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Meet Jitendra Vaswani of BloggersIdeas.com

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With over 300 million WordPress sites on the internet, it seems like new WordPress resources and guides popup every day.

Some people thing the industry is flooded with too many WP help sites, while I still think it’s a great way for anyone looking to start a blog or become a better blogger, but also a great way for them build a brand and business of their own in the process.

This is exactly what Jitendra has done with his own network of sites, while also building a nice following and business of his own in the process. Learn more about Jitendra and his sites in this latest edition of Meet the Bloggers.

1.) Please tell us about yourself and how you got into blogging?

Hey Zac , thanks for lot for this interview.

I am Jitendra Vaswani professional blogger and Digital marketing consultant from India. I am founder of internet marketing blog BloggersIdeas.com. It is my first official blog. I also run by digital marketing agency DigieExe.com.

I am engineer by education and digital marketer by profession.

i got into blogging when I was doing my job as SEO specialist in one private company, one of my friend told me that blogging is good resource for making money online and as I was good in SEO so my friend told that start a blog as freelancer and you can learn more while blogging.

So thats how my blogging journey begins. Till now I am enjoying my blogging and love interacting with fellow bloggers too.

2.) What is the focus of your blog and why did you choose that niche?

My focus for blog is affiliate marketing. I choose this niche not only because I am good at it, but there are also many high-paying affiliate programs to choose from. I prefer to do things where I am good at it. I don’t want to mislead anyone where I am not very intellectual.

So internet marketing is very growing niche and I love to guide webmasters in SEO, blogging & various digital marketing niches.

My blog : BloggersIdeas focuses mainly on product reviews, SEO updates & latest digital marketing trends news.

I also run my tech Blog TechNoven.com where I share tech news. This niche is new for me and I am learning a lot in this niche.

3.) How are you currently monetizing your blog traffic?

There are tons of ways to make money blogging, but I currently monetize my blog through these things listed below

I don’t want to stick to any particular monetizing stuff. So I keep experimenting new stuff on my blog. I dont depend on one resource of income. I keep on exploring because depending on 1 resource for income is not good. Marketers should keep on exploring new ways to monetize traffic.

I would suggest all newbie that dont depend on 1 monetizing method keep finding more. Most blogger make these mistakes by depending on 1 resource of income and they then suffer financial crisis. Blogging is very competitive niche so without exploring you cant succeed.

4.) What do you know now that you wish you knew when you first started blogging?

I wish I had computer at the age of 15 I could started blogging at that age. Because currently I am seeing many of teenage blogger who are rocking in blogging and have good knowledge of internet marketing terms like SEO, SMO , PPC , PPV & others.

When i started blogging I wasn’t aware about hosting things, I suffered lot of problems of hosting with my blog. So wish I could have someone who have guide me by choosing right hosting.

Also I wish I could have right mentor in beginning of blogging because having right mentors help you to succeed more.

5.) What are three blogs that you visit almost daily?

There are many blogs I visit daily but I love these blogs.

I would advise all budding blogger & marketer please keep a habit of reading blogs because through authority blogs you will get updates what is going on in internet marketing world.

So keep a tab on all these updates. You will increase your knowledge and will be able to perform better on your plans.

6.) Can you give us three recommended tools/services that you use with your blogging?

I use many tools for my blogging But I would recommend these3 tools

  • Adwords: Keyword tool
  • SEMrush: Keyword Research
  • Ahrefs: For tracking backlinks
  • Openlinkprofiler.org: Backlink tracking
  • Buffer app : Social sharing
  • Some blackhat Tools
  • Moneyrobot
  • GSA Search engine Ranker

7.) What advice would you have for someone who is just starting with their first blog?

For someone who is starting his/her blog. Keep a tab on these crucial things

  1. Choose a good domain name
  2. Choose the right type of hosting
  3. Choose a niche which you are good at
  4. How many blog posts you need in a week or month
  5. Make a strategy plan & act on it
  6. Have time for social media sharing & interaction too.
  7. Choose right mentors

8.) What’s the best advice or tip you’ve discovered about blogging since getting started?

I have received tips from various top marketers and I have followed their tips very seriously.

The best tip I received is that never depend anyone on blogging. Try do things on your own and search on internet for solution.

Too much dependency kills your talent. So avoid it.

9.) If you only had $100 to start a new blog, how would you use it?

I would choose a expired domain to work on it. Cheap domain names from GoDaddy are a great way to build and make that blog a micro niche blog which don’t need huge investment. Write 2-3 articles on it and build some backlinks for it and you can rank & make money out of it.

Micro niche blog is good investment at 100$.

10.) How can readers of the blog get in touch with you?

My readers can get in touch with via my blogs or social profiles

  • Tech blog: https://www.technoven.com/
  • IM blog: https://www.bloggersideas.com/
  • Personal portfolio: https://jitendra.co/
  • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JitendraBloggerSEO
  • Twitter: @JitendraBlogger

Thanks again Jiendra for taking the time to share your advice and story with the Blogging Tips community. If you would like to learn about other bloggers and how they are finding success online, be sure to read through our blogger interview series.