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Online Blogging Courses: Learn Blogging with Courses

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You can learn almost everything when you start a blog by yourself but bear in mind that it will take a lot of time for it to actually get off the ground and for you to fully conquer the learning curve.

Moreover, it requires a lot of experimenting and learning from your own mistakes.

If you want to skip all that, the best thing to do is take blogging classes from someone with more experience.

One-on-one sessions with a famous blogger would be the best way to learn blogging, but they’re costly.

Therefore, we suggest online blogging courses.

By learning blogging with courses created by experienced bloggers, you will save yourself some time and money.

What Should a Blogging Course Contain?

image showing an illustration of a woman teaching a blogging course to students on a screen

Blogging isn’t a simple skill that can be learned in one day.

Instead, it’s a set of skills you need for creating and maintaining a successful blog.

A decade ago, the only courses available were writing courses, but blogging requires many more skills today.

Here are some of the most important:

1. Search Engine Optimization

If you want people to see your blog, you’ll have to optimize it for search engines, so it appears on the top of the results.

If you don’t have the proper on-page basics covered, you decrease your chances of ranking.

Blog basics include learning how to do keyword research and how to use some simple SEO tools.

2. Marketing and Psychology

You have to understand human psychology so you can promote your blog more effectively.

Marketing is one of the most essential skills for every blogger, especially affiliate marketing.

It is essential to understand your audience before you can marketing your products or services to them.

I would know. I studied marketing in college.

This is definitely one point that you don’t want to overlook.

3. Monetization

There are several ways to monetize your blog, and you can learn from real-life examples of people who did just that.

Don’t try to recreate the wheel. Instead, take their successes and apply them to your own blog.

You should find a blog program that covers the legal aspect because you may not be able to afford a legal adviser from the beginning.

Lawyers are expensive, so learning to bootstrap what you can will pay off in the long run.

4. Design and Photography

People are attracted by visual things, and they can then decide whether to stay on your blog or leave it.

Learning some basic stuff about design could help you increase the user experience on your website.

It’ll also ensure that you include the most important pages that no blog should be without.

5. Writing Skills

And finally, writing.

Among many writing courses, it’s essential to find one specialized in writing on the internet and not in writing science fiction, for example.

You need to adjust your writing style to your audience.

Their expectations as writing for a blog are very different from, for example, writing a novel.

Related: How to write a blog post that ranks in Google

Which Instructor Should I Choose?

image showing an illustration of a woman teaching a blogging course to students on a screen

If someone promises to help you make six figures within a month from starting your blog, run away from them.

No, seriously, blogging is more like a marathon than a sprint.

It takes consistency, dedication, and patience until you can see the results of your hard work.

Not to say that there’re not people who became rich overnight thanks to their blog.

However, that’s more of an exception than the rule.

You should choose a course organized by a blogger you trust and who has had great results in their careers as proof of their skills.

The best blog programs have more instructors – one for writing, one for marketing, one for design.

No one is great at everything, and that’s fine.

The course’s goal isn’t to help you become a professional designer but to teach you the basics that you can apply daily.

My favorite course is SEO That Works by by Brian Dean at Backlinko.

This course got me started on my SEO journey, and teaches the fundamentals of link building, the right way.

But before you purchase the course, check out the content on his website.


Blogging courses are also an excellent opportunity for networking with other like-minded people.

You don’t get to meet many bloggers daily, right?

The best courses aren’t only held in an online class.

Blogger communities are also part of online blogging courses.

Learn blogging with courses but also make some friends!

Even though most courses are pre-recorded, you should be able to ask questions and get answers.

That’s the real value of paying for the blogging course, not just memorizing the facts.

You could also meet some fantastic fellow bloggers, and you could help each other with promoting your blogs.

Did you know? Networking with others in your industry is a great way to land more consulting clients if you operate a service business. I am a part of a networking group and have landed multiple contracts simply by discussing what I do.

How Much Should I Pay?

Everything depends on what the course offers – whether it’s a basic, intermediate, or an advanced blogging course.

The prices can also vary depending on the course creator, whether it’s someone famous or not.

Excellent courses are worth a lot of money because they can teach you the skills to earn even more money with your blog.

However, if you don’t want to pay a fortune, you can first check some free resources available online.

Your next step should be to browse blogging courses on Udemy, a platform that offers courses on anything and everything.

There are also some special promotions there from time to time.

Pro Tip: Save money on Udemy courses by using a free Udemdy course coupon during signup

Never Stop Learning

The digital world is changing so quickly, and you always have to learn new things.

Just compare the first blogs from the early 2000s with recent ones today.

Yes, the point is the same, but the design has changed a lot, as well as SEO techniques, etc.

It’s not enough to learn blogging once – you have to keep experimenting, learning, and growing all the time.