Provider

Each e-commerce fulfillment service provider brings a unique set of services, pricing models, and styles of business operations to the table.

It’s important to do your research before choosing the one for you.

What’s the Best Ecommerce Fulfillment Service Provider?

There is no clear best among these firms.

Each one has significant advantages and drawbacks, and the best one for you will depend on the features and goals of your specific business.

Benefits of Fulfillment Services

Partnering with one of these firms is an excellent decision for many operations that want to take their business to the next level.

Extend Your Reach

First and foremost, a fulfillment service will help you extend your products’ reach in the world.

If you’re trying to run a small e-commerce business from your home or a storefront, you will encounter so many obstacles if you start being successful.

At the end of the day, you can only pack so many boxes yourself.

Free Up Your Space

No one has unlimited storage space.

Storage constraints are often more significant for small businesses than they are for larger competing businesses.

Are there rooms in your house dedicated to storing inventory?

Do you miss having a break room for employees at your store since it’s been dominated by boxes?

Fulfillment services solve this problem by allowing you to store products in their warehouses.

Improve Customer Service

This is one of the unexpected (yet significant) benefits that come from using a fulfillment service.

It helps with customer service in three ways: increased efficiency of product delivery, freeing time for you and your employees to provide better customer service, and direct customer service impacts from the company itself.

Typically, these providers can process and ship orders more efficiently than you will be able to do in-house.

That means lower wait times, which improves the customer experience a great deal.

Improve Scalability

Contracting out shipping and logistics processes allows for greater scalability of your business model since this field relies primarily on fixed costs.

Lower Shipping Costs

Often, third-party logistics providers have discounted shipping rates.

Even with the costs that you’ll pay, most businesses will save big on these costs.

Customizable Packaging

If you’re running your packing operation in-house, chances are you’re using boring packaging – plain cardboard boxes and the like.

Some providers offer you the capacity to customize your packaging.

This practice allows you to make the experience of receiving and opening packages into something both brand-building and enjoyable for the customer.

Wrapping Up

As you can see, the shipping fulfillment industry is a challenging one to engage with, but research yields much fruit.

Don’t choose a business partner without looking into them – there’s a lot of information out there, and there are so many niches that different firms fill.

With so many options, it can be hard to know which to choose.

Still confused about fulfillment services?

Let us know below!

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How To Sell On Etsy In 2022: A Beginner’s Guide Mon, 25 Apr 2022 14:54:40 +0000 Read more]]> Many of us have heard about selling on Etsy.

We hear people saying that they’ve sold their crafts, art, clothes, or other items with an Etsy shop.

If you have crafts and goods that you’d like to sell, you might wonder how you can make your way into the world of Etsy.

We will give you a deep look at how you can do that.

This is a guide for the extreme beginner, in which we’ll cover everything related to how to sell on Etsy.

We’ll explore what an Etsy shop is, how it works, and what you can expect.

Our hope is that you feel comfortable getting started after reading this guide.

You can also use the guide as a reference while you start out.

Let’s take a look.

What Is Etsy?

Etsy is an online marketplace that allows people to sell their creative goods.

The goods listed aren’t always creative but could be vintage or thrifted in some way.

The marketplace is thriving, and millions of sellers make a living or supplemental income on the site.

The site’s goal is to encourage human connection in commerce.

Many sites are automated in 2022, and Etsy’s fundamental goal is to offer a non-automated marketplace.

The result is creative, engaging, and meaningful merchandise.

It’s easy to become a seller if you follow the guide below.

However, it’s also worth looking at the site before you get started to try and get a feel for what it’s all about.

[box_with_button title=”Recommended Reading:” link_text=”What is Etsy?” link_url=””]

Learn the basics of Etsy, including what it is, how it works, and what to expect before setting up a shop.


How Profitable Is Selling on Etsy?

Remaining profitable as an Etsy seller depends on several things.

First, your profits depend on your product line and effort.

Etsy’s listing fees, transaction fees, and payment fees add up to 8% in most cases.

We’ll discuss those specifics in a minute.

Beyond that, you should think about marketing expenses, delivery expenses, conversion rates, and the cost of creating your product.

Then, weigh those costs against how much you’ll price your product.

Alternatively, you might not be profitable with a good product if your operations aren’t well thought-out.

The sky is truly the limit, though, as Etsy’s audience is massive.

Those users are all available to you if you play your cards right.

How Much Does it Cost to Sell on Etsy?

There are fees you should be aware of before becoming an Etsy seller.

These fees sometimes catch sellers off guard, so planning your business around these fees is a critical component to success.

screenshot of the homepage

Is There a Listing Fee for Etsy Sellers?

There is a listing fee on Etsy, which is around 20 cents per listing.

This fee needs to be paid even if you don’t sell the item.

Listings expire after four months on the site, then you’ll need to renew the listing.

That costs 20 cents as well.

You can schedule an auto-renew but still pay 20 cents when renewal happens.

Also, note that multiple quantity items sold include a scaled fee.

Say you sell three units of an item, then you’d be charged 60 cents for the total sale.

What Is the Etsy Transaction Fee?

The transaction fee for Etsy sellers which is the most significant part of this platform’s fee, is currently 6.5% of your total sale.

It is worth noting that this fee applies to shipping and gift wrapping as well.

As the platform has grown in the past year, so has this fee, rising and increasing from 5% to 6.5%.

We know, it feels like a good chunk of your sale, but it is said to go toward innovation and marketing advancements.

However, Etsy provides you with the chance to get your product out there, and most people just pay the fee because there aren’t many other places that can do what Etsy does for sellers.

What Are the Etsy Payment Processing Fees?

Payment processing fees vary by country.

They are added to every transaction that uses Etsy’s payment system.

In the United States, that rate is 3% of the transaction plus 25 cents.

You can view other payment processing fees for other countries here.

These fees pay for the safety and security of Etsy Payments.

That feature is a big part of why buyers trust the site.

That’s also why buyers feel comfortable purchasing from small sellers.

When people don’t think they’ll be scammed, they’re more likely to buy from you.

This is another expense for sellers, but Etsy’s rate is still relatively low.

What Are the Etsy Currency Conversion Fees?

Currency conversion fees are 2.5% on Etsy.

This fee only applies if you and your buyer use different currencies.

The fee gets taken out before funds reach your account.

You can control the listing location if these fees aren’t ones you want to deal with.

Listing products overseas also requires different shipping logistics.

It’s profitable to sell to people worldwide; there’s just more to think about.

Not that Etsy doesn’t allow all currencies.

Here is a list of Etsy’s supported currencies.

What Are the Etsy Shipping Costs?

Etsy shipping costs fall upon the Etsy seller.

The cost per customer depends on the dimensions and weight of your product, but you must also factor in the distance of the shipment.

The best way to cover this cost is to get an accurate reading of these things, which allows you to charge the customer for the price of shipping.

You should account for different shipment destinations and list the respective prices on your site.

  • Costs vary by carrier.
  • Explore your options.

Primary shipment options are FedEx, UPS, DHL, and USPS.

The carrier you use for personal items might be more expensive when dealing with bulk.

It also helps streamline your shipping labels and handling processes before starting with real Etsy customers.

There are online tools that help you make the right decision.

What Does It Cost to Promote on Etsy?

Promoting your Etsy shop happens through the pay-per-click (PPC) method.

This method allows you to display your ads based on user keyword searches.

You select the keyword phrase you’d like to associate your Etsy ad with, and Etsy places it for you free of charge.

You’re only charged when someone clicks your ad, but that, each click costs a particular amount.

The more popular the keyword phrase, the more the cost-per-click (CPC).

There isn’t a fixed-rate cost to promote an Etsy shop, which means that you can adjust your advertising budget to your needs.

However, your ad is taken off when you reach your budget limit, so it’s wise to dedicate a small percentage of your profits to advertising.

That way, your marketing budget grows with your business.

The growing marketing budget helps to keep your business profitable as well.

PPC is a very popular entry-level digital marketing job, so if you don’t want to learn this yourself, rest assured that there are many digital nomads out there likely willing to help you out.

What Are Offsite Ad Fees?

Offsite ad fees come from Etsy marketing your product on other sites.

There’s nothing you have to do in this situation.

Etsy markets these products as they see fit.

You can opt out of offsite ads if you’ve made less than 10,000 USD in your Etsy shop over the last year.

Sellers are charged a 15% fee for sales made through offsite ads.

Those who made more than $10,000 don’t have the option to opt out.

Sales made for these sellers will come with a 12% marketing fee.

The total advertising fee for an offsite ad order will never exceed $100.

How To Sell On Etsy

Now that we’ve covered the nuts and bolts, let’s look at selling on your Etsy store.

Here’s the fun part.

We’ll look at tips and tricks to market, design, and sell your products with an Etsy shop.

What Do I Need To Do To Create a Shop?

The first thing you need to do is make an account.

Accounts are free to make and take little time to actually set up.

Once you create a password and log in, you’ll be prompted to create your profile.

You write a bio and add your profile photo.

These two factors are important.

As a seller, you’ll want to learn the elements of personal branding, as a well-curated profile is a great way to improve your brand image.

The next account creation steps are below.

How To Set Up Your Payment and Billing Details

Once your profile is set up, you need to establish your billing details.

The important page here is called “how you’ll get paid.”

First, you select where your bank is located, then enter your bank account information.

You can then add a debit or credit card to your account.

Make sure all of the information is correct to avoid problems later.

Once that’s done, you can move forward to “open your shop.”

With those simple steps, your shop is up and running.

It might not have much to sell, but it exists on Etsy.

Do I Need a Credit or Debit Card To Create an Etsy Shop?

You need to have a credit or debit card to open your shop.

This allows Etsy to charge you fees when necessary.

It’s more challenging to manage a financial relationship with bank account information.

Businesses can’t make smooth transactions with bank account information alone.

There are too many small transactions between store owners and Etsy to use bank account information, so credit cards or debit cards are needed.

If you don’t have one, it might be worth opening a debit card account.

Even if it’s just for Etsy, it’s a helpful tool for your store.

How To Customize My Shop Settings

Once your financials are in order, it’s time to set up shop.

Etsy offers many ways to manage your aesthetic.

You can upload banners, logos, announcements, and more.

It’s good to have a mission statement or brief statement for people who visit your page.

Welcome visitors and give them a clear idea of your brand philosophy.

You can also get creative with your about section.

Add videos, photos, and any other information that illuminates your brand.

This is the time to list your shop policies as well.

Write concise policies that users can follow.

Any confusing language in your policy could be an issue.

People aren’t likely to engage if they aren’t sure of your terms.

If you’re someone who sells one product, this is the time to give a pitch.

Talk about why you focus on that product.

Additionally, talk about why an Etsy listing stands out compared to others.

Note that Etsy gives you numerous options to improve your site image.

In addition, Etsy’s creative community might have a lot of ideas on how to improve your look.

Do some digging online to see what others have done.

It’s okay to get inspiration from other pages.

How To Create Listings

The basic process of creating a listing is simple.

Click “shop manager” if you’re using a desktop.

Click “more” if you’re on the mobile app.

Now click “listings.”

Once you’re there, click “add a listing.”

Etsy runs you through several steps at this time.

You’ll start by adding videos or photos.

It’s smart to add numerous photos or “variation photos” of different aspects of your product.

You’ll then add a thumbnail image.

After that, you can start to do descriptive copywriting for your product.

These tasks include titles, descriptions, categories, and specific attributes.

You’ll then add the pricing and inventory information and set up your shipping logistics.

Don’t forget to account for sales tax.

You can use Etsy’s in-house marketing platform once you’re done creating and organizing the details of the listing.

Questions About How to Sell on Etsy

vector graphic showing a blogger standing in front of a laptop with the etsy screen open and wondering what is etsy

What Can I Sell On Etsy?

According to Etsy policy, “everything listed for sale on Etsy must be handmade by you, vintage, or a craft supply.”

The majority of products are handmade goods.

That includes tailored clothing or other items that have been altered.

Note that you cannot resell handmade items.

Any vintage item you sell on the site must be 20 years old.

There are lots of vintage-looking clothes that are newer than that.

This can be deceptive.

Do your research and find out the actual age of vintage items so that you don’t violate this policy.

Craft supplies sold on Etsy are almost all acceptable.

You can make your own supplies or sell manufactured ones.

This applies to party supplies as well.

Reflect the details of the product in your product listings.

There are a number of prohibited items on the marketplace.

No alcohol or drug-related products are allowed.

Paraphernalia gets included in that list.

A hand-blown pipe, for example, is not an acceptable product.

Anything dangerous is also prohibited.

Nothing promoting hate or hatred is allowed on the site.

The same goes for pornographic materials or mature imagery.

How Do I Get Paid from Etsy?

The primary way that you’re paid on Etsy is Etsy Payments.

Etsy Payments allows buyers to use most methods to pay for your products and transfers that money into your account.

Money flows into the accounts you listed when you set up your store.

Money moves through direct deposit into your bank account rather than accruing in a store account.

You might also use PayPal to direct money if that’s what you need.

It’s important that you use Etsy Payments rather than going outside of the platform.

You risk losing your store page if you go outside Etsy to receive payment.

How to Market, Brand, and Promote My Shop Products on Etsy

Marketing and branding are key pieces of the puzzle.

Your success depends on your marketing.

A few tricks are free and easy to implement.

Focus on your photos, descriptions, and prices first.

Photos should be clear and free of any confusion.

Photos should be flattering while remaining honest.

Product titles should be concise.

Long and confusing titles don’t do well.

You can also work keywords into titles and descriptions.

Descriptions should be very accurate.

This isn’t the time for embellishments.

Clear, easy-to-read descriptions will serve you well.

Pricing is arguably the most important factor.

You can play around with different price points to see what works best for your products.

Promoting products happens through the pay-per-click methods described above or other marketing platforms that you invest in.

How To Set up Sales and Discounts for Your Shop

Open your Etsy account and enter the “Shop Manager” tab.

Then, click on Sales and Discounts.

Here, you’ll see some of your options.

Click the “Create a Promo Code” button and work through the specifics of your deal.

You can take percentages off, remove fixed amounts, or remove the shipping cost.

You can also use this tab to run a sale.

Select “Run a Sale” and specify the details of your sale.

Choose between percentages and fixed rates for your discounts.

You can also use the page to organize an Etsy gift card for your online store.

How To Send Targeted Offers To Interested Shoppers

Go to the “Shop Manager” page and go to sales and discounts.

Then, select the option to “automatically send offers to interested Etsy shoppers.”

You can use this to send emails to people who have shown interest in similar products.

For example, those who have abandoned similar items in carts, favorited similar products, or purchased from you.

These ads can target a potential customer for you.

You can also send post-purchase thank you offers.

How To Ship on Etsy

Shipping for your Etsy shop happens on your own terms.

However, you, the seller, are responsible for ensuring that customers receive their items.

Etsy doesn’t facilitate the shipping process.

That means you find a carrier, make estimates for shipping rates, and monitor the shipment of your items.

It sounds like a lot of work, but sellers quickly get the hang of things.

Plus, your effort is reflected in the price of shipping.

Is Selling On Etsy Worth It?

We think so!

If you have a good idea, it’s worth trying.

The beautiful thing about an Etsy shop is you can start slow.

You don’t need a business plan and you don’t need investors.

You just need a few products to get the ball rolling.

If those products sell, you can try to sell more, yet you don’t have to keep going if they don’t sell.

So there is minimal risk.

We suggest getting started this way to give you time to learn the ropes and figure out your niche in the marketplace.

If you understand how Etsy works, you can probably sell your product effectively – you just have to give it a shot!

Top Tips To Help You Sell On Etsy

Let’s look at some refined tips for improving your page.

The ideas above will get the ball rolling.

You might need a little extra effort to make things take off.

1. Hire a Professional Photographer

Photographs are extremely important.

According to Meero, “90% of online buyers say that photo quality is the most important factor in an online sale.”

Standard phone photos might not do the trick.

See if professional photography is within your budget.

It’s a good investment for most sellers.

2. Learn Etsy SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is important in online platforms like the Etsy marketplace.

Optimization gets you higher in searches and provides more exposure.

Fortunately, the process is the same for most platforms.

There is a lot to learn about how it’s done.

Take a look at this guide for some beginner’s insights on improving your Etsy rank.

3. Optimize Your Pricing

Pricing is a big issue for some sellers.

If your price isn’t aligned with market value, you will lose sales to competitors.

A low price is a great way to attract new buyers.

This might allow you to generate interest in your profile and products.

You should find your optimal price point, though.

Many times, that price point already exists in similar products of other sellers.

Some market research should give you a rough estimate of your idea pricing.

It’s never a bad idea to change prices based on events or market changes.

Try to find different options for deals, discounts, price raises, and more.

4. Hire a Copywriter

Writing isn’t everyone’s thing.

If you’re struggling to write descriptions and titles, it might be worth hiring a copywriter.

These are people who can turn your descriptions into profitable marketing blurbs.

There are plenty of places to find working writers who can help you.

5. Take Payments in Different Ways in Your Etsy Shop

Etsy Payments allows you to take payments in different ways.

You can make these payments work for you by customizing your payment settings.

Go to the “Shop Manager” tab, then select “Finances,” followed by “Payment Settings.”

You can manage the timing and manner of your payments on that tab.

Giving customers options opens your buyer audience.

Some people only shop with their preferred payment method, so you can lose customers if you exclude options.

6. Start Collecting Email Addresses

Email marketing is an effective form of Etsy advertising.

The only way to do it is to gather email lists.

You can do this by creating a subscription tab for email updates.

Newsletters are also great ways to generate interested audiences.

You can scale your newsletter independently of your site and make an income that way, too.

The most important thing is gathering email addresses and sending regular updates on your store.

Sellers that foster a sense of community tend to do well.

Customers that engage with your brand’s journey will keep coming back.

They’ll promote your products to friends and family as well.

There are different methods to generating a large newsletter following.

It’s a challenge, but it’s worth it.

Note that you can’t send emails to people who don’t subscribe.

Harvesting emails is unethical, and it’s an easy way to get the “spam stamp” on future emails.

Time To Get Started!

The information above is all you need to start your small business Etsy Shop.

There’s more to learn, though.

So make sure to explore our site if you get stuck.

We have more resources on using Etsy, digital marketing, Etsy plus, and more.

]]> 0 How To Start An Etsy Shop For Beginners | Etsy Store Setup Tutorial nonadult
What Is Etsy? What It Is, How It Works, and More Mon, 25 Apr 2022 13:23:36 +0000 Read more]]> There are many types of blogs that make money, but blogs that sell their own products are among the best.

Are you looking to sell your handmade items online, but don’t know where to start?

Have you heard of Etsy, but aren’t sure what it is or how it works?

In this blog post, we’ll introduce you to Etsy and explain what it is, how it works, and more.

Plus, we’ll provide tips for getting started with Etsy.

If you’re still wondering, “what is Etsy?” then keep reading to learn more about this popular online marketplace for handmade goods.

What Is Etsy?

Etsy is one of the many online stores that allows almost anyone to sell their products.

As a result, you can find any number of goods to purchase, and you can sell just about anything you want.

Whereas Amazon sells mostly mass-produced products, Etsy is all about selling handmade and vintage goods and digital products.

Etsy launched in 2005.

The purpose of the business was to create a global space for people to list handmade goods and antiques.

All items on Etsy must fit into one of three categories: handmade goods, vintage items (must be 20 years or older), or crafting supplies.

If a product can’t fit into one of these categories, it can’t be sold on Etsy.

Etsy is intended to be a place where people can find unique, even personalized goods.

It’s also a way to support individual sellers and small business ventures.

What Is Etsy Used For?

Etsy is designed for artists and craftspeople to share their many creations.

Sellers can create just about anything they want to sell, including physical and digital products.

Etsy allows people to make extra money, while some turn it into a total income.

For buyers, Etsy allows people to find items they wouldn’t find anywhere else.

It’s a good alternative for those who don’t want to shop at big box stores or significant online retailers.

What Is Etsy Known For?

Etsy is known for selling handmade and vintage items.

Most people think of the store when they want to purchase a gift or buy something nice for their home.

They’re also known for handmade jewelry and clothing.

It’s similar to Amazon Handmade, which also features unique goods.

How Does Etsy Work?

Etsy works like many other online stores.

Sellers list items in individual shops and buyers make their purchases through Etsy.

The seller is responsible for shipping the item.

Browsing Products

Buyers have several options when shopping on Etsy.

You can search for anything, such as personalized birthday invitations, jewelry, or coffee tables.

The search results will show the items that best match your search.

If you’re not sure what you want but just want to shop around, Etsy makes it easy for you to browse through different categories.

Each category is divided into subcategories and further subcategories to help you shop.

For example, under the Home & Living category, there’s a home subcategory with further subcategories like wall decor and cookware.

When you click on something you like, you’ll also see similar suggestions and collections that include that item.

Buying Products

When you find an item to purchase, you add it to your cart.

You’ll have the option to select a quantity if there are multiple products available.

You’ll also be able to choose size, color, etc., if applicable.

If it’s an item to be personalized, the seller will have a space where you can make a note.

Even if you buy from more than one seller, you can still make one purchase from your cart.

Etsy will separate the costs up to pay each seller.

The seller will ship the item to you by the stated time.

If it’s a digital product, you should be able to download it immediately unless the seller has to customize it.

Etsy also makes it easy to buy gifts.

They have a gift-buying guide separated into groups like gifts for pets or birthday gifts.

If you can’t make a decision, you can just get an Etsy gift card.

Fees & Pricing

As a buyer, you don’t pay any fees other than sales tax where applicable.

The seller pays fees to Etsy, so you just pay the price listed by the seller.

Sometimes, different product variations will be priced differently, so be sure to check the price before buying.

You should also check whether the seller accepts returns.

Some items, particularly personalized products, usually can’t be returned.

Shipping Costs

Many items ship for free on Etsy.

You can see if an item has free shipping on the search page or the product page.

If an item has shipping costs, these costs are factored in at checkout.

Shipping fees are based on your location.

Selling on Etsy

Selling on the Etsy platform can be quite profitable, especially if you have a knack for creating homemade products or finding vintage goods.

As with most online marketplaces, there are rules and procedures you’ll have to follow.

vector graphic showing a blogger standing in front of a laptop with the etsy screen open and wondering what is etsy

Buying and Selling

Etsy makes it easy for buyers and sellers alike to use its platform.

As long as you follow a few basic guidelines, you can become a successful Etsy vendor.

What Can Be Sold on Etsy?

Etsy only allows you to sell handmade products, vintage goods, and craft supplies.

When selling handmade items, you have to be clear about all of the people who helped produce them.

You must also use your own photos, not stock photos.

If you wish to sell a vintage item, it must be at least 20 years old.

Be aware that Etsy may ask you questions about your items to verify authenticity.

Craft supplies are anything that can be used to make a craft and also includes party supplies.

Supplies don’t have to be handmade and can be commercial or vintage.

What Can’t Be Sold on Etsy?

All items sold on Etsy must be physical or digital products.

You can’t sell services, post want ads, or share referral codes.

Etsy has a list of prohibited items such as tobacco/alcohol, illegal products, and items that glorify hatred.

Etsy also has policies regarding intellectual property.

You can’t sell anything that violates another person’s intellectual property rights.

Finally, you can’t resell items in the handmade products category.

Everything you list in this category must be handmade items.

Do You Need a License To Sell on Etsy?

Etsy doesn’t require sellers to have a license.

However, you may need a business license based on where you live, how much you’re selling, and what you’re selling.

You’ll need to check your state’s laws to be sure.

Creating a Shop

Your Etsy shop is like your storefront.

It’s a page where buyers can go and see all of your products in one place.

Do I Need a Shop To Sell on Etsy?

You do need a shop to sell on Etsy since it will serve as a landing page for all of your products.

It doesn’t have to be as elaborate as some of the ones you’ll find on the site.

What Do I Need To Create a Shop?

To create a shop, you’ll first need to create an Etsy account if you don’t already have one.

Next, you’ll need a shop name.

Enter your location and type of currency.

You’ll also need to enter the billing information as Etsy will use this account for charging your fees.

Once you finish setting up your shop, you’re ready to list your first item.

You can always make your shop more professional as your business grows.

Fees and Pricing

There are some costs and fees associated with selling on Etsy.

However, when you plan appropriately, you can offset Etsy fees with your pricing.

Do I Need a Credit Card To Create an Etsy Shop?

You are required to have a credit card to be an Etsy shop owner.

Etsy uses the card to verify you.

It also serves as a backup in case you aren’t paying your Etsy fees or if you get chargebacks.

How Much Does Etsy Charge Sellers?

Each time you list an item, you’ll be required to pay a $0.20 listing fee, and you’ll have to pay to relist each time an item sells.

Etsy takes 6.5% of the total selling cost after discounts for every sale you make.
This amount includes shipping and gift-wrapping fees.

You’ll also have a payment processing fee of $0.25 plus 3% of the selling price.

If you want to make your Etsy store feel more professional, you can subscribe to Etsy Plus or Etsy Pattern.

These programs give you more customization options along with extras, like marketing and listing credits.

What Does It Cost To Promote on Etsy?

You have the option to run ads both onsite and offsite.

You can set a daily budget when running an Etsy ad and only pay when a potential customer clicks on your ad.

You’ll pay based on whether the customer buys your item with offsite ads.

If you’ve made less than $10,000 in the past 12 months, you’ll pay 15% of your profit back to Etsy.

If you’ve made more than $10,000 in the past 12 months, Etsy only takes 12% when a customer clicks on an offsite ad and buys your product.

However, you are required to run offsite ads once you reach this price point.

What About Etsy Shipping Costs?

Sellers must pay shipping costs, and it’ll vary based on what you’re shipping and where it’s going.

You can either charge the shipping fee separately, or you can build it into the price of your item and list it as “free shipping.”

Seller Payments

When buyers purchase an item, they’ll usually use Etsy Payments.

This option gives them several options for paying, such as with most major credit or debit cards.

Customers can pick their preferred way to pay.

How Do I Get Paid?

When a buyer makes a purchase, the money is deposited into your bank account.

Is Etsy Legit or a Scam?

Etsy is a legitimate business both for people who want to sell and buy on the platform.

When selling, Etsy is upfront about its fees.

You also receive payment after every sale.

Etsy also offers buyer protection for customers.

Each payment option is secure, so you know your personal information is safe.

While most of the sellers are reputable, you may run across a scammer or someone who doesn’t offer the best products or services.

If you’re the victim of a scam, Etsy’s buyer protection program will ensure you get your money back.

You’re also protected if you receive an item that isn’t as described in the listing.

Is It Safe To Buy Products on Etsy?

There are ways for sellers to try to scam buyers.

The fortunate thing is that Etsy payments are secure, backed by buyer protection, and trustworthy.

Sellers won’t get your private information other than a shipping address.

You can adjust a shipping address to a P.O. box or other location if you’re concerned.

In terms of credit card information, Etsy Payments is well regarded and offers high levels of protection.

If you purchase something and don’t receive goods, Etsy will refund you.

If there are challenges with your product or you feel you’ve been deceived, you can open a case with Etsy.

Is Etsy Worth It?

There are both pros and cons to selling on Etsy.

The Etsy marketplace is vast, so you have the opportunity for many people to see your product.

You don’t have to create a website and do a lot of marketing to get people there.

However, the Etsy market is fairly saturated.

There’s a good chance that many other people are doing the same thing you do.

It can be a challenge to stand out.

That said, if you offer a unique and high-quality product, you can find success on Etsy.

After you build up a following, you may want to transition to your own online store so that you don’t have to share so much of your profits.

Alternatives to Etsy

Amazon Handmade is one alternative to Etsy.

It’s a subset of Amazon that lets you sell handmade goods.

While you’ll get the benefit of Amazon’s much larger customer base, it’s more challenging to get your store approved.

You can also set up your own online store using a platform like WordPress or Shopify.

While you won’t have to share your profits, you’ll have the fees and extra work associated with running a website.

Wrapping Up

The Etsy marketplace is a place where buyers and sellers can share their love for handmade, vintage, and personalized items.

The store makes it easy for buyers to find unique gifts and custom items to match their personalities.

For makers, Etsy is a great place to turn your passion into profit.

You can list your handmade items on a website that already has a large audience.

You can have an online store without the hassle of running a website.

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Reseller Hosting Tue, 21 Dec 2021 22:27:09 +0000 Read more]]> Best Reseller Hosting – #1 Top Pick –

The concept of reseller hosting is very unique in the hosting industry.

This kind of hosting actually allows you to earn an income from your hosting account.

Hosting clients have taken advantage of this and are creating and benefiting from the reselling of their own hosting packages.




The process is not an involved one and you will promote or use networking to sell hosting plans to your customers after you has signed-up for reseller hosting with a reseller hosting company.

Best Reseller Hosting – 2016 Top Pick (INMOTION HOSTING #1)

Site Flippers and Website Developers (Reseller Hosting)

Reseller hosting can be purchased for many reasons and one reason would be for the purpose of reselling the hosting to others so that you can earn an income from your reseller account.

Web developers create websites for webmaster and for businesses, but they also purchase websites from other sellers, improve on them and flip them for a profit.

Cheap Reseller hosting is a model used at the basis of many successful businesses.

It is a unique business concept and is fast developing in the industry.

Using a reseller hosting to aid your SEO efforts is yet another reason for the purchase this type of account.

The reseller account can be used to build different websites that can be interlinked in a specific strategy that will generate link juice for the sites and in that way the strategy will assist the site in achieving higher rankings in the SEs (search engines).

What must be born in mind is that you should be careful to populate the site with only unique and valuable content.

For this technique it would be wise to purchase a few additional IP addresses.

These extra IP addresses are needed because the search engines would disapprove of sites with the same IP address interlinking – it would appear to them that they are trying to game the search engines.

Reseller Web Hosting by INMOTIONHOSTING (Top Reseller Hosting)

To us at Daily Hosting, INMOTIONHOSTING reseller plan is a good one for many reasons.

The amount charged for the reseller account with Inmotion Hosting is just $16 each month.

If you choose to you can totally re-brand the look of your Cpanel and change the name of your server.

The whole process will be transparent to your clients and they will not even realize that you are reselling hosting to them.

Most likely they will not even ask if that is what you are doing.

Once you set up with a good and reliable web hosting company, then the use of the reseller account to resell hosting could not be a better niche market for you to be in.

Several Money Making Opportunities with Reseller Hosting (Top Reseller Hosting)

Making money in the huge hosting market is a simple task to achieve.

You will follow a process of advertising and growing your business.

The reseller cloud hosting provides yet another opportunity for webmasters of small websites and site flippers, who are just looking to create additional websites for their businesses.

So a web developer can expand his range of offered services to include reseller hosting services, so that the building and the hosting of created websites will now form a new and complete package offering for his clients.

That is the way to multiply his profits, by adding additional services.

Once a site flipper has completed the job of website creation for his client, he will then give the new owner his access to his own Cpanel, and authorized login.

This is almost a business in a box model that would be much appreciated especially by those new to web hosting.

These new site flippers are so unfamiliar with the terms used in the industry that they would be appreciative of any help they could get.

Offering a package of new website and hosting makes the process easy and simple.

The amount of interest generated for the reseller business model has increased tremendously in this huge lucrative hosting market.

There are so many advantages of having reseller hosting including the opportunity to make money from it, and also because of the flexibility of its offers.

People new to hosting should exercise some caution until they have had a change to educate themselves.

Reseller Web Hosting Questions And Answers!

Inmotion Hosting offers reseller website builders, to start your new adventure .

We use cpanel for all cpanel reseller hosting solutions, and eCommerce reseller hosting tool’s so you can launch your business right from the start without any issues.

Our support is 24/7 , so if you need any assistance with your reseller hosting account, please call us or open a ticket.

We strive to be the most reliable reseller hosting provider , we stand by our product.

With our biggest plan we offer any reseller web host a free whmcs.

It is the greatest web hosting billing system you can use.

Any major web host uses a whmcs to handle all there billing. Also ask us about your free merchant account .

Q. What is Reseller WebHosting ?

A. This allows you the chance to set up your own reseller hosting service business, under your own company and domain name.
When you sign up for a web hosting reseller, you are purchasing an set amount of disk space and bandwidth, which you may then divide up and ‘resell’ to your own clients.

You can choose the account limits, disk space, and the price you want to charge your clients – in other words, you’re 100% in control!

The best hosting reseller company will offer you a number of big benefits.

If you are a webdeveloper or webdesigner, you can host all of your own websites and your customer’s under one reseller host account.

You can sell your hosting services to your own client base and to anyone you want.

You can even give web hosting accounts away to family and friends and business associates.

A reseller hosting account works in numerous ways.

With reseller hosting, you really can operate your own hosting business without the expensive infrastructure, webservers, bandwidth and web host staff.

It’s a easy way to make a good money with relatively little risk or financial risk and expense!

Q. Do I have to be An Expert to own my own reseller web hosting services Company?

A. You don’t need to be an expert, but having some basic experience of the procedures will definitely help you achieve your goals.

Most reseller web hosting service providers are webhosting customers first, and that experience always provides enough knowledge and power to get started.

Inmotion Hosting does provide excellent support to  reseller web host resellers, and they help you get set up and answer and questions you might have on everything from getting domains to being a reseller web ecommerce host solution.

As a web host reseller, you will be the person they contact for all there questions, and you will provide all support to them.

If there is something you don’t know or understand you can ask us.

Make sure your 100% comfortable with running your own business and learning as you go.

(keep reading to learn all your responsibility’s of being a reseller web host.

Q. How do I set up a reseller hosting company?
A. Right after you purchase your reseller web account, you will have total access to our Web Host Manager (WHM), the reseller web interface.

Through this reseller interface, you will be able to easily create and manage packages for all of your customers. This is also referred to the reseller website creation service center.

Your customers will have access to a cPanel reseller hosting control panel, through which they can create and maintain all of there websites.

Hostoople provides all reseller hosting customers with an excellent web hosting reseller startup guide, which will walk you through the steps involved in setting up your reseller web host account.

Hostoople has customer support available 24/7 by tickets, phone and chat.

Q. How do we Make Our Own Reseller Web Design For Our New Business?
A. This is very simple, once you sign up , you log into your cpanel for the main domain and use the reseller website builder at the bottom of the page.

It is trendy tools, it has an amazing
website builder that you can upload your own pictures or images and choose your fonts, text style and colors.

Of course you can design your own and use wordpress or joomla and even have a webdesigner make your website as well.

Q. How Do I Manage My Linux Reseller Hosting Account?
A. All of our reseller webhosting accounts come with 2 control panels:

Reseller Web Hosting Manager (WHM) allows you creation and management your customer accounts;

Your customers’ cPanel will allow them to create and manage all their websites.

With WHM, it is quite simple to manage and create all sub accounts.

You Can:

Set up all new accounts

Control all disk space, bandwidth usage by creating packages

Email all your customers

Change sub account passwords, packages themes etc

Check server status, they can open support tickets

Access your webhosting billing software ( provided by you)

And so much more

All Your customers will be 100% responsible for setting up and maintaining their own websites and managing their own web hosting accounts, which they may do through their personal cPanel control panel.

Our cPanel will let them create and manage their websites and email accounts without needing your assistance.

We have so many tools in cpanel that allow them total control over website templates, email, stats, cron jobs.

There is so much control its insane.

Q. Are you not sure which reseller hosting plan to choose.
Or Can I upgrade later?
A. Of course, most start with the smaller package but we also want you to do a reseller hosting comparison on all our plans to see which one fits you best.

Once you do a full web hosting reseller comparison, you can see which plan will fit with your current business needs Do you currently have customers?

Are you starting a new reseller hosting business?

All of this will matter as you choose your first plan by comparing the reseller web hosting comparison chart.

You can always upgrade at anytime , its a simple as logging into your hostnine members area and choosing upgrade .

Q. Is this also considered Multi Domain Hosting?
A.Yes , With your WHM you are hosting multiple websites and domains for 1 low price.

Hostnine is considered one of the best multiple domain hosting companies online.

Why would you want to pay for multi site hosting at different places when you can pay one low monthly fee and never have an increase in your monthly spend.

All of the multiple domain hosting comes with cpanel/Whm as well.

See why they are ranked in the top 10 reseller web hosting from over 30 top review sites.

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What Is Dropshipping? The Ins and Outs of eCommerce Mon, 05 Jul 2021 16:37:47 +0000 Read more]]> What is dropshipping?

Diving into the world of dropshipping can be an exciting avenue for business owners interested in simplified eCommerce.

Instead of handling and storing products on your own, you work with third parties to supply your customers.

There are plenty of interesting factoids to consider when becoming a dropshipper, which we’ll explore here.

What Is Dropshipping?

The simplest way to understand dropshipping is to look at it as a fulfillment method.

Instead of an individual store stocking its products, the store uses a third-party supplier.

Basically, you purchase products from this supplier, which they then ship directly to the customer.

Small business owners can often prefer this process, as you don’t need to worry about warehouse space.

Also, you won’t be responsible for managing to ship your products, which many find to be more convenient.

It’s usually recommended for businesses searching for a more hands-off approach to selling.

Entrepreneurs are most likely to find dropshipping to be advantageous because of its simpler business model.

Your primary responsibilities will be attracting new customers and processing orders, reducing your workload.

However, you will still be able to reap the majority of the profit from your sales, which can make it rewarding.

With that said, there are plenty of advantages and disadvantages to dropshipping, as with any business model.

Many entrepreneurs boast about all of the advantages, but there are plenty of hard truths to consider.

What Are the Benefits of Dropshipping?

There are several positive outcomes of starting a dropshipping business, which is why they are as popular as they are.

Let’s take a look at some of the most noticeable advantages you are likely to come across.

Easy Startup

Compared to other entrepreneurial ventures, it is incredibly easy to start a dropshipping business.

As long as you can learn and understand the basic tenets of the process, anyone can do it.

You won’t need to worry about renting a warehouse or paying for a team to manage products.

With that said, it does not mean that dropshipping is something you can start doing in seconds.

You must learn about the most valuable tools to help you get started.

For example, you need to know how to find third-party suppliers, manage orders, maximize outreach, and more.

Impressive Scalability

As you won’t have to worry about the hands-on aspect of managing products, scaling your dropshipping business is simple.

Unlike other business ventures, this avenue allows you to allocate the same amount of time and effort over the coming years.

You will likely have to focus more on marketing as your business gets more prominent, but managing products will stay the same.

Another considerable contributor to the scalability of dropshipping businesses is their limited costs.

Even as companies get larger, you won’t notice a significant increase in your overhead.

However, traditional brick-and-mortar stores will experience higher costs.

For example, you might have to purchase larger warehouses and hire more employees to manage your own inventory.

As a dropshipper, the most you will have to worry about is ensuring you find a supplier with enough inventory to meet demand.

Lower Immediate Investments

If you were to ask any dropshipping professional why they got started, their first reason is low capital.

It is unlikely you will need to come up with tens of thousands of dollars to get started as a small dropshipper.

Most entrepreneurs start their venture from their personal laptops without requiring significant investments.

Then, even as time goes on, the amount you put into your business will stay the same.

The significant advantages of lower direct investments are prevalent when comparing dropshipping to traditional business models.

Incredible Flexibility

When you own a traditional brick-and-mortar business, your hands will be tied in every area of the company.

You’ll have to manage marketing, inventory, selling, customer experience, shipping, and more.

Even with a team, it is likely you will feel like your hands are full of responsibilities.

Dropshipping, on the other hand, helps improve your flexibility as a business owner.

The majority of the day-to-day inventory tasks are managed through the third-party supplier.

This process allows you to focus more on marketing and outreach, growing your consumer base.

Another significant advantage of its flexibility is that you maintain complete control over your time.

Business owners can come up with strategies without needing to double-check with other owners.

You also have the opportunity to automate the majority of your processes, allowing your business to run itself over time.

do you know what is dropshipping

The Hard Truths About Dropshipping

Now that you have an idea of the benefits of dropshipping, it’s important to consider the disadvantages.

As with any business venture, it is not the perfect model for everyone looking to make a liveable wage.

Let’s take a look at a few of the most discussed issues with a dropshipping business.

Lower Profit Margins

The most significant issue with dropshipping is that your profits are likely to be considerably lower.

It is important to note that although third-party suppliers streamline processes, they also need to be paid.

Every product you sell will have a percentage going to your supplier and the rest you use for yourself.

A chunk of your profit will also need to be reinvested into new products with good business practices.

Likely, you won’t be making a significant amount of money when you first start your business.

When working in highly competitive niches, such as affordable electronics accessories, profits are even lower.

There are several components that you need to consider when it comes to calculating your profits.

You will need to account for additional expenses, cut your profits that go to the third party, and competitive prices.

This point is crucial within competitive niches, as other sellers can quickly undercut your costs.

Many dropshippers suggest that the discounts you get from wholesale products make up for your loss of profits.

However, it is likely your discounts will be less than 20%, which isn’t considerable enough to make a difference.

Also, as most of your sales come from direct site traffic, a lot of time and money must be invested in online marketing.

Highly Competitive Avenues

You can guarantee you are not the only person in the world who has ever considered dropshipping.

In fact, it is one of the fastest-growing eCommerce industries in the world.

With that said, most products that you think are an excellent idea for dropshipping are highly competitive.

Not only are you competing with sellers in your immediate area but around the world as well.

It is easy for first-time entrepreneurs to get overly excited about the low overhead of dropshipping without considering competitiveness.

You will need to offer competitive pricing, an easy checkout experience, and high-quality products simultaneously.

Also, you will be competing with dropshipping companies with established, loyal audiences unlikely to jump ship.

The larger your competitors are, the easier it will be to reduce their pricing to stay at the forefront.

As a small startup, you are likely to have higher prices, limiting your competitiveness in top-tier niches.

Lack of Control

Business owners who prefer to have a hands-on approach to their business aren’t suited for dropshipping.

In fact, if you want to maintain control over the main aspects of business, it’s not the right avenue for you.

You will have little say in fulfillment speeds, the quality of your products, or even return policies.

All of these aspects are the responsibility of the third-party supplier, which can be challenging to manage.

This point is significant to consider if you use international suppliers.

You won’t be able to visit the warehouse for in-person appointments, and there are often significant language barriers.

The most that you can do with the majority of suppliers is register complaints with the company.

You will then be at their mercy to hope that they improve their efficiency or product quality without assurances.

Relying so heavily on another company can be disastrous, especially if product quality is a significant concern.

Customer service is a significant part of eCommerce, and with poor consumer experiences, your reputation becomes worse.

Knowing how vocal customers are, you might begin incurring negative reviews before getting a handle on the issues.

This reason is why some of the best dropshippers work with local wholesale manufacturers rather than international options.

Forced Accountability

Another considerable disadvantage to dropshipping that’s often overlooked is accountability.

Remember, your company is not responsible for manufacturing, packaging, and shipping the product.

You are simply connecting consumers with another company’s items that you’re selling and taking a cut from.

With that said, any issues consumers experience with products will feel like your direct responsibility.

If a customer has an issue with quality control, it will be seen as your fault.

Products that arrive late due to poor shipping efficiency could also result in negative reviews.

In these cases, you will not only have to accept responsibility as the merchant, but you’ll also have to rectify the situation.

If this does not seem like something you’re interested in, then dropshipping is a business practice to avoid.

How to Make the Most of Dropshipping

As you can tell, there are plenty of pros and cons you’ll experience with dropshipping.

Having top-tier business practices can help make the task far more enjoyable and streamlined.

Let’s take a look at some of the key tips dropshipping entrepreneurs suggest you take into account.

1. It’s best to make dropshipping your side job.

Although it can be tempting to throw a bunch of money into a new venture, quitting your day job isn’t ideal with dropshipping.

Once you establish a solid customer base and start acquiring more income, transitioning to full-time work could be possible.

While it is a source of consistent income for many beginners, the profits are likely to be small at first.

The most important thing to consider with a side hustle is to ensure your primary employer doesn’t have restrictions.

Ensure you didn’t sign a non-compete agreement and ask HR if there are any guidelines about side businesses.

If you are in the clear, it is a great way to make a few extra dollars on the side to build a good nest egg.

2. Take a lot of time to source high-quality suppliers.

One essential task for any dropshipping business is to make sure they work with quality suppliers.

Not only will you want a manufacturer with good products, but one that also has sound business practices.

Avoid companies that use trademarked logos and slogans and those that pay unfair wages to their employees.

It is also important to find suppliers with many years in the dropshipping industry, ensuring they’re prepared for anything.

They should have an efficiently streamlined packing and shipping process as well as inventory management protocols.

The better your supplier manages day-to-day operations, the less of a headache the process will be.

3. Always maintain an open line of communication.

There’s no doubt that you will need to contact your supplier regularly to manage inventory and sales.

It should be easy to contact the business if you have any questions, concerns, or updates.

Dropshippers recommend finding manufacturers that have more than one method of contact.

By keeping an open line of communication, resolving issues will take significantly less time.

The more efficiently you can rectify concerns, the happier your customers will be, resulting in better reviews.

Ideally, choose a supplier with email, phone, and online chat support for quick access during business hours.

4. Don’t forget the importance of online marketing.

It’s important to remember that, with this business venture, all of your sales will be due to internet traffic.

Unlike brick-and-mortar businesses, dropshipping is an entirely online process.

As such, you’ll want to invest the majority of time and money into marketing, attracting more customers to your brand.

Once you’ve developed a good audience, you can then impress them with the quality and efficiency of the buying process.

The more positive experiences you provide, the better your reviews and reputation become.

Final Thoughts

Knowing what is dropshipping can open many doors if you want to get into eCommerce.

You just need to find the perfect supplier and focus on online marketing to start a user-friendly business.

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