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  • Email Marketing
  • 100% built for ecommerce, we’ve got all the automated marketing tools, insights, and savvy to turn shopping experiences into useful data streams, emails into earnings, and popups into cha-chings.

  • https://www.drip.com/

Drip is an email marketing business that focuses on e-commerce clients and online businesses.

With Drip, customers can see exactly what their potential clients are looking at, which links they are clicking, and how many emails they would like to see in their inboxes.

Drip focuses on data, lead generation, and converting email subscribers into paying customers.

Based on classic drip campaigns and modern data viewing, Drip is one of the most popular automation campaigns for online businesses.

Drip at a Glance

Read on for more information about Drip.

  • Market Segment: Drip is best for e-commerce and online businesses
  • Best for: Online businesses with heavy web traffic and diverse customer bases
  • Plans & Pricing:
    • Basic Plan: up to 1,500 subscribers for $49 a month
    • Pro Plan: up to 5,000 subscribers for $129 a month
    • Enterprise Plan: above 5,000 subscribers for a personalized rate

What is Drip?

Founded in 2012, Drip emerged as a rival to Mailchimp, the most popular email marketing service.

Using customer data and subscription permissions, Drip allows users to see which customers are most likely to convert from subscribers to paying customers.

Although Drip is smaller than Mailchimp and other rivals, it has a much more robust data tracking and tagging system.

With Drip, you can customize not only your emails but who receives which emails.

For companies with heavy online traffic and different types of customers, this is an excellent option.

What is Drip Used For?

Drip is used for email campaigns and drip marketing. In this style of marketing, the customer receives a series of prewritten emails over time, reminding them about their interest in the company and encouraging them to purchase or subscribe.

Drip has taken this type of marketing to a new level with its customization abilities.

How Drip Works

Drip works by allowing a user to log in and see the data on customers.

The user can then add email automations, drip campaigns, and segmentation to their customer database.

Here is a video on how Drip works and a glimpse at a real account.

Notable Features of Drip

Drip is excellent for specific brands and online markets but doesn’t necessarily work for businesses looking for a simple email marketing campaign.

Here are some of the best features of Drip.

1. User Tagging

The unique feature that Drip offers is the extensive user tagging experience.

If you need to tag a user based on how many times they’ve viewed your website, which emails they’ve opened, or how many purchases they’ve made, you can do it with Drip.

User tagging is convenient for those who need to separate their customer base into segments.

The advanced segmentation in Drip allows a user to split a customer base multiple times and add multiple tags to each customer.

Once you’ve added the tags and created automation, Drip does the rest for you.

2. Customer Data Tracking

Customer data tracking is a huge part of online marketing campaigns.

Once a customer permits you to track their cookies, you can see how many of your subscriber’s open email links, look at products, or interact with your content.

In addition to tracking the status of each email, Drip allows you to track the interactions of your customers.

You can create a lead score based on how active each customer is and adjust their tags and segmentation based on this score.

The higher the lead score is, the more likely customers are to purchase more items.

3. Email Automations

Of course, Drip also offers email automations. With any level of account, you can set up unlimited emails per month and send them whenever a customer triggers a response by making an action.

These email automations range from shipping confirmation to a full drip campaign.

Drip’s email automations are relatively limited, but there are multiple templates available and an easy drag-and-drop design box.

If you would rather create your own email template, you can do this with a little knowledge of coding and some integrations.

4. Integrations

Drip is compatible with multiple integrations, especially online shopping integrations.

If you use Shopify, ShopPay, or another payment site, you can easily integrate it into your Drip account.

While Drip doesn’t have all the possible integrations, it is continually adding new ones.

Integrations aren’t only for payment methods, however.

If you aren’t satisfied with Drip’s email campaign or formatting options, you can add an integration for email design.

There are hundreds of integrations available with Drip.

5. Conditional Formatting

One of the unique features of Drip is the ability to separate emails by who will be receiving them.

However, with conditional formatting, you can add an “if” clause to your marketing campaigns.

For example, if your customer hasn’t subscribed to a certain list, you can add a “subscribe” link to an email.

However, if you are sending the email to multiple groups of recipients, some might have a “sign in” link instead.

With Drip, you can customize the email far beyond the usual name and address.

Are There Any Minimum Requirements Necessary to Use Drip?

There are no minimum requirements for Drip.

All you need to do is sign up for the service and input your specific needs.

You can sign up for Drip with only a few subscribers or import lists of thousands of subscribers from another service.

The only difference will be the price.

How Much Does Drip Cost?

Drip has three plans: basic, pro, and enterprise.

Here are the prices and subscriber cutoffs for each:

  • Basic costs $49 a month and allows up to 2,500 subscribers
  • Pro costs $122 a month and allows up to 5,000 subscribers
  • Enterprise is a customizable subscription for anything over 5,000 subscribers

Unlike other email campaign products, Drip offers all of its features to each level of subscription.

The only price difference is the number of subscribers you have.

However, basic and enterprise plans have all the same features and allowances.

screenshot of the drip pricing table

Does Drip have an Enterprise Version Available?

Drip has a version for Enterprises, which starts when a company reaches over 5,000 subscribers.

This Plan is customized to each business.

If you have over 5,000 subscribers, you will qualify for an enterprise plan and should contact Drip to find out what your payment will be.

Drip Promotions & Savings

When signing up for a new account anywhere, it’s good to take a moment and look for any potential discounts or savings you could input.

Here are the details on Drip’s free trial, promotions, and savings codes.

Does Drip Have a Free Trial?

Drip has a free trial of three weeks for every level of business.

However, there is no free plan, so once you start the trial, you only have a few weeks to decide whether you like the service enough to pay the monthly fee.

This might not be enough time for some businesses, which need a while to build up data and see trends.

Does Drip Offer Coupon Codes?

Drip does not offer coupon codes often but will sometimes run deals or sales on the first month of a subscription.

If you are willing to wait a bit, you might be able to save money on the first part of your Drip subscription by waiting until there is a sale.

Does Drip Have a Lifetime Deal?

Drip does not offer lifetime deals for any level of subscription.

You can save by paying a year’s worth at a time, but there is no lifetime membership available.

Does Drip Usually Offer Black Friday or Cyber Monday Discounts?

Drip doesn’t usually offer Black Friday or Cyber Monday discounts.

They have been known to offer some sales in the past, but nothing extra on Black Friday or Cyber Monday.

If you decide that Drip is for you, it’s best to purchase it when you need it.

Who are Drip’s Main Alternatives?

Of course, Drip isn’t for everyone.

There are multiple options for those looking for a different automation campaign service.

Here are the top three competitors of Drip.

1. Mailchimp

screenshot of the mailchimp homepage

Mailchimp is the biggest competitor for Drip and the largest email campaign automation on the market.

While Drip does an amazing job of creating detailed, segmented customer lists and sending out multiple emails to each segment, MailChimp excels in the basics of email automation.

If you’re looking for a basic service, MailChimp is the way to go.

2. ActiveCampaign

screenshot of the activecampaign homepage

Drip and ActiveCampaign have a lot of similarities.

Both focus on email campaigns and customer segmentation.

However, ActiveCampaign is a bit cheaper than Drip and is better for businesses that aren’t quite as focused on e-commerce.

3. ClickFunnels

ClickFunnels is a site that works on creating the perfect sales funnel.

screenshot of the clickfunnels homepage

With ClickFunnels, you can turn website viewers into customers through email campaigns, online marketing, and automations.

ClickFunnels focuses on making everything automatic so you can work on improving your goods and services.

How does Drip Differentiate Itself From Competitors?

While each of these competitors offers a cheaper option for a wider audience, Drip narrows its focus to e-commerce sites with heavy traffic.

Because of this, the services that Drip offers are perfectly designed to create customer loyalty and in-depth customer relationships.

It makes the sales funnel more personal and keeps your customers coming back for more.

Who is Drip Best For?

Drip is a marketing campaign app that works for any size or type of business.

However, the people who will get the most out of Drip’s extra features are those who work in e-commerce, online sales, or have a website with heavy traffic.

Why Is Drip Best for E-Commerce?

Drip is best for those in large e-commerce businesses or websites with a lot of traffic.

The more you can personalize and split up email campaigns, the easier it will be to bring your website viewers further down the sales funnel.

Is Drip Easy to Use?

Drip is easy to learn after a brief learning curve.

It is necessary to put some time into learning how to best use the automations, user tagging, and formatting functions.

However, once you’ve learned these things, designing and sending an email is easy and will rely on the triggers of your customers.

What Features do Some Users Love?

Here are the features that Drip users love:

  • Excellent customer service
  • Advanced customer tracking and segmentation
  • Data tracking capabilities
  • Easy to design email campaigns
  • Conditional formatting on emails and campaigns

What Features do Some Users Find Frustrating?

Here are the features that are frustrating and could use some work:

  • Not too many email templates
  • The interface can be buggy
  • The learning curve can be difficult
  • Not enough integrations

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions about Drip and their answers.

Hopefully, they help you decide whether Drip is for you or not.

What does Drip stand for in marketing?

DRIP stands for Differentiate, Reinforce, Inform, and Persuade.

This acronym is a standby in marketing, especially online or email marketing campaigns.

It is a specific type of marketing called a DRIP campaign.

A good email campaign will use multiple emails over time to differentiate itself from the competition, reinforce the need for the product, inform the customer about the services offered, and persuade them to make a purchase.

What is an example of a drip campaign?

A drip campaign is a type of online email marketing.

Instead of blasting customers with several emails at once, drip campaigns send a series of emails over a certain period (like a faucet dripping).

Drip campaigns are useful because they can remind customers of the product they might not have purchased the first time.

The campaign keeps potential customers invested long after they have signed up for an email.

Final Thoughts

Drip is an excellent option if you need multi-level, split email campaigns.

The advanced features of Drip are some of the best in the business, while the data tracking of customers is top-notch.

If you need these features, Drip is an excellent candidate for your next email software.

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